

所以我在运行此代码时遇到问题。任务是使用遗传算法实现N = 8或更高的N-皇后问题。问题是,当我尝试运行程序时,出现“无法解析符号“染色体””错误,并且找不到ArrayList。如果这有所作为,我还将在IntelliJ中使用Java实现该问题。有人有解决问题的建议吗?


import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.*;

// genetic algorithm along with necessary parameters for solving the problem
public class geneticAlgorithmNQueen {

    // Declare parameters for genetic algorithm
    /* MAX_LENGTH = chess board width(N)
     - START_SIZE = population size at start of problem
     - MAX_EPOCHS = arbitrary number of test cycles
     - MATING_PROBABILITY = probability of two chromosomes mating

      *Range: 0.0 < MATING_PROBABILITY < 1.0*

     - MUTATION_RATE = mutation rate

      *Range: 0.0 < MUTATION_RATE < 1.0*

     - MIN_SELECT = minimum parents allowed for selection
     - MAX_SELECT = maximum parents allowed for selection


     - OFFSPRING_PER_GENERATION = new offspring created per generation


     - MINIMUM_SHUFFLES = used for randomizing starting chromosomes
     - MAXIMUM_SHUFFLES = used for randomizing starting chromosomes
    private int MAX_LENGTH;
    private int START_SIZE;
    private int MAX_EPOCHS;
    private double MATING_PROBABILITY;
    private double MUTATION_RATE;
    private int MIN_SELECT;
    private int MAX_SELECT;
    private int MINIMUM_SHUFFLES;
    private int MAXIMUM_SHUFFLES;

    // Schedules mutations
    private int nextMutation;
    private ArrayList<Chromosome> population;
    private ArrayList<Chromosome> solutions;
    private Random rand;
    private int childCount;
    private int mutations;
    private int epoch;
    private int populationSize;

    // Constructor with necessary parameters
    public geneticAlgorithmNQueen(int n) {

        // Set constant values
        MAX_LENGTH = n;
        START_SIZE = 40;
        MAX_EPOCHS = 1000;
        MUTATION_RATE = 0.001;
        MIN_SELECT = 10;
        MAX_SELECT = 30;
        MAXIMUM_SHUFFLES = 20;
        epoch = 0;
        populationSize = 0;

    // Beginning of the genetic algorithm solving for n queens problem
    public boolean algorithm() {
        population = new ArrayList<Chromosome>();
        solutions = new ArrayList<Chromosome>();
        rand = new Random();
        nextMutation = 0;
        childCount = 0;
        mutations = 0;
        epoch = 0;
        populationSize = 0;

        boolean done = false;
        Chromosome thisChromo = null;
        nextMutation = getRandNumber(0,(int)Math.round(1.0 / MUTATION_RATE));


        while(!done) {
            populationSize = population.size();

            for(int i = 0; i < populationSize; i++) {
                thisChromo = population.get(i);

                //If solution is found to the problem
                if((thisChromo.getConflicts() == 0)) {
                    done = true;

            //If max number of cycles is reached
            if(epoch == MAX_EPOCHS) {
                done = true;


            System.out.println("Epoch: " + epoch);

        if(epoch >= MAX_EPOCHS) {
            System.out.println("No solution found/");
            done = false;
        } else {
            populationSize = population.size();

            // Prints the solutions if found within mnc
            for(int i = 0; i < populationSize; i++) {
                thisChromo = population.get(i);
                if(thisChromo.getConflicts() == 0) {

        System.out.println("Completed " + epoch + " epochs.");
        System.out.println("Encountered " + mutations + " mutations in " + childCount + " offspring.");

        return done;

    // Begins the the mating process with the selected chromosomes
    public void mating() {
        int getRand = 0;
        int parentA = 0;
        int parentB = 0;
        int newIndex1 = 0;
        int newIndex2 = 0;
        Chromosome newChromo1 = null;
        Chromosome newChromo2 = null;

        for(int i = 0; i < OFFSPRING_PER_GENERATION; i++) {
            parentA = selectParent();

            // Test the probability of mating
            getRand = getRandNumber(0,100);
            if(getRand <= MATING_PROBABILITY * 100) {
                parentB = selectParent(parentA);
                newChromo1 = new Chromosome(MAX_LENGTH);
                newChromo2 = new Chromosome(MAX_LENGTH);
                newIndex1 = population.indexOf(newChromo1);
                newIndex2 = population.indexOf(newChromo2);

                // Partially mapped crossover technique

                if(childCount - 1 == nextMutation) {
                } else if (childCount == nextMutation) {

                childCount += 2;

                // Schedules the next mutation
                if(childCount % (int)Math.round(1.0 / MUTATION_RATE) == 0) {
                    nextMutation = childCount + getRandNumber(0,(int)Math.round(1.0 / MUTATION_RATE));

