无法加载文件或程序集“ Xamarin.iOS”或其依赖项之一无法验证强名称签名HRESULT:0x80131045


我已经搜索了,但是找不到解决方案 我在Visual Studio中拥有一个Xamarin Forms App,所以我的解决方案中有5个项目:

awk 'NR==FNR { arr[$1]="1" } NR != FNR { if (arr[$1] == "") { print $0 } } ' file2 file1

我仅使用MagCoils,MagCoils.Android和MagCoils.WebService ...从未测试过iOS和UWP。 将窗体从Visual Studio 2017社区切换到Visual Studio 2019社区并升级一些程序包后....当我将MagCoils.WebService设置为StartUp项目并使用Chrome对其进行调试时,我在此页面中运行错误,无法加载文件或程序集'Xamarin。 iOS”或其依赖项之一。





Assembly manager loaded from: C: \ Windows \ Microsoft.NET \ Framework \ v4.0.30319 \ clr.dll
Running with the executable C: \ Program Files (x86) \ IIS Express \ iisexpress.exe
Detailed error log follows.

information about the pre-association status
REG: displayName = Xamarin.iOS
AVV: Partial binding information specified for an assembly:
AVV: assembly name: Xamarin.iOS | Domain ID: 3
AVV: Partial association occurs when only part of the assembly display name is specified.
AVV: This Could cause the binder to load an incorrect assembly.
AVV: It is advisable to specify a full text identity for the assembly,AVV - Consists of the simple name,version,culture,and public key token.
AVV: For more information and common solutions to this issue,see the white paper http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=109270.
REG: Appbase = file: /// F: / C Programs / MagCoils / MagCoils / MagCoils.WebService /
REG: Initial PrivatePath = F: \ Program Files C \ MagCoils \ MagCoils \ MagCoils.WebService \ bin
Calling assembly: (UnkNown).

REG: The association originates in the default load context.
REG: using the application configuration file: F: \ Program Files C \ MagCoils \ MagCoils \ MagCoils.WebService \ web.config
REG: using host configuration file: C: \ Users \ arglu \ Documents \ IISExpress \ config \ aspnet.config
REG: Using the computer configuration file from C: \ Windows \ Microsoft.NET \ Framework \ v4.0.30319 \ config \ machine.config.
LOG: Policies are not currently applied to the reference (private,custom,partial,or path-based assembly binding).
REG: Attempt to download new URL file: /// C: / Users / arglu / AppData / Local / Temp / Temporary ASP.NET Files / vs / 859f2ce6 / 8d561023 / Xamarin.iOS.DLL.
REG: Attempt to download new URL file: /// C: / Users / arglu / AppData / Local / Temp / Temporary ASP.NET Files / vs / 859f2ce6 / 8d561023 / Xamarin.iOS / Xamarin.iOS.DLL.
REG: Attempt to download new URL file: /// F: / C Programs / MagCoils / MagCoils / MagCoils.WebService / bin / Xamarin.iOS.DLL.
REG: using the application configuration file: F: \ Program Files C \ MagCoils \ MagCoils \ MagCoils.WebService \ web.config
REG: using host configuration file: C: \ Users \ arglu \ Documents \ IISExpress \ config \ aspnet.config
REG: Using the computer configuration file from C: \ Windows \ Microsoft.NET \ Framework \ v4.0.30319 \ config \ machine.config.
REG: post-criteria reference: Xamarin.iOS,Version =,Culture = neutral,PublicKeyToken = 84e04ff9cfb79065
ERR: The assembly installation Could not be completed (hr = 0x80131045). The survey has been completed.




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