尽管有一个小故障。显然,DOS希望用户在图形屏幕上进行操作时,能够在不借助任何光标的情况下编辑命令行!从应用程序调用的DOS.BufferedInput function 0Ah也是如此。
要在用户应用程序和DOS命令行中同时获得光标功能,解决方案是编写Terminate and Stay Resident(TSR)程序。而且,如果将其添加到AUTOEXEC.BAT中,则无需考虑安装它!
短语“输入时光标可用 ”无异于说在大多数情况下都应禁用光标(...)。然后,为了使光标在命令提示符下自动显示,驱动程序钩住了int28h中断,在输入过程中DOS会不断调用该中断。 int28h信号用作临时启用光标。此后不久,int08h信号将再次禁用光标。
忠实模仿文字视频光标。这意味着覆盖模式下划线,插入模式下半格。光标必须以大约2 Hz的频率闪烁。为了获得闪烁效果,驱动程序查看BIOS 18.2 Hz计时器。光标每四分之一秒改变一次相位(ON / OFF)。这个速率非常接近我们在文本视频模式下获得的速率。光标将根据位于线性地址0417h的BIOS.KeyboardFlags的第7位,在下划线(用于覆盖)和半单元格(用于插入)之间正确切换形状。光标驱动程序支持以下屏幕模式:13:320x200x4,14:640x200x4,15:640x350x2,16:640x350x4,17:640x480x1,18:640x480x4,19:320x200x8。
占地面积小。我愿意安装任何(有用的)TSR与TSR程序的大小成反比。我很高兴地说,这个TSR非常紧凑,只有624个字节,包括Memory Control Block(MCB)!当然要达到这个小尺寸,必须做出让步,导致一些瑕疵(偶尔有视觉残留)。选择完美的光标可能需要过多的内存。
收回PSP 。这是一个三步过程。首先,安装程序将驻留代码下移到内存中,以覆盖大部分Program Segment Prefix(PSP),但要注意不要破坏前面的重要数据,其次是调用DOS.TerminateAndStayResident function 31h,然后是其余的字节。旧的PSP用作驱动程序的后台缓冲区。可以收回整个PSP,因为此驱动程序永远不必调用任何DOS函数!
限制api 必要的api已添加到BIOS.GetModeInfo function 0Fh中,该api通常报告以下内容:视频模式编号,列数和活动显示页面。这些项目在
寄存器中返回。添加的2个子功能使用相同的寄存器。子功能AX=0F01h EBX="CURS"
EnableGraphicsCursor 和AX=0F02h EBX="CURS"
DisableGraphicsCursor 期望在EBX
的未修改内容构成证明已安装驱动程序,因为普通的Video BIOS函数0Fh永远不会产生这些值! -
忘记速度,这是速度根本不会成为问题的场合之一。如果仔细检查源代码,您会发现许多速度上的低效率,例如使用Self Modifying Code和冗余保存许多VGA寄存器,但是由于我的光标对象非常小,几乎不需要随时间更改,没关系。
; ***************************************
; * GraphicsCursor v1.00 01/10/2020 *
; ***************************************
; Memory map:
; 0000h PixelBuffer ; b7 Graphics mode 1=Yes 0=No
; 0040h CursorCtrl ---> ; b6 Cursor enable 1=Yes 0=No
; 0041h Code (first) ; b5 Int28 1=Yes 0=No
; 025Dh Code (last) ; b4 Cursor shown 1=Yes 0=No
ZZ=0103h-0041h ; Relocation factor
ORG 256
jmp Start
; --------------------------------------
Modes db 00'0'01000b,01'0'01000b,01'1'01110b
db 01'1'01110b,01'1'10000b,11'0'01000b
; --------------------------------------
New08: and byte [cs:CC],11011111b ; Clearing Int28
Old08: jmp 08h*4:New08-ZZ
; --------------------------------------
New28: or byte [cs:CC],00100000b ; Setting Int28
Old28: jmp 28h*4:New28-ZZ
; --------------------------------------
New10: test ah,ah
jz .SetVideoMode
cmp ebx,"CURS"
jne Old10
cmp ax,0F01h
jb Old10
je .EnableGraphicsCursor
cmp ax,0F02h
ja Old10
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
call HideC
and byte [cs:CC],10011111b
or byte [cs:CC],01000000b
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Old10_: call 0:0
TestG: pusha
push ds
xor ax,ax
mov ds,ax
mov al,[0449h] ; BIOS.CurrentDisplayMode
push cs
pop ds
and al,127
sub al,13 ; Modes [0,12] are unsupported modes
cmp al,7
jnb .NOK ; Unsupported mode,AH=0
mov bx,Modes-ZZ
xlatb ; -> AL is ModeInfo xx'y'zzzzzb
aam 64
mov [Prep-ZZ+44],ah ; {0=Mode13,1=Modes[14,18],3=Mode19}
mov [ShowC-ZZ+10],al ; ModeInfo 00'y'zzzzzb
.OK: mov ah,10000000b
.NOK: mov [CC],ah ; AH={0,128}
pop ds
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Old10: jmp 10h*4:New10-ZZ
; --------------------------------------
New16: cmp byte [cs:CC],10100000b ; Gfx AND (Cursor enabled OR Int28) ?