    // Method partMappedCross crossovers two chromosome parents
    // Uses partiallyMappedCrossover technique
    // @param: parent A,parent B
    // @param: child A,child B
    public void partMappedCross(int chromA,int chromB,int child1,int child2) {

        int j = 0;
        int item1 = 0;
        int item2 = 0;
        int pos1 = 0;
        int pos2 = 0;
        Chromosome thisChromo = population.get(chromA);
        Chromosome thatChromo = population.get(chromB);
        Chromosome newChromo1 = population.get(child1);
        Chromosome newChromo2 = population.get(child2);
        int crosspoint1 = getRandNumber(0,MAX_LENGTH - 1);
        int crosspoint2 = getExRandNumber(MAX_LENGTH - 1,crosspoint1);

        // Retrieves the crosspoint from swapping location
        if(crosspoint2 < crosspoint1) {
            j = crosspoint1;
            crosspoint1 = crosspoint2;
            crosspoint2 = j;

        // copies parent genes to offspring
        for(int i = 0; i < MAX_LENGTH; i++) {

        for(int i = crosspoint1; i <= crosspoint2; i++) {

            // Retrieves the items to swap
            item1 = thisChromo.getGene(i);
            item2 = thatChromo.getGene(i);

            // Retrieves the items and positions them in the offspring
            for(j = 0; j < MAX_LENGTH; j++) {
                if(newChromo1.getGene(j) == item1) {
                    pos1 = j;
                } else if (newChromo1.getGene(j) == item2) {
                    pos2 = j;

            // Swaps items
            if(item1 != item2) {

            // Retrieves the items and positions them in the offspring
            for(j = 0; j < MAX_LENGTH; j++) {
                if(newChromo2.getGene(j) == item2) {
                    pos1 = j;
                } else if(newChromo2.getGene(j) == item1) {
                    pos2 = j;

            // Swaps items
            if(item1 != item2) {

    // Method selectParent() chooses a randomly selected parent
    // @return: random index of parent
    public int selectParent() {

        // Overloaded function
        int parent = 0;
        Chromosome thisChromo = null;
        boolean done = false;

        while(!done) {

            // Randomly pick an eligible parent
            parent = getRandNumber(0,population.size() - 1);
            thisChromo = population.get(parent);
            if(thisChromo.isSelected() == true) {
                done = true;
        return parent;

    // Method selectParent(int parentA) chooses a randomly selected parent that is not the parameter
    // @param: selected parent index
    // @return: random index of parent
    public int selectParent(int parentA) {

        // Overloaded function
        int parent = 0;
        Chromosome thisChromo = null;
        boolean done = false;

        while(!done) {
            // Randomly choose an eligible parent.
            parent = getRandNumber(0,population.size() - 1);
            if(parent != parentA){
                thisChromo = population.get(parent);
                if(thisChromo.isSelected() == true){
                    done = true;
        return parent;

    // Method rouletteSelection chooses selected parents based on roulette selection.
    public void rouletteSelection() {
        int j = 0;
        int populationSize = population.size();
        int maximumToSelect = getRandNumber(MIN_SELECT,MAX_SELECT);
        double genTotal = 0.0;
        double selTotal = 0.0;
        double rouletteSpin = 0.0;
        Chromosome thisChromo = null;
        Chromosome thatChromo = null;
        boolean done = false;

        for(int i = 0; i < populationSize; i++) {                                                                                            //get total fitness
            thisChromo = population.get(i);
            genTotal += thisChromo.getfitness();

        genTotal *= 0.01;

        for(int i = 0; i < populationSize; i++) {
            thisChromo = population.get(i);

            // Set selection probability
            thisChromo.setSelectionProbability(thisChromo.getfitness() / genTotal);

        // Select most fit parents
        for(int i = 0; i < maximumToSelect; i++) {
            rouletteSpin = getRandNumber(0,99);
            j = 0;
            selTotal = 0;
            done = false;
            while(!done) {
                thisChromo = population.get(j);
                selTotal += thisChromo.getSelectionProbability();
                if(selTotal >= rouletteSpin) {
                    if(j == 0) {
                        thatChromo = population.get(j);
                    } else if(j >= populationSize - 1) {
                        thatChromo = population.get(populationSize - 1);
                    } else {
                        thatChromo = population.get(j-1);
                    done = true;
                } else {

    // Method getfitness() sets the fitness of each chromosome based on its conflicts
    public void getfitness() {

        // Lowest error = 100%
        // Highest error = 0%
        int populationSize = population.size();
        Chromosome thisChromo = null;
        double bestscore = 0;
        double worstscore = 0;

        // The best score would be the lowest energy,vice versa for worse
        worstscore = Collections.max(population).getConflicts();

