Terraform AWS EKS-无法将EFS卷挂载到Fargate Pod



我正在通过terraform 100%进行所有操作。在这一点上,我迷路了,而我所阅读的可怕文档几乎使我的眼睛流血。任何人都可以给我的有关使它正常工作的指导都将是惊人的!


  1. 设置EKS CSI驱动程序,存储类和角色绑定(不确定我为什么需要这些角色绑定tbh)
resource "kubernetes_csi_driver" "efs" {
  Metadata {
    name = "efs.csi.aws.com"

  spec {
    attach_required        = false
    volume_lifecycle_modes = [

resource "kubernetes_storage_class" "efs" {
  Metadata {
    name = "efs-sc"
  storage_provisioner = kubernetes_csi_driver.efs.Metadata[0].name
  reclaim_policy      = "Retain"

resource "kubernetes_cluster_role_binding" "efs_pre" {
  Metadata {
    name = "efs_role_pre"
  role_ref {
    api_group = "rbac.authorization.k8s.io"
    kind      = "ClusterRole"
    name      = "cluster-admin"
  subject {
    kind      = "ServiceAccount"
    name      = "default"
    namespace = "pre"

resource "kubernetes_cluster_role_binding" "efs_live" {
  Metadata {
    name = "efs_role_live"
  role_ref {
    api_group = "rbac.authorization.k8s.io"
    kind      = "ClusterRole"
    name      = "cluster-admin"
  subject {
    kind      = "ServiceAccount"
    name      = "default"
    namespace = "live"
  1. 使用策略和安全组设置EFS卷
module "vpc" {
  source    = "../../read_only_data/vpc"
  stackname = var.vpc_stackname
resource "aws_efs_file_system" "efs_data" {
    creation_token = "xva-${var.environment}-pv-efsdata-${var.side}"

    # encrypted   = true
    # kms_key_id  = ""

    performance_mode = "generalPurpose" #maxIO
    throughput_mode  = "bursting"
    lifecycle_policy {
        transition_to_ia = "AFTER_30_DAYS"

data "aws_efs_file_system" "efs_data" {
  file_system_id = aws_efs_file_system.efs_data.id

resource "aws_efs_access_point" "efs_data" {
  file_system_id = aws_efs_file_system.efs_data.id

/* Policy that does the following:
- Prevent root access by default
- Enforce read-only access by default
- Enforce in-transit encryption for all clients
resource "aws_efs_file_system_policy" "efs_data" {
  file_system_id = aws_efs_file_system.efs_data.id

  policy = jsonencode({
    "Version": "2012-10-17","Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow","Principal": {
                "AWS": "*"
            },"Action": "elasticfilesystem:ClientMount","Resource": aws_efs_file_system.efs_data.arn
            "Effect": "Deny","Action": "*","Resource": aws_efs_file_system.efs_data.arn,"Condition": {
                "Bool": {
                    "aws:SecureTransport": "false"

# Security Groups for this volume
resource "aws_security_group" "allow_eks_cluster" {
  name        = "xva-${var.environment}-efsdata-${var.side}"
  description = "This will allow the cluster ${data.terraform_remote_state.cluster.outputs.eks_cluster_name} to access this volume and use it."
  vpc_id      = module.vpc.vpc_id

  ingress {
    description = "NFS For EKS Cluster ${data.terraform_remote_state.cluster.outputs.eks_cluster_name}"
    from_port   = 2049
    to_port     = 2049
    protocol    = "tcp"
    security_groups = [

  egress {
    from_port   = 0
    to_port     = 0
    protocol    = "-1"
    cidr_blocks = [""]

  tags = {
    Name = "allow_tls"

# Mount to the subnets that will be using this efs volume
# Also attach sg's to restrict access to this volume
resource "aws_efs_mount_target" "efs_data-app01" {
  file_system_id = aws_efs_file_system.efs_data.id
  subnet_id      = module.vpc.private_app_subnet_01

  security_groups = [

resource "aws_efs_mount_target" "efs_data-app02" {
  file_system_id = aws_efs_file_system.efs_data.id
  subnet_id      = module.vpc.private_app_subnet_02

