


1            1                                        What percent of the world\xd5s population is between 15 and 64 years old?
2            2                                               What percent of the world\xd5s airports are in the United States? 
3            3                                            The area of the USA is what percent of the area of the Pacific Ocean?
4            4                                                      What percent of the earth\xd5s surface is covered by water?
5            5 What percent of the goods exported worldwide are mineral fuels (including oil,coal,gas,and refined products)?
6            6                    What percent of the world\xd5s countries have a higher fertility rate than the United States?
7            7                        What percent of the worldwide gross domestic product (GDP) comes from the service sector?
8            8                                    What percent of the worldwide income does the richest 10% of households earn?
9            9      What percent of the worldwide gross domestic product (GDP) is re-invested (\xd2gross fixed investment\xd3)?
10          10                                      What percent of the worldwide labor force works in the agricultural sector?
11          11                                             What percent of the worldwide land mass is not used for agriculture?
12          12                           What percent of the world\xd5s population speaks Mandarin Chinese as a first language?
13          13                What percentage of the world\xd5s countries have a higher life expectancy than the United States?
14          14                             What percent of the world\xd5s population aged 15 years or older can read and write?
15          15      What percent of the worldwide gross domestic product (GDP) is used for the military (military expenditure)?
16          16                                                    Saudi Arabia consumes what percentage of the oil it produces?
17          17                   What percent of the world\xd5s population lives in either China,India,or the European Union?
18          18                                                          What percent of the world\xd5s population is Christian?
19          19                                                               What percent of the world\xd5s roads are in India?
20          20                         What percent of the world\xd5s telephone lines are in China,USA,or the European Union?

每个问题中对于world'searth's之类的所有格单词都应该有一个撇号,并且正如您所看到的,它的阅读方式与我所希望的不同。我尝试使用这种DF <- read.table("mydata.csv",header=TRUE,sep="\t",quote="")这样的表达式无济于事。令人惊讶的是,要找到这个问题的答案非常困难。



x <- "What percent of the world\xd5s population"
[1] "What percent of the world's population"


x <- c("What percent of the world\xd5s population","gross domestic product (GDP) is re-invested (\xd2gross fixed investment\xd3)")
[1] "What percent of the world's population"                                
[2] "gross domestic product (GDP) is re-invested ('gross fixed investment')"


r <- trimws(readLines(file("mydata.csv")))

res <- data.frame(do.call(rbind,strsplit(substring(r,1,14),"\\s+")),X3=trimws(substring(r,15,nchar(r))))


  X1 <- as.numeric(X1)
  X2 <- as.numeric(X2)
  X3 <- gsub("\\\\xd5",X3)
  X3 <- gsub("\\\\xd2|\\\\xd3",'"',X3)
#    X1 X2                                                                                                               X3
# 1   1  1                                           What percent of the world's population is between 15 and 64 years old?
# 2   2  2                                                   What percent of the world's airports are in the United States?
# 3   3  3                                            The area of the USA is what percent of the area of the Pacific Ocean?
# 4   4  4                                                         What percent of the earth's surface is covered by water?
# 5   5  5 What percent of the goods exported worldwide are mineral fuels (including oil,coal,gas,and refined products)?
# 6   6  6                       What percent of the world's countries have a higher fertility rate than the United States?
# 7   7  7                        What percent of the worldwide gross domestic product (GDP) comes from the service sector?
# 8   8  8                                    What percent of the worldwide income does the richest 10% of households earn?
# 9   9  9            What percent of the worldwide gross domestic product (GDP) is re-invested ("gross fixed investment")?
# 10 10 10                                      What percent of the worldwide labor force works in the agricultural sector?
# 11 11 11                                             What percent of the worldwide land mass is not used for agriculture?
# 12 12 12                              What percent of the world's population speaks Mandarin Chinese as a first language?
# 13 13 13                   What percentage of the world's countries have a higher life expectancy than the United States?
# 14 14 14                                What percent of the world's population aged 15 years or older can read and write?
# 15 15 15      What percent of the worldwide gross domestic product (GDP) is used for the military (military expenditure)?
# 16 16 16                                                    Saudi Arabia consumes what percentage of the oil it produces?
# 17 17 17                      What percent of the world's population lives in either China,India,or the European Union?
# 18 18 18                                                             What percent of the world's population is Christian?
# 19 19 19                                                                  What percent of the world's roads are in India?
# 20 20 20                            What percent of the world's telephone lines are in China,USA,or the European Union?


What percent of the world\xd5s population is between 15 and 64 years old?

最有可能是读取包含非ASCII字符的文本文件的结果。在这里,序列\xd5代表文件使用的编码形式的左单引号,而不是4个字符\ x d 5。同样,\xd2\xd3分别代表左和右双引号。因此,您的文件已被正确读取,只是没有按照您期望的方式打印。


gsub("\xd5",x)  # no extra backslashes needed



(如果您使用的是R read.table(*,stringsAsFactors=FALSE)读取数据。)


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