

非常简单:我想要一个编辑字段,其中已经有文本(一种认值),但是它也是可编辑的。 我尝试了很多不同的版本,但还没有什么想要工作的。


<Property Id="MYPROPERTY" Value="default" />
            <Dialog Id="ConfigVariablesDlg" Width="370" Height="270">
                <Control Type="Edit" Id="InputField" Property="MYPROPERTY" X="125" Y="27" Width="100" Height="15" Indirect="yes" Text="[MYPROPERTY]">
                    <Condition Action="disable"><![CDATA[EnableBox<>"1"]]></Condition>
                    <Condition Action="enable">EnableBox="1"</Condition>
                <Control Type="CheckBox" Id="MyBox" Width="10" Height="10" X="110" Y="30" Property="EnableBox" CheckBoxValue="1"/>



Sub KNMsemiAutomaticCleaner()

'looks for column with KNM_X coordinate
Set aCell = Range("2:2").Find(What:="RKNM")
RKNM_X_col = aCell.Column

'Finds the last row with data,i.e.,last non-blank cell in column A(1)
firstRow = 7
lastRow = Cells(Rows.Count,1).End(xlUp).Row

'loops through each cell with data in the column
For i = firstRow To lastRow - firstRow

    'finds outliers in RKNM and asks if delete
    VariationFramesRange = 20
    If i > firstRow + VariationFramesRange And IsEmpty(Cells(i,RKNM_X_col)) = False Then
        VariationMin = WorksheetFunction.Min(Range(Cells(i - VariationFramesRange,RKNM_X_col),Cells(i - 1,RKNM_X_col)))
        VariationMax = WorksheetFunction.Max(Range(Cells(i - VariationFramesRange,RKNM_X_col)))
        VariationRange = VariationMax - VariationMin
        'searches for last non-zero and non-empty prior value of KNM_X
        For pre = 1 To 100
            If Abs(Cells(i - pre,RKNM_X_col).Value) > 0 Then
                LastValue = Cells(i - pre,RKNM_X_col).Value
                Exit For
            End If
        'tests if the actual value of KNM_X is an outlier,compares if the difference between actual value and last value of KNM_X is greater than range of values within last 20 cells
        If Abs(Cells(i,RKNM_X_col).Value - LastValue) > VariationRange Then
            'if actual value seems to be outlier,it creates a XY chart which shows the last 20 and next 5 values of KNM_X so the operator can visualy determine if the value is really an outlier
            Dim ochartObj As ChartObject
            Dim oChart As Chart
            Set rng = Range(Cells(i - 20,RKNM_X_col + 4),Cells(i - 5,RKNM_X_col + 9)) 'Area to put the chart in
            Set ochartObj = ActiveSheet.ChartObjects.Add(Left:=rng.Left,Width:=rng.Width,Top:=rng.Top,Height:=rng.Height)
            Set oChart = ochartObj.Chart
            oChart.ChartType = xlXYScatterLines
            oChart.SeriesCollection.Add Source:=Range("a" & i)
            oChart.SeriesCollection(1).Name = "Context"
            oChart.SeriesCollection(1).XValues = Range(Cells(i - 20,1),Cells(i + 5,1))
            oChart.SeriesCollection(1).Values = Range(Cells(i - 20,RKNM_X_col))
            oChart.SeriesCollection.Add Source:=Range("a" & i)
            oChart.SeriesCollection(2).Name = "Outlier"
            oChart.SeriesCollection(2).XValues = Range("a" & i)
            oChart.SeriesCollection(2).Values = Range("cb" & i)
            ochartObj.Visible = True ' this does not help
            'moves the screen to chart and selects cells with coordinates of the identified outlier
            Application.Goto Range(Cells(i - 20,Cells(i - 20,RKNM_X_col + 2)),Scroll:=True
            Range(Cells(i,Cells(i,RKNM_X_col + 2)).Select
            'Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("0:00:05")) 'does not help either
            'creates MsgBox which asks whether to delete the outlier
            Result = MsgBox("Delete frame " & i - 5 & "?",vbYesNoCancel + vbQuestion)
            If Result = vbYes Then
                    Range(Cells(i,RKNM_X_col + 2)).Clear
                    MsgBox "Frame deleted."
                ElseIf Result = vbCancel Then
                    Exit Sub
            End If
            'deletes the chart
        End If
    End If
End Sub

因此,您从<Property Id="MYPROPERTY">Text you want to fill in</Property> 元素中删除了Value字段,并事先定义了Property。 (仍在您的UI元素中!)




    <Property Id="MYPROPERTY">Text you want to fill in</property>
    <Dialog Id="ConfigVariablesDlg" Width="370" Height="270">
        <Control Type="Edit" Id="InputField" Property="MYPROPERTY" X="125" Y="27" Width="100" Height="15" Indirect="yes">
            <Condition Action="disable"><![CDATA[EnableBox<>"1"]]></Condition>
            <Condition Action="enable">EnableBox="1"</Condition>
        <Control Type="CheckBox" Id="MyBox" Width="10" Height="10" X="110" Y="30" Property="EnableBox" CheckBoxValue="1"/>


