


if circleX - 16 == 0:
    circleX = 16
elif circleY - 16 == 0:
    circleY = 16
elif circleY + 16 == 500:
    circleY = 484
elif circleX + 16 == 500:
    circleX = 484
elif circleY - 16 == 0 and circleX - 16 == 0:
    circleY = 16
    circleX = 16
elif circleY + 16 == 500 and circleX + 16 == 500:
    circleX = 484
    circleY = 484
elif circleY + 16 == 500 and circleX - 16 == 0:
    circleY = 484
    circleX = 16
elif circleY - 16 == 0 and circleX + 16 == 500:
    circleX = 484
    circleY = 16



我建议使用pygame.Rect对象将圆限制在窗口的边界内。下面的window Surface 的显示内容:

radius = 16
clampRect = window.get_rect().inflate(-radius*2,-radius*2)
circleX = max(clampRect.left,min(clampRect.right,circleX))
circleY = max(,min(clampRect.bottom,circleY))


get_rect()生成一个pygame.Rect,其大小为pygame.Surface,与显示器相关联。 inflate()生成一个新的矩形,其大小随圆的直径而改变,该矩形保持围绕其当前中心为中心。




如果它像circleX += 20那样更改变量,则可以传递所有if条件。否则,如果线程环境中的某些事件调用它的速度太快,我们就不能相信circleX的值。


if circleX - 16 <= 0:  # Left border
    circleX = 16
elif circleY - 16 <= 0:  # Top
    circleY = 16
elif circleY + 16 >= 500:  # Bottom
    circleY = 484
elif circleX + 16 >= 500:  # Right
    circleX = 484
elif circleY - 16 <= 0 and circleX - 16 <= 0:  # Top Left corner
    circleY = 16
    circleX = 16
elif circleY + 16 >= 500 and circleX + 16 >= 500:  # Bottom right
    circleX = 484
    circleY = 484
elif circleY + 16 >= 500 and circleX - 16 <= 0:  # Bottom left
    circleY = 484
    circleX = 16
elif circleY - 16 <= 0 and circleX + 16 >= 500:  # Top right
    circleX = 484
    circleY = 16


if circleX - 16 <= 0:      # Left border
    circleX = 16
    if circleY - 16 <= 0:  # Top Left corner
        circleY = 16
elif circleY - 16 <= 0:      # Top
    circleY = 16
    if circleX + 16 >= 500:  # Top right
        circleX = 484
elif circleY + 16 >= 500:  # Bottom
    circleY = 484
    if circleX - 16 <= 0:  # Bottom left
        circleX = 16
elif circleX + 16 >= 500:    # Right
    circleX = 484
    if circleY + 16 >= 500:  # Bottom right
        circleY = 484


circleX = min(max(16,circleX),484)
circleY = min(max(16,circleY),484)