创建CLIPS中不重复的规则-Expert System




这里是指向我的代码链接,因为放置在这里很长。 https://codeshare.io/arBpq6



(deftemplate question
   (slot tier (default 1))
   (slot answer)
   (slot query))

(deftemplate answer
   (slot name)
   (slot tier)
   (slot response))


(deffacts questions
   (question (tier 1)
             (answer patient-contact)
             (query "Has the patient been within 6 feet for a total of 15 minutes or more with someone who has confirmed COVID-19? (yes/no) "))
   (question (tier 2)
             (answer patient-fever)
             (query "Has the patient been having mild to high fever recently? (yes/no) "))
   (question (tier 2)
             (answer patient-dry-cough)
             (query "Has the patient been experiencing a dry cough? (yes/no) "))
   (question (tier 2)
             (answer patient-fatigue)
             (query "Has the patient been experiencing unusual levels of fatigue? (yes/no) "))
   (question (tier 3) 
             (answer patient-senses)
             (query "Has the patient been experiencing a loss of taste or smell? (yes/no) "))
   (question (tier 3)
             (answer patient-nasal)
             (query "Has the patient been experiencing nasal congestion? (yes/no) "))
   (question (tier 3)
             (answer patient-conjunctivitis)
             (query "Does the patient have conjunctivitis (red eyes)? (yes/no) "))
   (question (tier 3)
             (answer patient-sorethroat)
             (query "Does the patient have a sore throat? (yes/no) "))
   (question (tier 3)
             (answer patient-headache)
             (query "Has the patient been having frequent headaches? (yes/no) "))
   (question (tier 3)
             (answer patient-pain)
             (query "Has the patient been experiencing joint and muscle pains? (yes/no) "))
   (question (tier 3)
             (answer patient-rashes)
             (query "Does the patient have any kind of skin rashes? (yes/no) "))
   (question (tier 3)
             (answer patient-nausea)
             (query "Has the patient been experiencing nausea or been vomiting? (yes/no) "))
   (question (tier 3)
             (answer patient-diarrhea)
             (query "Has the patient been having diarrhea? (yes/no) "))
   (question (tier 3)
             (answer patient-dizziness)
             (query "Has the patient been experiencing dizziness or chills? (yes/no) "))
   (question (tier 3)
             (answer patient-breath)
             (query "Has the patient been experiencing shortness of breath? (yes/no) "))
   (question (tier 3)
             (answer patient-appetite)
             (query "Has the patient been experiencing a loss of appetite? (yes/no) "))
   (question (tier 3)
             (answer patient-confusion)
             (query "Has the patient been experiencing unusual levels of confusion? (yes/no) "))
   (question (tier 3)
             (answer patient-pressure)
             (query "Does the patient have persistent pain or pressure in their chest? (yes/no) "))
   (question (tier 3)
             (answer patient-temperature)
             (query "Does the patient have a high temperature (above 38 degrees Celsius)? (yes/no) ")))


(defrule ask-question
   (not (covid ?))
   ?f <- (question (tier ?t)
                   (answer ?a)
                   (query ?q))
   (not (question (tier ?t2&:(< ?t2 ?t))))
   (retract ?f)
   (assert (answer (name ?a)
                   (tier ?t)
                   (response (patient-answer-p ?q)))))


(defrule immediate-test ""
   (declare (salience 10))
   (not (covid ?))
   (exists (answer (tier 1)
                   (response yes)))
   (assert (covid "The patient should be tested immediately as it is highly likely the virus could be transferred to them.")))
(defrule two-common-symptoms ""
   (declare (salience 10))
   (not (covid ?))
   (exists (answer (tier 2)
                   (name ?n1)
                   (response yes))
           (answer (tier 2)
                   (name ?n2&~?n1)
                   (response yes))
           (answer (tier 2)
                   (name ?n3&~?n2&~?n1)
                   (response no)))
   (assert (covid "The patient shows 2 of the common symptoms,and it is recommended that they get tested.")))

(defrule all-common-symptoms ""
   (declare (salience 10))
   (not (covid ?))
   (exists (answer (tier 2)
                   (name ?n1)
                   (response yes))
           (answer (tier 2)
                   (name ?n2&~?n1)
                   (response yes))
           (answer (tier 2)
                   (name ?n3&~?n2&~?n1)
                   (response yes)))
   (assert (covid "The patient shows all 3 of the common symptoms,and it is highly recommended that they get tested.")))

(defrule three-uncommon-symptoms ""
   (declare (salience 10))
   (not (covid ?))
   (exists (answer (tier 3)
                   (name ?n1)
                   (response yes))
           (answer (tier 3)
                   (name ?n2&~?n1)
                   (response yes))
           (answer (tier 3)
                   (name ?n3&~?n2&~?n1)
                   (response yes)))
   (assert (covid "The patient is showing at least 3 of the uncommon symptoms,and therefore it is recommended that they be tested.")))


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