



Option Explicit

Public TimerActive As Boolean
Public FirstLoginTime As Date
Public CurrentActivityTime As Date
Public CurrentActivityTime1 As Date
Public PreviousLoginHours As Date

'To update Activity and Other hours on all the cards available on Activity Tracker

Sub Timer()
    Application.DisplayAlerts = False
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    If TimerActive Then
        Dim TotalTime,ActivityTime,ActivityTime1
        TotalTime = Format(((Now() - FirstLoginTime) + PreviousLoginHours),"HH:MM:SS")
        If CurrentActivityTime > 0 Then
            ActivityTime = Format(((Now() - CurrentActivityTime)),"HH:MM:SS")
            ActivityTracker.CurrentActivityHours.Caption = ActivityTime
        End If
        If CurrentActivityTime1 > 0 Then
            ActivityTime1 = Format(((Now() - CurrentActivityTime1)),"HH:MM:SS")
            ActivityTime = Format(((Now() - CurrentActivityTime) - (Now() - CurrentActivityTime1)),"HH:MM:SS")
            ActivityTracker.CurrentActivityHours1.Caption = ActivityTime1
            ActivityTracker.CurrentActivityHours.Caption = ActivityTime
        End If
        Application.OnTime Now() + TimeValue("00:00:01"),"Timer"
        ActivityTracker.WorkingHours.Caption = TotalTime
    End If
    Application.DisplayAlerts = True
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    Exit Sub
  MsgBox Err.Description,vbCritical,"Error"
  Application.DisplayAlerts = True
  Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub 


Private Sub cmdStart_Click()
    Application.DisplayAlerts = False
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    Me.txtDate = TodayDate()                                                'Date user defined function
    'On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
 If Me.lstActivityCode.Value = "Break" Then                                 'If Task is Break then no validation requried
    CurrentActivityTime = Now()
    Call Add_StartEntry(Me.lstActivityCode.Value,True,CurrentActivityTime) 'Checked
    Call Lock_UserInput
 ElseIf Validation = True And Me.lstActivityCode.Value <> "Break" Then      'If task is not break then validation required.
    CurrentActivityTime = Now()
    Call Add_StartEntry(Me.lstActivityCode.Value,CurrentActivityTime)
    Call Lock_UserInput
    Exit Sub
 End If
End Sub




Option Explicit
Dim Activity_1_Timer As Double
Dim MyTimer_1 As Double
Dim Activity_1_Running As Boolean

Dim Activity_2_Timer As Double
Dim MyTimer_2 As Double
Dim Activity_2_Running As Boolean

Dim TimerDiff_1 As Double
Dim TimerDiff_2 As Double

Private Sub Btn_Activity_1_Timestamp_Click()
    If Activity_1_Running = True Then
        TimerDiff_1 = MyTimer_1 - Now
        If Activity_2_Running = False Then
            Activity_1_Timer = Activity_1_Timer + TimerDiff_1
            TimerDiff_2 = MyTimer_2 - Now
            Activity_1_Timer = Activity_1_Timer + TimerDiff_1 - TimerDiff_2
        End If
    End If
    MyTimer_1 = Now
    Debug.Print "Act 1: " & Format(Activity_1_Timer,"hh:mm:ss")
    Activity_1_Running = True
    Activity_2_Running = False
End Sub

Private Sub Btn_Activity_2_Timestamp_Click()
    If Activity_2_Running = True Then
        TimerDiff_2 = MyTimer_2 - Now
        If Activity_1_Running = False Then
            Activity_2_Timer = Activity_2_Timer + TimerDiff_2
            TimerDiff_1 = MyTimer_1 - Now
            Activity_2_Timer = Activity_2_Timer + TimerDiff_2 - TimerDiff_1
        End If
    End If
    MyTimer_2 = Now
    Debug.Print "Act 2: " & Format(Activity_2_Timer,"hh:mm:ss")
    Activity_2_Running = True
    Activity_1_Running = False
End Sub

Private Sub Btn_Reset_Click()
    Activity_1_Timer = 0
    Activity_2_Timer = 0
    MyTimer_1 = 0
    MyTimer_2 = 0
    Activity_1_Running = False
    Activity_2_Running = False
    Debug.Print "Act 1: " & Format(Activity_1_Timer,"hh:mm:ss")
    Debug.Print "Act 2: " & Format(Activity_2_Timer,"hh:mm:ss")
End Sub


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