        // Convert scores to a weighted percentage.
        bestscore = worstscore - Collections.min(population).getConflicts();

        for(int i = 0; i < populationSize; i++) {
            thisChromo = population.get(i);
            thisChromo.setfitness((worstscore - thisChromo.getConflicts()) * 100.0 / bestscore);

    //Method prepNextEpoch() resets all flags in the selection
    public void prepNextEpoch() {
        int populationSize = 0;
        Chromosome thisChromo = null;

        // Reset flags for selected individuals
        populationSize = population.size();
        for(int i = 0; i < populationSize; i++) {
            thisChromo = population.get(i);

    // Method printSolution() prints an NxN chessboard with queens
    // @param: a chromosome
    public void printSolution(Chromosome solution) {
        String board[][] = new String[MAX_LENGTH][MAX_LENGTH];

        // Clears the chessboard
        for(int x = 0; x < MAX_LENGTH; x++) {
            for(int y = 0; y < MAX_LENGTH; y++) {
                board[x][y] = "";

        for(int x = 0; x < MAX_LENGTH; x++) {
            board[x][solution.getGene(x)] = "Q";

        // display the board.
        for(int y = 0; y < MAX_LENGTH; y++) {
            for(int x = 0; x < MAX_LENGTH; x++) {
                if(board[x][y] == "Q") {
                    System.out.print("Q ");
                } else {
                    System.out.print(". ");

    // Method initialize() initializes all of the chromosomes' placement of queens in ramdom positions
    public void initialize() {
        int shuffles = 0;
        Chromosome newChromo = null;
        int chromoIndex = 0;

        for(int i = 0; i < START_SIZE; i++)  {
            newChromo = new Chromosome(MAX_LENGTH);
            chromoIndex = population.indexOf(newChromo);

            // Randomly choose the number of shuffles to perform.
            shuffles = getRandNumber(MINIMUM_SHUFFLES,MAXIMUM_SHUFFLES);

    // Method exMutation() changes the position of the queens in a chromosome randomly according to the number of exchanges
    // @param: index of the chromosome
    // @param: number of exhanges
    public void exMutation(int index,int exchanges) {
        int tempData = 0;
        int gene1 = 0;
        int gene2 = 0;
        Chromosome thisChromo = null;
        thisChromo = population.get(index);

        for(int i = 0; i < exchanges; i++) {
            gene1 = getRandNumber(0,MAX_LENGTH - 1);
            gene2 = getExRandNumber(MAX_LENGTH - 1,gene1);

            // Exchange the chosen genes
            tempData = thisChromo.getGene(gene1);

    // Method getExRandNumber() gets a random number with the exception of the parameter
    // @param: max random number
    // @param: number being chosen
    // @return: random number
    public int getExRandNumber(int high,int except) {
        boolean done = false;
        int getRand = 0;

        while(!done) {
            getRand = rand.nextInt(high);
            if(getRand != except){
                done = true;
        return getRand;

    // Method getRandNumber() gets a random number in the range of the parameters
    // @param: min random number
    // @param: max random number
    // @return: random number
    public int getRandNumber(int low,int high) {
        return (int)Math.round((high - low) * rand.nextDouble() + low);

    // Method getSolutions() returns the solutions
    public ArrayList<Chromosome> getSolutions() {
        return solutions;

    // Method getEpoch() returns epoch
    public int getEpoch() {
        return epoch;

    // Method getPopSize() returns population size
    public int getPopSize() {
        return population.size();

    // Method getStartSize() returns starting size
    public int getStartSize() {
        return START_SIZE;

    // Method getMatingProb() returns mating probability
    public double getMatingProb() {
        return MATING_PROBABILITY;

    // Method getMutationRate() returns mutation rate
    public double getMutationRate() {
        return MUTATION_RATE;

    // Method getMinSelect() returns minimum start size
    public int getMinSelect() {
        return MIN_SELECT;

    // Method getMaxSelect() returns maximum start size
    public double getMaxSelect() {
        return MAX_SELECT;

    // Method getMaxEpochs() returns max epoch per cycle
    public int getMaxEpoch() {
        return MAX_EPOCHS;

    // Method setEpoch(0 sets new max epoch
    public void setEpoch(int newMaxEpoch) {
        this.MAX_EPOCHS = newMaxEpoch;

    // Method getShuffleMin() returns minimum shuffles
    public int getShuffleMin() {
        return MINIMUM_SHUFFLES;

    // Method getShuffleMax() returns maximum shuffles
    public int getShuffleMax() {
        return MAXIMUM_SHUFFLES;

    // Method getoffspring() gets the mutation rate
    public double getoffspring() {

    // Method setMutRate() sets new mutation rate
    public void setMutRate(double newMutation) {
        this.MUTATION_RATE = newMutation;





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