


enter image description here

这是我为实现此功能而编写的代码,但是,在将高度渲染到UI时,我无法设置Label B分割的高度。如果您能帮助我说出如何使用状态变量来动态设置标签A,标签B,标签C等每个分区的高度,那将是很好的选择?

Condition = el => {
var height = el.offsetHeight;
var newHeight = height ;
this.setState({height1:newHeight+ 'px'});
}; //while looping this function will be called and will store div height in state

//this is in render method
{res.scenarios.map((value,index) => (

<div className="Cell"><p > {
value.criteria.map((h1,ind1) => {

var data = value.inclusionNdExclusion.map((i,ind) => {
return ind1 === ind ?
i.incOrExcName.map((h,u1) => {
return h1 === "" && h === "" ? "" : h1 !== " " && h === "" ? "-" : (h)
: ""

var d = data.map((i,u) => {
return i.length > 0 ?
i.map((hd,u1) => {
return ind1 === 0 ?
(u1!==0?<div > {hd} </div>:<div style={{ border:"1px solid green" }}> {hd} </div>) :
(ind1 === 1 && u1 === 0) ? <div style={{ paddingTop: 20 }}>{hd
} </div> : (ind1 !== u1 ? <div style={{ paddingTop: 8,border:"1px solid pink"}}>{hd} </div> : <div style={{ paddingTop: 8 }}>{hd} </div>)
: ""

return ind1 == 0 ? <div ref={this.Condition} style={{ border: " 1px solid black" }}>{d}</div> : <div style={{ border: " 1px solid red" }}>{d}</div>
} </p>

//using the state variable and setting as height of another div

<div className="Cell" ><p > {value.criteria.map((h,ind) => {

return (ind !== 0 ? h === "" ? <div style={{ height:this.state.height1; border:"1px solid green"}}> {h}</div> : <div> style={{paddingTop:0,border:"1px solid pink" }}> {h}</div> : <div style={{ border:"1px solid blue" }}> {h}</div>)




小编邮箱:dio#foxmail.com (将#修改为@)


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