复选框在WooCommerce Checkout中为特定类别启用百分比折扣


以下修改后的代码基于Add a checkout checkbox field that enable a percentage fee in Woocommerce。我已经进行了调整,但只希望针对特定类别,因此当学生在结帐时在方框中打勾,定义他们是学生时,它将从总费用中扣除15%,但仅针对特定类别范围-即“在线研讨会”。这超出了我,因此不胜感激。

// Add a custom checkBox fields after billing fields
add_action( 'woocommerce_after_checkout_billing_form','add_custom_checkout_checkBox',20 );
function add_custom_checkout_checkBox(){

    // Add a custom checkBox field
    woocommerce_form_field( 'student_discount_fee',array(
        'type'  => 'checkBox','label' => __(' Yes,I am a student lawyer studying law'),'class' => array( 'form-row-wide' ),),'' );

// Remove "(optional)" label on "Student discount checkBox" field
add_filter( 'woocommerce_form_field','remove_order_comments_optional_fields_label',10,4 );
function remove_order_comments_optional_fields_label( $field,$key,$args,$value ) {
    // Only on checkout page for Order notes field
    if( 'student_discount_fee' === $key && is_checkout() ) {
        $optional = '&nbsp;<span class="optional">(' . esc_html__( 'optional','woocommerce' ) . ')</span>';
        $field = str_replace( $optional,'',$field );
    return $field;

// jQuery - Ajax script
add_action( 'wp_footer','checkout_fee_script' );
function checkout_fee_script() {
    // Only on Checkout
    if( is_checkout() && ! is_wc_endpoint_url() ) :

    if( WC()->session->__isset('enable_fee') )
    <script type="text/javascript">
    jQuery( function($){
        if (typeof wc_checkout_params === 'undefined') 
            return false;

            var fee = $(this).prop('checked') === true ? '1' : '';

                type: 'POST',url: wc_checkout_params.ajax_url,data: {
                    'action': 'enable_fee','enable_fee': fee,},success: function (result) {

// Get Ajax request and saving to WC session
add_action( 'wp_ajax_enable_fee','get_enable_fee' );
add_action( 'wp_ajax_nopriv_enable_fee','get_enable_fee' );
function get_enable_fee() {
    if ( isset($_POST['enable_fee']) ) {
        WC()->session->set('enable_fee',($_POST['enable_fee'] ? true : false) );

// Add a custom dynamic 15% fee
add_action( 'woocommerce_cart_calculate_fees','custom_percentage_fee',20,1 );
function custom_percentage_fee( $cart ) {
    // Only on checkout
    if ( ( is_admin() && ! defined( 'DOING_AJAX' ) ) || ! is_checkout() )

    $percent = -33.33333333333333;

    if( WC()->session->get('enable_fee') )
        $cart->add_fee( __( 'STUDENT LAWYER disCOUNT','woocommerce')." ",($cart->get_subtotal() * $percent / 100) );
// hide coupon field on cart page
function hide_coupon_field_on_cart( $enabled ) {

    if ( is_cart() ) {
        $enabled = false;

    return $enabled;
add_filter( 'woocommerce_coupons_enabled','hide_coupon_field_on_cart' );

// hide coupon field on checkout page
function hide_coupon_field_on_checkout( $enabled ) {

    if ( is_checkout() ) {
        $enabled = false;

    return $enabled;
add_filter( 'woocommerce_coupons_enabled','hide_coupon_field_on_checkout' );







// Custom conditional function that check for specific product categories (and calculate their subtotal)
function check_cart_items_for_specific_categories( $type = 'boolean') {
    $categories     = array('online-seminars'); //  <===  Here define your product category (name,slug or Id)
    $category_found = false; // Initializing
    $item_subtotal  = 0; // Initializing

    foreach( WC()->cart->get_cart() as $item ) {
        if ( has_term( $categories,'product_cat',$item['product_id'] ) ) {
            $category_found = true;
            $item_subtotal += $item['line_total'];

    if ( $type === 'subtotal' ) {
        return $item_subtotal;
    } else {
        return $category_found;

// Add a custom checkbox fields after billing fields
add_action( 'woocommerce_after_checkout_billing_form','add_custom_checkout_checkbox',20 );
function add_custom_checkout_checkbox(){
    if( ! check_cart_items_for_specific_categories() ) return; // Exit

    // Add a custom checkbox field
    woocommerce_form_field( 'student_discount_fee',array(
        'type'  => 'checkbox','label' => __(' Yes,I am a student lawyer studying law'),'class' => array( 'form-row-wide' ),),'' );

// Remove "(optional)" label on "Student discount checkbox" field
add_filter( 'woocommerce_form_field','remove_order_comments_optional_fields_label',10,4 );
function remove_order_comments_optional_fields_label( $field,$key,$args,$value ) {
    // Only on checkout page for Order notes field
    if( 'student_discount_fee' === $key && is_checkout() && check_cart_items_for_specific_categories() ) {
        $optional = '&nbsp;<span class="optional">(' . esc_html__( 'optional','woocommerce' ) . ')</span>';
        $field = str_replace( $optional,'',$field );
    return $field;

// jQuery - Ajax script
add_action( 'wp_footer','checkout_fee_script' );
function checkout_fee_script() {
    // Only on Checkout
    if( is_checkout() && ! is_wc_endpoint_url() && check_cart_items_for_specific_categories() ) :

    if( WC()->session->__isset('enable_fee') )
    <script type="text/javascript">
    jQuery( function($){
        if (typeof wc_checkout_params === 'undefined')
            return false;

        $('form.checkout').on('change','input[name=student_discount_fee]',function() {
            var fee = $(this).prop('checked') === true ? '1' : '';

                type: 'POST',url: wc_checkout_params.ajax_url,data: {
                    'action'    : 'enable_fee','enable_fee': fee,},success: function (result) {

// Get Ajax request and saving to WC session
add_action( 'wp_ajax_enable_fee','get_enable_fee' );
add_action( 'wp_ajax_nopriv_enable_fee','get_enable_fee' );
function get_enable_fee() {
    if ( isset($_POST['enable_fee']) ) {
        WC()->session->set('enable_fee',($_POST['enable_fee'] ? true : false) );

// Add a custom dynamic 15% fee
add_action( 'woocommerce_cart_calculate_fees','custom_percentage_fee',20,1 );
function custom_percentage_fee( $cart ) {
    // Only on checkout
    if ( ( is_admin() && ! defined( 'DOING_AJAX' ) ) || ! is_checkout() )

    if( WC()->session->get('enable_fee') && check_cart_items_for_specific_categories() ) {
        $percentage = -33.33333333333333; // Set the percentage discount (negative float number)
        $subtotal   = check_cart_items_for_specific_categories('subtotal'); // Related items subtotal
        $discount   = $subtotal * $percentage / 100;

        $cart->add_fee( strtoupper( __( 'Student lawyer discount','woocommerce') ),$discount );
