

我有一个带有3000多个数据库的mysql数据库实例。每个数据库包含200多个表。目前,所有这些数据库中的数据都超过100 gb。我正在使用具有4GB RAM的Windows Server 2012R2操作系统。服务器系统的RAM内存利用率始终显示很高。因此,我尝试重新启动系统,但重新启动无法正常工作。它显示长时间重新启动,没有重新启动。当我检查日志时,我知道存在内存问题。我想重启我的mysql实例并继续。具有上述架构的mysql的最佳配置是什么?我需要做些什么才能使这项工作在将来不会失败?

[Warning] InnoDB: Difficult to find free blocks in the buffer pool (1486 search iterations)! 1486 failed attempts to flush a page! Consider increasing the buffer pool size. It is also possible that in your Unix version fsync is very slow,or completely frozen inside the OS kernel. Then upgrading to a newer version of your operating system may help. Look at the number of fsyncs in diagnostic info below. Pending flushes (fsync) log: 0; buffer pool: 0. 26099 OS file reads,1 OS file writes,1 OS fsyncs. Starting InnoDB Monitor to print further diagnostics to the standard output.




小编邮箱:dio#foxmail.com (将#修改为@)


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