Dspace OAI-错误没有匹配的查询


我正在dspace 6.3服务器上使用ubuntu18.04。除了dspace以外,其他所有oai都工作正常。



/dspace/bin# ./dspace oai import -c -o -v
Total: 100 items

Total: 0 items

Optimizing Index

Index optimized

Purging cached OAI responses.

OAI 2.0 manager action ended.


/dspace/bin# ./dspace oai import
OAI 2.0 manager action started

Incremental import. Searching for documents modified after: Mon Sep 28 07:12:00 IST 2020
Total: 1 items

Total: 0 items

Total: 0 items

Purging cached OAI responses.


#---------------------OAI CONfigURATIONS------------------------#
# These configs are used by the OAI-PMH interface               #

# Storage: solr | database (solr is recommended)

# The base URL of the OAI webapp (do not include the context e.g. /request,/openaire,etc).
# Note: Comment out if you want to fallback to the request's URL.
oai.url = http://localhost:8080/oai

# Base solr index

# OAI persistent identifier prefix.
# Format - oai:PREFIX:HANDLE
#oai.identifier.prefix = http://myserverip
oai.identifier.prefix = myserverip:8080/xmlui

# Base url for bitstreams
#oai.bitstream.baseUrl = ${dspace.url}
oai.bitstream.baseUrl = http://myserverip:8080/xmlui

# Base Configuration Directory
oai.config.dir = ${dspace.dir}/config/crosswalks/oai

# Description
oai.description.file = ${dspace.dir}/config/crosswalks/oai/description.xml

# Cache enabled?
oai.cache.enabled = true

# Base Cache Directory
oai.cache.dir = ${dspace.dir}/var/oai

#--------------OAI HARVESTING CONfigURATIONS--------------------#
# These configs are only used by the OAI-ORE related functions  #

### Harvester settings

# Crosswalk settings; the {name} value must correspond to a declared ingestion crosswalk
# oai.harvester.Metadataformats.{name} = {namespace},{optional display name}
# The display name is only used in the xmlui; for the jspui there are entries in the
# Messages.properties in the form jsp.tools.edit-collection.form.label21.select.{name}
oai.harvester.Metadataformats.dc = http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/oai_dc/\,Simple dublin Core
oai.harvester.Metadataformats.qdc = http://purl.org/dc/terms/\,Qualified dublin Core
oai.harvester.Metadataformats.dim = http://www.dspace.org/xmlns/dspace/dim\,dspace Intermediate Metadata

# This field works in much the same way as oai.harvester.Metadataformats.PluginName
# The {name} must correspond to a declared ingestion crosswalk,while the
# {namespace} must be supported by the target OAI-PMH provider when harvesting content.
# oai.harvester.oreSerializationFormat.{name} = {namespace}

# Determines whether the harvester scheduling process should be started
# automatically when the dspace webapp is deployed.
# default: false

# Amount of time subtracted from the "from" argument of the OAI-PMH request to account
# for the time taken to negotiate a connection. Measured in seconds. Default value is 120.
#oai.harvester.timePadding = 120

# How frequently the harvest scheduler checks the remote provider for updates,# measured in minutes. The default vaule is 12 hours (or 720 minutes)
#oai.harvester.harvestFrequency = 720

# The heartbeat is the frequency at which the harvest scheduler queries the local
# database to determine if any collections are due for a harvest cycle (based on
# the harvestFrequency) value. The scheduler is optimized to sleep after the check until the
# next collection is actually ready to be harvested. The minHeartbeat and
# maxHeartbeat are the lower and upper bounds on this timeframe. Measured in seconds.
# Default minHeartbeat is 30.  Default maxHeartbeat is 3600.
#oai.harvester.minHeartbeat = 30
#oai.harvester.maxHeartbeat = 3600

# How many harvest process threads the scheduler can spool up at once. Default value is 3.
#oai.harvester.maxThreads = 3

# How much time passess before a harvest thread is terminated. The termination process
# waits for the current item to complete ingest and saves progress made up to that point.
# Measured in hours. Default value is 24.
#oai.harvester.threadTimeout = 24

# When harvesting an item that contains an unkNown schema or field within a schema what
# should the harvester do? Either add a new registry item for the field or schema,ignore
# the specific field or schema (importing everything else about the item),or fail with
# an error. The default value if undefined is: fail.
# Possible values: 'fail','add',or 'ignore'
oai.harvester.unkNownField  = add
oai.harvester.unkNownSchema = fail

# The webapp responsible for minting the URIs for ORE Resource Maps.
# If using oai,the dspace.oai.uri config value must be set.
# The URIs generated for ORE ReMs follow the following convention for both cases.
# format: [baseURI]/Metadata/handle/[theHandle]/ore.xml
# Default value is oai
oai.ore.authoritative.source = oai

# A harvest process will attempt to scan the Metadata of the incoming items
# (dc.identifier.uri field,to be exact) to see if it looks like a handle.
# If so,it matches the pattern against the values of this parameter.
# If there is a match the new item is assigned the handle from the Metadata value
# instead of minting a new one. Default value: hdl.handle.net
#oai.harvester.acceptedHandleServer = hdl.handle.net,handle.myu.edu

# Pattern to reject as an invalid handle prefix (kNown test string,for example)
# when attempting to find the handle of harvested items. If there is a match with
# this config parameter,a new handle will be minted instead. Default value: 123456789.
#oai.harvester.rejectedHandlePrefix = 123456789,myTestHandle
screenshot of the oai url:

[Error of the oai url][1]

  [1]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/RyffM.png




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