  security_groups = [
  1. 创建一个持久化卷,引用kubernetes中的EFS卷
data "terraform_remote_state" "csi" {
  backend = "s3"
  config = {
    bucket  = "xva-${var.account_type}-terraform-${var.region_code}"
    key     = "${var.environment}/efs/driver/terraform.tfstate"
    region  = var.region
    profile = var.profile
resource "kubernetes_persistent_volume" "efs_data" {
  Metadata {
    name = "pv-efsdata"

    labels = {
        app = "example"

  spec {
    access_modes = ["ReadOnlyMany"]

    capacity = {
      storage = "25Gi"

    volume_mode                      = "Filesystem"
    persistent_volume_reclaim_policy = "Retain"
    storage_class_name               = data.terraform_remote_state.csi.outputs.storage_name

    persistent_volume_source {
      csi {
        driver        = data.terraform_remote_state.csi.outputs.csi_name
        volume_handle = aws_efs_file_system.efs_data.id
        read_only    = true
  1. 然后创建一个部署以与挂载EFS卷的Pod进行冲突
data "terraform_remote_state" "efs_data_volume" {
  backend = "s3"
  config = {
    bucket  = "xva-${var.account_type}-terraform-${var.region_code}"
    key     = "${var.environment}/efs/volume/terraform.tfstate"
    region  = var.region
    profile = var.profile
resource "kubernetes_persistent_volume_claim" "efs_data" {
  Metadata {
    name      = "pv-efsdata-claim-${var.side}"
    namespace = var.side

  spec {
    access_modes       = ["ReadOnlyMany"]
    storage_class_name =  data.terraform_remote_state.csi.outputs.storage_name
    resources {
      requests = {
        storage = "25Gi"
    volume_name = data.terraform_remote_state.efs_data_volume.outputs.volume_name

resource "kubernetes_deployment" "example" {
  timeouts {
    create = "3m"
    update = "4m"
    delete = "2m"

  Metadata {
    name      = "deployment-example"
    namespace = var.side

    labels = {
      app      = "example"
      platform = "fargate"
      subnet   = "app"

  spec {
    replicas = 1

    selector {
      match_labels = {
        app = "example"

    template {
      Metadata {
        labels = {
          app      = "example"
          platform = "fargate"
          subnet   = "app"

      spec {
        volume {
          name = "efs-data-volume"
          persistent_volume_claim {
            claim_name = kubernetes_persistent_volume_claim.efs_data.Metadata[0].name
            read_only  = true

        container {
          image = "${var.nexus_docker_endpoint}/example:${var.docker_tag}"
          name  = "example"

          env {
            name  = "environment"
            value = var.environment
          env {
            name = "dockertag"
            value = var.docker_tag

          volume_mount {
            name = "efs-data-volume"
            read_only = true
            mount_path = "/appconf/"

          # liveness_probe {
          #   http_get {
          #     path = "/health"
          #     port = 443
          #   }

          #   initial_delay_seconds = 3
          #   period_seconds        = 3
          # }

          port {
            container_port = 443


    Type:        PersistentVolumeClaim (a reference to a PersistentVolumeClaim in the same namespace)
    ClaimName:   pv-efsdata-claim-pre
    ReadOnly:    true
  Type     Reason       Age                  From                                                       Message
  ----     ------       ----                 ----                                                       -------
  Warning  FailedMount  11m (x629 over 23h)  kubelet,<redacted-fargate-endpoint>  Unable to attach or mount volumes: unmounted volumes=[efs-data-volume],unattached volumes=[efs-data-volume]: timed out waiting for the condition
  Warning  FailedMount  47s (x714 over 23h)  kubelet,<redacted-fargate-endpoint>  MountVolume.SetUp Failed for volume "pv-efsdata" : kubernetes.io/csi: mounter.SetupAt Failed: rpc error: code = InvalidArgument desc = Volume capability not supported


我终于做到了。我已经成功将EFS卷安装到Fargate Pod(近6天后)!我可以从这个封闭的github问题中获得所需的指导:https://github.com/aws/containers-roadmap/issues/826


如果使用输出“ security_group_id”,则输出“其他安全组”。以我的经验,这绝对对aws毫无好处。不知道为什么当您无能为力时它甚至存在。我需要使用的安全组是“群集安全组”。因此,我在EFS卷安全组安装点和BAM的端口2049入口规则上添加了“群集安全组”的ID!我已将EFS卷成功安装到已部署的Pod。
