如何使Bjarne Stoustroup的简单图形程序在VS2019中工作?


我目前正在阅读Bjarne Stroustrup的“使用C ++ 2nd Edition的原理和实践”,而我才刚刚开始第12章。但是我似乎无法运行此代码

#include "Simple_window.h" // get access to our window library
#include "Graph.h" // get access to our graphics library facilities
int main()
 using namespace Graph_lib; // our graphics facilities are in Graph_lib
 Point tl {100,100}; // to become top left corner of window
 Simple_window win {tl,600,400,"Canvas"}; // make a simple window
 polygon poly; // make a shape (a polygon)
 poly.add(Point{300,200}); // add a point
 poly.add(Point{350,100}); // add another point
 poly.add(Point{400,200}); // add a third point
 poly.set_color(Color::red); // adjust properties of poly
 win.attach (poly); // connect poly to the window
 win.wait_for_button(); // give control to the display engine


Severity    Code    Description Project File    Line    Suppression State
Error (active)  E0135   class "Simple_window" has no member "attach"    Project7    c:\Users\HP\source\repos\Project7\Project7\Source.cpp   13  
Error (active)  E1696   cannot open source file "GUI.h" Project7    c:\Users\HP\source\repos\Project7\Project7\Simple_window.h  2   
Error (active)  E0725   name must be a namespace name   Project7    c:\Users\HP\source\repos\Project7\Project7\Simple_window.h  4   
Error (active)  E1696   cannot open source file "Graph.h"   Project7    c:\Users\HP\source\repos\Project7\Project7\Source.cpp   2   
Error (active)  E0725   name must be a namespace name   Project7    c:\Users\HP\source\repos\Project7\Project7\Source.cpp   5   
Error (active)  E0020   identifier "Point" is undefined Project7    c:\Users\HP\source\repos\Project7\Project7\Source.cpp   6   
Error (active)  E0020   identifier "polygon" is undefined   Project7    c:\Users\HP\source\repos\Project7\Project7\Source.cpp   8   
Error (active)  E0020   identifier "Point" is undefined Project7    c:\Users\HP\source\repos\Project7\Project7\Source.cpp   9   
Error (active)  E0018   expected a ')'  Project7    c:\Users\HP\source\repos\Project7\Project7\Source.cpp   9   
Error (active)  E0018   expected a ')'  Project7    c:\Users\HP\source\repos\Project7\Project7\Source.cpp   10  
Error (active)  E0018   expected a ')'  Project7    c:\Users\HP\source\repos\Project7\Project7\Source.cpp   11  
Error (active)  E0276   name followed by '::' must be a class or namespace name Project7    c:\Users\HP\source\repos\Project7\Project7\Source.cpp   12  
Error   C1083   Cannot open include file: 'GUI.h': No such file or directory    Project7    c:\users\hp\source\repos\project7\project7\simple_window.h  2   

我尝试将代码中指定的头文件粘贴到程序中,但是它不起作用。我尝试实现FLTK 1.3.5并将其也链接到VS2019,但它继续显示错误消息。请帮助我解决这个问题。





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