




如果您尝试为数字属性或变量分配值,则该问题会出现在任何ABAP代码中,该值“超出范围”(因此导致溢出)。此处查看所有possible value range for numeric types

Type        Value Range
----------  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
b           0 to 255
s           -32,768 to +32,767
i           -2,147,483,648 to +2,647
int8        -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to +9,807
p           The valid length for packed numbers is between 1 and 16 bytes. Two places are 
            packed into one byte,where the last byte contains only one place and the sign,which is the number of places or places calculated from 2 * len1. After the 
            decimal separator,up to 14 decimal places are allowed ( the number of decimal 
            places should not exceed the number of places). Depending on the field length 
            len and the number of decimal places dec,the value range is: (-10^(2len-1) 
            +1) / (10^(+dec)) to (+10^(2len-1) -1) /(10^(+dec)) in increments of 10^(-dec).
            Any intermediate values are rounded decimally. Invalid content produces undefined 
decfloat16  Decimal floating point numbers of this type are represented internally with 16 
            places in accordance with the IEEE-754-2008 standard. Valid values are numbers 
            between 1E385(1E-16 - 1) and -1E-383 for the negative range,0 and +1E-383 to 
            1E385(1 - 1E-16) for the positive range. Values between the ranges form the 
            subnormal range and are rounded. Outside of the subnormal range,each 16-digit 
            decimal number can be represented exactly with a decimal floating point number 
            of this type.
decfloat34  Decimal floating point numbers of this type are represented internally with 34 
            places in accordance with the IEEE-754-2008 standard. Valid values are numbers 
            between 1E6145(1E-34 - 1) and -1E-6143 for the negative range,0 to +1E-6143 
            and 1E6145(1 - 1E-34) for the positive range. Values between the ranges form 
            the subnormal range and are rounded. Outside of the subnormal range,each 
            34-digit decimal number can be represented exactly using a decimal floating 
            point number.
f           Binary floating point numbers are represented internally according to the 
            IEEE-754 standard (double precision). In ABAP,17 places are represented (one 
            integer digit and 16 decimal places). Valid values are numbers between 
            -1.7976931348623157E+308 and -2.2250738585072014E-308 for the negative range 
            and between +2.2250738585072014E-308 and +1.7976931348623157E+308 for the
            positive range,plus 0. Both validity intervals are extended to the value zero 
            by subnormal numbers according to IEEE-754. Not every sixteen-digit number can
            be represented exactly by a binary floating point number.


REPORT ztest.
DATA num TYPE int1.
num = 1000.          " <=== run time error


REPORT ztest.
DATA num TYPE int2. " <=== larger type
num = 1000.         " <=== no more error



方法,功能模块或报告中也可能出现此问题。 此问题背后的主要原因是代码中存在的属性的运行时配置。 例如, 数据:num类型int1值256。


解决方案: 数据:num类型int1值{
