

我有一个kotlin应用程序,该应用程序具有4个仪表和大约120个textView数值(进行数字破折号),以及一个串行适配器,该适配器接收数据流,然后解码并显示它,然后获取更多数据并重复。问题是直到串行流停止后,显示屏才更新。我具有流程控制功能,但无法弄清楚如何确定屏幕何时更新或插入延迟以使屏幕赶上。 Thread.sleep()无法正常运行,因为它似乎停止了所有操作,因此运行最多1亿或十亿的计数器也是如此。使用Mik3y串行库。使用felHR85,屏幕可以正常工作,但是流量控制无效。我尝试使用SerialInputOutputManager在新数据到达时获取中断,但是屏幕似乎仍然没有足够的时间来更新。使用较低端的Samsung Tab A 10.1,但应在Android 10(Sdk Ver 30)上具有足够的功能 有什么想法吗? 最好的祝福, 布莱克 这是读取函数,我认为您是对的,将其放在另一个线程上可能会有所帮助,我不是100%如何做到这一点,并在线程之间传递数组缓冲区(rsdash是8196的Byte数组)。我也不确定如何设置线程。

            fun receive(count: Int,timeout: Int): Int {
                val startTime = System.currentTimeMillis()
                val buffer = ByteArray(8196)
                readBytes = 0
                try {
                    while (readBytes <= count) {
                        val lend = _serial.read(buffer,timeout)
                        for (i in 0 until lend) {
                            rsdash[i + readBytes] = buffer[i]
                        readBytes = readBytes + lend
                        if (readBytes >= count) {
                            return readBytes

                        val duration = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime
                        if (duration > timeout) {

                    return readBytes
                } catch (e: IOException) {
                    return 0
// This code is not working,(no interupt,I assume) I am calling Receive() from the main program
        val mListener: SerialInputOutputManager.Listener =
            object : SerialInputOutputManager.Listener {

                override fun onNewData(data: ByteArray) {
                    len = receive(387,400)
                    if (len == 387) {
                        chksum = 0
                        for (i in 0 until 384) chksum = chksum + (rsdash[i].toInt() and 0xFF)
                        chksum = (chksum and 0xFFFF)
                        val chktst =
                            (rsdash[385].toInt() and 0xFF shl 8 or (rsdash[384].toInt() and 0xFF)).toInt()
                        if (chksum == chktst) {
                        } else {
//                        display(rsdash)
                            //                        _serial.purgeHwBuffers(true,true)
                override fun onRunError(e: Exception) {

//这是自动连接串行端口,我也从主程序中调用con = connect()

broadcastReceiver = object : broadcastReceiver() {
    override fun onReceive(context: Context,intent: Intent) {
        if (intent.action == INTENT_ACTION_GRANT_USB) {
            usbPermission = if (intent.getBooleanExtra(
            ) UsbPermission.Granted else UsbPermission.Denied

//这是正在运行的“ main”中的代码。 for循环完成后,屏幕将立即更新。一切看起来都很好,所有校验和都通过了。

        if (con == true) {
            if (_connected == true) {

                for (i in 0 until 200) {
//                    _serial.setRTS(true)
                len = receive(387,400)
                if (len == 387) {
                    chksum = 0
                    for (i in 0 until 384) chksum = chksum + (rsdash[i].toInt() and 0xFF)
                    chksum = (chksum and 0xFFFF)
                    val chktst =
                        (rsdash[385].toInt() and 0xFF shl 8 or (rsdash[384].toInt() and 0xFF)).toInt()
                    if (chksum == chktst) {
                    } else {
//                        display(rsdash)
                        //                        _serial.purgeHwBuffers(true,true)

