在MacOS Catalina上找不到nix-env或nix-build


在MacOS Catalina上找不到nix-env,nix-build,nix-shell等。


sh <(curl https://nixos.org/nix/install) --darwin-use-unencrypted-nix-store-volume

并能够在昨天运行它们。我重新启动计算机,再也找不到它们。 find / -name nix-env | grep nix-env什么也没显示

我尝试使用相同的命令(sh <(curl https://nixos.org/nix/install) --darwin-use-unencrypted-nix-store-volume)重新安装,但是这次它立即以0状态代码存在。



您应遵循Notes on the recommended approach

似乎未装入该卷(如文档中所述,用Option Explicit Public Sub test() BlackWhiteFontColor Range("A1:A10") End Sub Public Sub BlackWhiteFontColor(ByRef FormatRange As Range) Dim Cell As Range For Each Cell In FormatRange.Cells Dim Color As Long Color = Cell.Interior.Color 'covert color into hex color Dim RGBHex As String RGBHex = Right$("000000" & Hex(Color),6) 'extract rgb values Dim Blue As Long,Green As Long,Red As Long Blue = CLng("&H" & Mid$(RGBHex,1,2)) Green = CLng("&H" & Mid$(RGBHex,3,2)) Red = CLng("&H" & Mid$(RGBHex,5,2)) 'calculate hsp according to http://alienryderflex.com/hsp.html Dim hsp As Double hsp = Sqr(0.299 * (Red ^ 2) + 0.587 * (Green ^ 2) + 0.114 * (Blue ^ 2)) If hsp > 127.5 Then 'background color is light Cell.Font.Color = vbBlack Else 'background color is dark Cell.Font.Color = vbWhite End If Next Cell End Sub 检查/etc/fstab状态)。


使用Disk Utility UI删除nix卷(sudo rm -rf /nix不起作用)。

然后再次运行脚本,这次用手指交叉:sh <(curl https://nixos.org/nix/install) --darwin-use-unencrypted-nix-store-volume