jb Old16 ; No
push ax ; (1)
and ah,11001111b ; Function number
cmp ah,1
ja .Other ; Not in {00h,01h,10h,11h,20h,21h}
pushf ; (2)
push ds ; (3)
push 0
pop ds
je .CheckForKeystroke
.Loop: test byte [cs:CC],01100000b ; (Cursor enabled OR Int28) ?
jz .HideC ; No,Int28 fell off!
test byte [046Ch],00000100b ; BIOS.Timer CursorPhase
jz .OFF
.ON: call ShowC
mov ax,[041Ah] ; BIOS.KeyboardBufferHead
cmp ax,[041Ch] ; BIOS.KeyboardBufferTail
je .Loop ; No key waiting
.OFF: call HideC
mov ax,[041Ch] ; BIOS.KeyboardBufferTail
je .Loop ; No key waiting
jmp .Done ; Key is available
test byte [046Ch],00000100b ; BIOS.Timer CursorPhase
jz .HideC
call ShowC
jmp .Done
.HideC: call HideC
.Done: pop ds ; (3)
popf ; (2)
.Other: pop ax ; (1)
Old16: jmp 16h*4:New16-ZZ
; --------------------------------------
; IN (ds=0) OUT ()
ShowC: test byte [cs:CC],00010000b
jnz .RET ; Already shown
mov al,0 ; SMC,ModeInfo 00'y'zzzzzb
aam 32
movzx si,ah ; [0,1]
inc si ; Thickness {1,2,2}
cbw ; CellHeight {8,14,16}
movzx bx,byte [0462h] ; BIOS.CurrentDisplayPage
shl bx,1
mov cx,[0450h+bx] ; BIOS.CursorColumn
xchg dl,ch ; BIOS.CursorRow
shl cx,3 ; -> X
inc dx
imul dx,ax ; -> Y (Below the matrix)
test byte [0417h],128 ; BIOS.InsertMode ?
jz .a ; No
shr ax,1 ; Half-cell
mov si,ax
.a: cmp al,16
jb .b
dec dx
.b: push ds ; (1)
push cs
pop ds
xor di,di ; PixelBuffer
mov [HideC-ZZ+12],si ; Thickness
mov [HideC-ZZ+15],dx ; Y
mov [HideC-ZZ+18],cx ; X
mov bl,7 ; White
.c: dec dx
.d: call ReadPixel ; -> AL
mov [di],al
inc di
call WritePixel
inc cx ; Next X
test cl,bl ; BL=7
jnz .d
sub cx,8
dec si
jnz .c
call ReadPixel ; -> AL
mov [HideC-ZZ+26],al ; CursorColor
or byte [CC],00010000b
pop ds ; (1)
.RET: ret
; --------------------------------------
; IN () OUT ()
HideC: test byte [cs:CC],00010000b
jz .RET ; Currently not shown
xor di,di ; PixelBuffer
mov si,Thickness
mov dx,Y
mov cx,X
; First see if our cursor is still there
pusha ; (1)
.a: dec dx ; Next Y
.b: call ReadPixel ; -> AL
cmp al,CursorColor
jne .c ; Not white
inc cx ; Next X
test cl,7
jnz .b
sub cx,8
dec si
jnz .a
.c: popa ; (1)
jnz .f ; Impaired cursor: abandon restoration
; Restore background ; and consider it is hidden
.d: dec dx ; Next Y
.e: mov bl,[cs:di]
inc di
call WritePixel
inc cx ; Next X
test cl,7
jnz .e
sub cx,8
dec si
jnz .d
.f: and byte [cs:CC],11101111b
.RET: ret
; --------------------------------------
; IN (cx,dx) OUT (cx,dx=03CEh,ds:si) MOD (al,di)
Prep: mov si,cx ; X
mov di,dx ; Y
push cs
pop ds
mov dx,03CEh ; -> DX is Graphics Controller
