


case class LoadI(s: String) extends StackMachineInstruction
case class  StoreI(s: String) extends StackMachineInstruction
    def emulateSingleInstruction(stack: List[Double],env: Map[String,Double],ins: StackMachineInstruction): (List[Double],Map[String,Double]) = {
        ins match{
            case AddI => stack match{
                case i1 :: i2 :: tail => (i1 + i2 :: tail,env)
                case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException()
            case PushI(f) => (f :: stack,env)

            case LoadI(s) => stack match {
                case Nil => throw new IllegalArgumentException()
                case i1 :: tail => (tail,env) match {
                    case (top,env) => (top,env + s -> top ) // Not clear on how to update an environment
            case StoreI(s) => stack match {
                case Nil => throw new IllegalArgumentException()
                case i1 :: tail => // Need to take the value that s maps to in the environment. Let the value be v. Push v onto the top of the stack.

            case PopI => stack match{
                case Nil => throw new IllegalArgumentException()
                case i1 :: tail => {


test("stack machine test 3") {
        val lst1 = List(PushI(3.5),PushI(2.5),PushI(4.5),PushI(5.2),AddI,LoadI("x"),LoadI("y"),LoadI("z"),StoreI("y"),LoadI("w"))
        val fenv = StackMachineEmulator.emulateStackMachine(lst1)
        assert(fenv contains "x")
        assert(fenv contains "y")
        assert(fenv contains "z")
        assert( math.abs(fenv("x") - 9.7 ) <= 1e-05 )
        assert( math.abs(fenv("y") - 2.5 ) <= 1e-05 )
        assert( math.abs(fenv("z") - 3.5 ) <= 1e-05 )


您可以使用.updated更新地图。或添加一个元组,但是Scala必须知道某物是一个元组(map + a -> b被视为(map + a) -> b,因此您必须使用map + (a -> b))。



def emulateSingleInstruction(stack: List[Double],env: Map[String,Double],ins: StackMachineInstruction): (List[Double],Map[String,Double]) =
  (ins,stack) match {
    case (AddI,i1 :: i2 :: tail)          => ((i1 + i2) :: tail) -> env
    case (PushI(f),_)                     => (f :: stack) -> env
    case (LoadI(s),i1 :: tail)            => tail -> env.updated(s,i1)
    case (StoreI(s),_) if env.contains(s) => (env(s) :: stack) -> env
    case (PopI,_ :: tail)                 => tail -> env
    case _                                 => throw new IllegalArgumentException()