

因此,我正在使用的示例代码(请参阅链接),但是它的功能在tvOS上无效 DragGesture()我想知道如何使以下Carousel与tvOS一起工作

//  SnapCarousel.swift
//  prototype5
//  Created by xtabbas on 5/7/20.
//  copyright © 2020 xtadevs. All rights reserved.
import SwiftUI

struct SnapCarousel: View {
    @EnvironmentObject var UIState: UIStateModel
    var body: some View {
        let spacing: CGFloat = 16
        let widthOfHiddenCards: CGFloat = 32 /// UIScreen.main.bounds.width - 10
        let cardHeight: CGFloat = 279
        let items = [
            Card(id: 0,name: "hey"),Card(id: 1,name: "Ho"),Card(id: 2,name: "Lets"),Card(id: 3,name: "Go")
        return Canvas {
            /// Todo: find a way to avoid passing same arguments to Carousel and Item
                numberOfItems: CGFloat(items.count),spacing: spacing,widthOfHiddenCards: widthOfHiddenCards
            ) {
                ForEach(items,id: \ { item in
                        _id: Int(,widthOfHiddenCards: widthOfHiddenCards,cardHeight: cardHeight
                    ) {
                    .shadow(color: Color("shadow1"),radius: 4,x: 0,y: 4)

struct Card: Decodable,Hashable,Identifiable {
    var id: Int
    var name: String = ""

public class UIStateModel: ObservableObject {
    @Published var activeCard: Int = 0
    @Published var screenDrag: Float = 0.0

struct Carousel<Items : View> : View {
    let items: Items
    let numberOfItems: CGFloat //= 8
    let spacing: CGFloat //= 16
    let widthOfHiddenCards: CGFloat //= 32
    let totalSpacing: CGFloat
    let cardWidth: CGFloat
    @GestureState var isDetectingLongPress = false
    @EnvironmentObject var UIState: UIStateModel
    @inlinable public init(
        numberOfItems: CGFloat,spacing: CGFloat,widthOfHiddenCards: CGFloat,@viewbuilder _ items: () -> Items) {
        self.items = items()
        self.numberOfItems = numberOfItems
        self.spacing = spacing
        self.widthOfHiddenCards = widthOfHiddenCards
        self.totalSpacing = (numberOfItems - 1) * spacing
        self.cardWidth = UIScreen.main.bounds.width - (widthOfHiddenCards*2) - (spacing*2) //279
    var body: some View {
        let totalCanvasWidth: CGFloat = (cardWidth * numberOfItems) + totalSpacing
        let xOffsetToShift = (totalCanvasWidth - UIScreen.main.bounds.width) / 2
        let leftPadding = widthOfHiddenCards + spacing
        let totalMovement = cardWidth + spacing
        let activeOffset = xOffsetToShift + (leftPadding) - (totalMovement * CGFloat(UIState.activeCard))
        let nextOffset = xOffsetToShift + (leftPadding) - (totalMovement * CGFloat(UIState.activeCard) + 1)

        var calcOffset = Float(activeOffset)
        if (calcOffset != Float(nextOffset)) {
            calcOffset = Float(activeOffset) + UIState.screenDrag
        return HStack(alignment: .center,spacing: spacing) {
        .offset(x: CGFloat(calcOffset),y: 0)
        .gesture(DragGesture().updating($isDetectingLongPress) { currentState,gestureState,transaction in
            self.UIState.screenDrag = Float(currentState.translation.width)
        }.onEnded { value in
            self.UIState.screenDrag = 0
            if (value.translation.width < -50) {
                self.UIState.activeCard = self.UIState.activeCard + 1
                let impactMed = UIImpactFeedbackGenerator(style: .medium)
            if (value.translation.width > 50) {
                self.UIState.activeCard = self.UIState.activeCard - 1
                let impactMed = UIImpactFeedbackGenerator(style: .medium)

struct Canvas<Content : View> : View {
    let content: Content
    @EnvironmentObject var UIState: UIStateModel
    @inlinable init(@viewbuilder _ content: () -> Content) {
        self.content = content()
    var body: some View {
            .frame(minWidth: 0,maxWidth: .infinity,minHeight: 0,maxHeight: .infinity,alignment: .center)

struct Item<Content: View>: View {
    @EnvironmentObject var UIState: UIStateModel
    let cardWidth: CGFloat
    let cardHeight: CGFloat

    var _id: Int
    var content: Content

    @inlinable public init(
        _id: Int,cardHeight: CGFloat,@viewbuilder _ content: () -> Content
    ) {
        self.content = content()
        self.cardWidth = UIScreen.main.bounds.width - (widthOfHiddenCards*2) - (spacing*2) //279
        self.cardHeight = cardHeight
        self._id = _id

    var body: some View {
            .frame(width: cardWidth,height: _id == UIState.activeCard ? cardHeight : cardHeight - 60,alignment: .center)

struct SnapCarousel_Previews: PreviewProvider {
    static var previews: some View {




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