in al,dx ; Read Address register
mov [Rest-ZZ+13],al
mov al,8
out dx,al
inc dx
in al,dx ; Read BitMask register
dec dx
mov [Rest-ZZ+10],4
out dx,dx ; Read ReadMapSelect register
dec dx
mov [Rest-ZZ+6],5
out dx,dx ; Read Mode register
mov [Rest-ZZ+2],al
imul di,40 ; Y
shl di,2 ; SMC {0 is x40,1 is x80,3 is x320}
mov al,2
cmp [$-ZZ-3],al
pushf ; (1) CF=0 mode 19,CF=1 other modes
jnb @f
out dx,al ; -> Mode register (mode 2)
shr si,3 ; X
@@: add si,di
push 0
pop ds
add si,[044Eh] ; BIOS.StartCurrentPage
push 0A000h
pop ds ; -> DS:SI is PixelAddress
and cx,7 ; X Mod 8
dec dx ; -> DX=03CEh
popf ; (1)
; --------------------------------------
; IN (cx,dx) OUT (al)
push ds
call Prep ; -> CX DX=03CEh DS:SI CF (AL DI)
jnc .Is19
.Other: xor cx,7 ; -> CX is PixelBitNumber
mov bl,0
mov ax,0304h ; Plane 3
@@: out dx,ax ; -> Read Map Select register
bt [si],cx
rcl bl,1
dec ah ; Plane 2 then 1 then 0
jns @b
jmp .Done
.Is19: mov bl,[si]
.Done: mov bp,sp
mov [bp+16],bl ; pusha.AL
; --- --- --- --- --- --- --
Rest: mov ax,0005h ; SMC,Original Mode register
out dx,ax
mov ax,0004h ; SMC,Original ReadMapSelect register
out dx,0008h ; SMC,Original BitMask register
out dx,00h ; SMC,Original Address register
out dx,al
pop ds
; --------------------------------------
; IN (bl,cx,dx) OUT ()
push ds
call Prep ; -> CX DX=03CEh DS:SI CF (AL DI)
jnc .Is19
.Other: mov ax,8008h
shr ah,cl ; -> AH is PixelMask
out dx,ax ; -> BitMask register
mov cl,[si] ; Dummy read
.Is19: mov [si],bl ; Write color
jmp Rest
; --------------------------------------
db 15 dup 0
; --------------------------------------
Start: cld
; Showing copyright
mov dx,.Logo
mov ah,09h ; DOS.PrintString
int 21h
; Searching installed copy of this program
mov dx,es ; Scanning memory below this program
mov bx,0051h ; and above the BIOS vars
.Scan: mov ds,bx ; using a 14-byte signature
mov di,0103h
mov si,0041h
mov cx,14
repe cmpsb
je .Found ; CF=0 means installed
inc bx
cmp bx,dx
jb .Scan
stc ; CF=1 means not installed
.Found: mov ds,dx
pushf ; (1)
; Checking commandline
mov ecx,[0080h]
cmp cx,0D00h ; C:\>CURSOR
je .Naked
.Text: mov dx,.Self
mov ah,09h ; DOS.PrintString
int 21h
mov dx,.No
popf ; (1a)
jc .Go ; Not installed
cmp ecx,0D3F2002h ; C:\>CURSOR ?
je .Is
mov dx,.YesDo1
mov ax,0F01h
cmp ecx,0D312002h ; C:\>CURSOR 1
je .Do
mov dx,.Help
cmp ecx,0D302002h ; C:\>CURSOR 0
jne .Go
mov dx,.YesDo0
mov ax,0F02h
.Do: mov ebx,"CURS"
int 10h ; -> AX=[0F01h,0F02h]
jmp .Go
.Is: mov es,bx ; -> ES=Segment TSR
mov dx,.YesIs0
test byte [es:CC],01000000b ; Cursor enabled ?