//The display function is long here are all the values on the display if that helps
        val EgtA = findViewById<ProgressBar>(R.id.EgtA)
        val EgtB = findViewById<ProgressBar>(R.id.EgtB)
        val EgtC = findViewById<ProgressBar>(R.id.EgtC)
        val EgtD = findViewById<ProgressBar>(R.id.EgtD)
        val EgtE = findViewById<ProgressBar>(R.id.EgtE)
        val EgtF = findViewById<ProgressBar>(R.id.EgtF)
        val EgtG = findViewById<ProgressBar>(R.id.EgtG)
        val EgtH = findViewById<ProgressBar>(R.id.EgtH)
        val EgtAN = findViewById<TextView>(R.id.EgtAN)
        val EgtBN = findViewById<TextView>(R.id.EgtBN)
        val EgtCN = findViewById<TextView>(R.id.EgtCN)
        val EgtDN = findViewById<TextView>(R.id.EgtDN)
        val EgtEN = findViewById<TextView>(R.id.EgtEN)
        val EgtFN = findViewById<TextView>(R.id.EgtFN)
        val EgtGN = findViewById<TextView>(R.id.EgtGN)
        val EgtHN = findViewById<TextView>(R.id.EgtHN)
        val O2A = findViewById<ProgressBar>(R.id.O2A)
        val O2B = findViewById<ProgressBar>(R.id.O2B)
        val O2C = findViewById<ProgressBar>(R.id.O2C)
        val O2D = findViewById<ProgressBar>(R.id.O2D)
        val O2E = findViewById<ProgressBar>(R.id.O2E)
        val O2F = findViewById<ProgressBar>(R.id.O2F)
        val O2G = findViewById<ProgressBar>(R.id.O2G)
        val O2H = findViewById<ProgressBar>(R.id.O2H)
        val O2AN = findViewById<TextView>(R.id.O2AN)
        val O2BN = findViewById<TextView>(R.id.O2BN)
        val O2CN = findViewById<TextView>(R.id.O2CN)
        val O2DN = findViewById<TextView>(R.id.O2DN)
        val O2EN = findViewById<TextView>(R.id.O2EN)
        val O2FN = findViewById<TextView>(R.id.O2FN)
        val O2GN = findViewById<TextView>(R.id.O2GN)
        val O2HN = findViewById<TextView>(R.id.O2HN)
        val CFA = findViewById<TextView>(R.id.CFA)
        val CFB = findViewById<TextView>(R.id.CFB)
        val CFC = findViewById<TextView>(R.id.CFC)
        val CFD = findViewById<TextView>(R.id.CFD)
        val CFE = findViewById<TextView>(R.id.CFE)
        val CFF = findViewById<TextView>(R.id.CFF)
        val CFG = findViewById<TextView>(R.id.CFG)
        val CFH = findViewById<TextView>(R.id.CFH)
        val Pr1 = findViewById<TextView>(R.id.Pr1)
        val Pr2 = findViewById<TextView>(R.id.Pr2)
        val Pr3 = findViewById<TextView>(R.id.Pr3)
        val Pr4 = findViewById<TextView>(R.id.Pr4)
        val Pr5 = findViewById<TextView>(R.id.Pr5)
        val throt = findViewById<ProgressBar>(R.id.throt)
        val Throt = findViewById<TextView>(R.id.Throt)
        val Flbs = findViewById<TextView>(R.id.Flbs)
        val Afl = findViewById<TextView>(R.id.Afl)
        val Tim = findViewById<TextView>(R.id.Tim)
        val tach = findViewById<Gauge>(R.id.tach)
        val fuel = findViewById<Gauge>(R.id.fuel)
        val Inj = findViewById<TextView>(R.id.Inj)
        val oil = findViewById<Gauge>(R.id.oil)
        val eng = findViewById<Gauge>(R.id.eng)
        val Batt = findViewById<TextView>(R.id.Batt)
        val O2v = findViewById<TextView>(R.id.O2v)
        val Map = findViewById<TextView>(R.id.Map)
        val Mat = findViewById<TextView>(R.id.Mat)
        val Baro = findViewById<TextView>(R.id.Baro)
        val Air = findViewById<TextView>(R.id.Air)
        val Air2 = findViewById<TextView>(R.id.Air2)
        val CF = findViewById<TextView>(R.id.CF)
        val TO2 = findViewById<TextView>(R.id.TO2)
        val Oilt = findViewById<TextView>(R.id.Oilt)
        val Trnt = findViewById<TextView>(R.id.Trnt)
        val TTL = findViewById<TextView>(R.id.TTL)
        val TTR = findViewById<TextView>(R.id.TTR)
        val Cjl = findViewById<TextView>(R.id.Cjl)
        val Cjr = findViewById<TextView>(R.id.Cjr)
        val Cjs = findViewById<TextView>(R.id.Cjs)
        val Sp1 = findViewById<TextView>(R.id.Sp1)
        val Sp2 = findViewById<TextView>(R.id.Sp2)
        val Sp3 = findViewById<TextView>(R.id.Sp3)
        val Sp4 = findViewById<TextView>(R.id.Sp4)
        val Sp5 = findViewById<TextView>(R.id.Sp5)
        val Xa = findViewById<TextView>(R.id.Xa)
        val Ya = findViewById<TextView>(R.id.Ya)
        val Za = findViewById<TextView>(R.id.Za)



        fun connect(): Boolean {
            val drivers = UsbSerialProber.getDefaultProber().findAllDrivers(_usbManager)
            if (drivers.isEmpty()) {
                return false

            val driver = drivers[0]
            val _connection = _usbManager.openDevice(driver.device)
            if (_connection == null) {
                _connected = false
                return false

            val port = driver.ports[0]
            if (port == null) {
                _connected = false
                return false

            try {
                _serial = port
                _connected = true

//                if (withIoManager) {
//                    usbIoManager = SerialInputOutputManager(usbSerialPort)
//                    Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor().submit(usbIoManager)
//                }
                //usbIoManager = SerialInputOutputManager(_serial,this)
                usbIoManager = SerialInputOutputManager(_serial,mListener)
//                val submit = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor().submit(usbIoManager)
//                Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor().asCoroutineDispatcher(usbIoManager)

                return true

            } catch (e: IOException) {

                _connected = false
                return false
//        mainLooper = Handler(Looper.getMainLooper())

        broadcastReceiver = object : BroadcastReceiver() {
            override fun onReceive(context: Context,intent: Intent) {
                if (intent.action == INTENT_ACTION_GRANT_USB) {
                    usbPermission = if (intent.getBooleanExtra(
                    ) UsbPermission.Granted else UsbPermission.Denied
        //mainLooper = Handler(Looper.getMainLooper())