





GET wikipedia-20200820/_search
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尽管{ "took" : 284,"timed_out" : false,"_shards" : { "total" : 1,"successful" : 1,"skipped" : 0,"Failed" : 0 },"hits" : { "total" : { "value" : 1,"relation" : "eq" },"max_score" : 2238.6646,"hits" : [ { "_index" : "wikipedia-20200820","_type" : "_doc","_id" : "GhxaT3UBz_UQYd3DEAJT","_score" : 2238.6646,"_source" : { "page_title" : "National brotherhood of Workers of America","ns" : 0,"page_id" : 28365131,"redirect" : null,"revision_id" : 965097134,"revision_parent_id" : 891907364,"timestamp" : "2020-06-29T11:26:55Z","contributor" : { "username" : "JJMC89 bot III","id" : 35936988 },"comment" : "Moving [[:Category:African-American history between emancipation and the Civil Rights Movement]] to [[:Category:African-American history between emancipation and the civil rights movement]] per [[Wikipedia:Categories for discussion/Speedy]]","sha1" : "q1rz1h5n6qk9cpdt5qf0zqrydd9vx7e","minor" : "TRUE","model" : "wikitext","format" : "text/x-wiki","text" : """The '''National brotherhood of Workers of America''' (NBWA) was the largest body of organised [[African American]] workers in the [[United States of America]] in 1919.<ref>''Revolutionary radicalism: its history,purpose and tactics with an exposition and discussion of the steps being taken and required to curb it,being the report of the Joint Legislative Committee Investigating SeditIoUs Activities'',filed 24 April 1920,in the Senate of the State of New York</ref> ==First congress== The organisation was formed by T.J. Pree and R.T. Sims. [[Philip Randolph]] was also on the board.<ref name=yho>[http://hierographics.org/yourhistoryonline/yourhistoryonlineVIII.htm Your History online],accessed 17 August 2010</ref> The NBWA held its congress in [[Washington DC]] from 8–14 September 1919. There were 115 delegates primarily from the South. Three delegates were from the [[Industrial Workers of the World]] and fifteen from the Society for the Advancement of Trade Unionism among Negroes. No delegates were accepted from the [[American Federation of Labor]].<ref>''Revolutionary radicalism: its history,in the Senate of the State of New York</ref> ==Resolutions== They passed resolutions to the effect that: ". . . The combination of black and white workers will be a powerful lesson to the capitalists of the solidarity of labor. It will show that labor,black and white,is conscIoUs of its interests and power. This will serve to convert a class of worker,which has been used by the capitalist class to defeat organised labor,into an ardent,class-conscIoUs,intelligent,militant group." "and be it further resolved,that we recommend to all the working people of our race,that they immediately make themselves acquainted more in detail with the aims,objects and methods of said organization,the National Association for the Protection of Labor Unionism Among Negroes,in order that we may,as speedily as possible,align ourselves with and join the industrial unions that have already organized,and help to organize new industrial unions in such industries where they do not yet exist. "and be it further resolved,that we shall henceforth deVote all our energies to building up the new order of society along lines above indicated,to the exclusion of efforts hitherto expended in other directions." <ref>''Revolutionary radicalism: its history,in the Senate of the State of New York</ref> The NBWA functioned as an independent Union,drawing most of its support from shipyard and dock workers in the [[Tidewater region of Virginia]] area.<ref>''Crisis'',November 1951,p626</ref> The union dissolved in 1921,under pressure from the American Federation of Labor.<ref name=yho/> ==References== {{reflist}} [[Category:African-American leftism]] [[Category:African-American history between emancipation and the civil rights movement]] [[Category:Trade unions established in 1919]] [[Category:Trade unions disestablished in 1921]] [[Category:African-American Trade unions]]""" } } ] } } 参数是documented代表“编辑距离” /“ Levenshtein距离”,但对我来说似乎不一致。然后,为了了解模糊性的影响,我尝试更改查询中的某些单个术语,有时还更改了fuzziness参数,使其他所有参数保持不变。



有人可以解释+----------------+---------------+-----------+---------------+-----------------------------+ | iniatial_query | updated_query | fuzziness | edit_distance | elastic_returns_same_result | +----------------+---------------+-----------+---------------+-----------------------------+ | "labor" | "labot" | 2 | 1 | Yes | | "labor" | "labori" | 2 | 1 | No | | "labor" | "lab" | 2 | 2 | No | | "labor" | "lab" | 3 | 2 | No | | "labor" | "lab" | 4 | 2 | No | | "labor" | " labor" | 2 | 1 (1 space) | Yes | | "labor" | " labor" | 1 | 1 (1 space) | Yes | | "labor" | " labor" | 2 | 2 (2 space) | No | | "unionism" | "unionismi" | 2 | 1 | Yes | | "unionism" | "unionismi" | 1 | 1 | Yes | | "among" | "amonng" | 2 | 1 | Yes | | "among" | "amonng" | 1 | 1 | Yes | | "among" | "amonnng" | 2 | 2 | No | | "among" | "amonnng" | 3 | 2 | No | | "among" | "amonnng" | 10 | 2 | No | +----------------+---------------+-----------+---------------+-----------------------------+ 参数对查询的影响吗?


Fuzziness Parameters


根据术语的长度生成编辑距离。低和 可以选择提供高距离参数AUTO:[low],[high]。 如果未指定,则默认值为3和6,等效于 AUTO:3,6的长度:



5允许的两次编辑AUTO通常应为以下选项的首选值 模糊。


lab --> labo --> labor

类似地,对于labori laboramonnng来说,结果是准确的


  "text":"The organisation was formed by T.J. Pree and R.T. Sims. [[Philip Randolph]] was also on the board.<ref name=yho>[http://hierographics.org/yourhistoryonline/yourhistoryonlineVIII.htm Your History online],accessed 17 August 2010</ref> The NBWA held its congress in [[Washington DC]] from  8–14 September 1919. There were 115 delegates primarily from the South. Three delegates were from the [[Industrial Workers of the World]] and fifteen from the Society for the Advancement of Trade Unionism among Negroes. No delegates were accepted from the [[American Federation of Labor]].<ref>''Revolutionary radicalism: its history,purpose and tactics with an exposition and discussion of the steps being taken and required to curb it,being the report of the Joint Legislative Committee Investigating Seditious Activities'',filed 24 April 1920,in the Senate of the State of New York</ref>"


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          "text": "The organisation was formed by T.J. Pree and R.T. Sims. [[Philip Randolph]] was also on the board.&lt;ref name=yho&gt;[http://hierographics.org/yourhistoryonline/yourhistoryonlineVIII.htm Your History online],in the Senate of the State of New York&lt;/ref&gt;"