jz .Go
mov dx,.YesIs1
.Go: jmp .Quit_
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
; Testing installed
.Naked: popf ; (1b)
jnc .Exist ; Already installed
; Hooking system timer,video BIOS,keyboard,and DOSOK
.New: cli
mov bx,Old08+1
call ChangeIntVect ; -> EAX
mov bx,Old10+1
call ChangeIntVect ; -> EAX
mov [Old10_+1],eax
mov bx,Old16+1
call ChangeIntVect ; -> EAX
mov bx,Old28+1
call ChangeIntVect ; -> EAX
; Reclaiming space from the PSP
mov si,0103h
mov di,0041h
@@: movsb
cmp si,Start
jb @b ; (*)
; Setting up some vars depending on current video mode
mov [$+8],cs
pushf ; TestG ends with an 'iret'
call 0:TestG-ZZ
; Freeing the environment
mov es,[002Ch]
mov ah,49h ; DOS.ReleaseMemory
int 21h
; Ending program but keeping its TSR portion
mov dx,.OK_
mov ah,di ; (*)
shr dx,4
mov ax,3100h ; DOS.TerminateAndStayResident
int 21h
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
; A subsequent invocation w/o parameter removes the TSR from memory
.Exist: mov es,bx ; -> ES=Segment TSR
; Checking ownership interrupt vectors
xor ax,ax ; -> DS=Segment IVT
mov dx,.NOK
mov al,5 ; 'Access denied'
shl ebx,16
mov bx,New08-ZZ
cmp [08h*4],ebx
jne .Quit
mov bx,New10-ZZ
cmp [10h*4],New16-ZZ
cmp [16h*4],New28-ZZ
cmp [28h*4],ebx
jne .Quit
; Unhooking interrupt vectors
mov eax,[es:Old08-ZZ+1]
mov [08h*4],eax
mov eax,[es:Old10-ZZ+1]
mov [10h*4],[es:Old16-ZZ+1]
mov [16h*4],[es:Old28-ZZ+1]
mov [28h*4],eax
; Taking ownership of the TSR memory
mov ax,es
dec ax
mov ds,ax
mov [0001h],cs ; DOS.MCB.Owner
; Releasing the TSR memory
mov ah,49h ; DOS.ReleaseMemory
int 21h ; -> AX CF
jc .Quit ; AL={7,9}
; Ending program
mov dx,.OK
.Quit_: mov al,0 ; 'OK'
.Quit: push cs
pop ds
push ax
mov ah,09h ; DOS.PrintString
int 21h
pop ax
mov ah,4Ch ; DOS.Terminate AL={0,5,7,9}
int 21h
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
.Logo db 'GraphicsCursor v1.00 (c) 2020 Sep Roland',13,10,'$'
.Self db 'CURSOR is $'
.Help db 'a driver that adds an input cursor to the',10
db 'graphics modes: 13: 320x200x4,14: 640x200x4,15: 640x350x2',10
db ' 16: 640x350x4,17: 640x480x1,18: 640x480x4,19: 320x200x8',10
db 'Use: CURSOR (un)install driver',10
db ' CURSOR ? report status',10
db ' CURSOR 1 enable cursor',10
db ' CURSOR 0 disable cursor','$'
.No db 'currently not installed','$'
.YesIs0 db 'installed and currently disabled','$'
.YesIs1 db 'installed and currently enabled','$'
.YesDo0 db 'installed and now disabled','$'
.YesDo1 db 'installed and now enabled','$'
.OK_ db 'CURSOR loaded','$'
.OK db 'CURSOR unloaded','$'
.NOK db 'Failed to unload CURSOR','$'
; --------------------------------------
; IN (bx) OUT (eax)
push si
mov si,cs
xchg si,[bx+2] ; -> SI is offset in IVT
push ds ; (1)
xor ax,ax
mov eax,[cs:bx]
xchg eax,[si]
pop ds ; (1)
mov [bx],eax
pop si
; --------------------------------------
在应用程序中,您可以使用新的Video BIOS子功能:
EnableGraphicsCursor -
报告光标当前处于启用状态还是禁用状态。 -
现在启用光标。 (为DOSBox添加) -
现在禁用光标。 (为DOSBox添加) -
显示帮助文本。 (*是任何文字)
- 因为与普通的DOS不同,DOSBox永远不会在输入过程中调用int28h中断,因此想要在命令提示符下闪烁光标的用户将必须手动启用光标。只需发出命令“ CURSOR 1”。
- 尽管按下 Ins 键后,DOSBox会更新BIOS.KeyboardFlags位于线性地址0417h的第7位,但它只能在插入模式下运行。因此,游标驱动程序将更改游标的外观,但仍将是纯粹的外观更改。
- DOSBox 0.74不支持单色屏幕15:640x350x2
前段时间,我在CodeReview上发布了Rich Edit Form Input程序。这是一个有关输入的应用程序。尽管该程序未专门针对图形屏幕,但程序中没有阻止其在图形屏幕上运行的内容。只是缺少游标会很烦人。
好吧...不再安装今天的CURSOR driver。并且由于此应用程序中的所有输入都使用DOS输入功能,因此如果在真正的DOS上运行,光标将自动出现。如果在DOSBox上,则必须在命令提示符下手动启用光标。