


class PositionalList(_DoublyLinkedBase):
    """ A sequential container of elements allowing positional access """

    # --------------------------- nested Position class -------------------------
    class Position:
        """ An abstraction representing the location of a single element """

        def __init__(self,container,node):
            """ Constructor should not be invoked by user """

            self._container = container
            self._node = node

        def element(self):
            """ Return element stored at this position """
            return self._node._element

        def __eq__(self,other):
            """ Return True if other is a Position representing the same location """
            return type(other) is type(self) and other._node is self._node

        def __ne__(self,other):
            """ Return True if other does not represent the same location """
            return not (self == other)

    # --------------------------- utility method -------------------------------
    def _validate(self,p):
        """ Return position's node,or raise appropriate error if invalid """
        if not isinstance(p,self.Position):
            raise TypeError("p must be proper position type")
        if p._container is not self:
            raise ValueError("p does not belong to this container")
        if p._node._next is None:  # convention for deprecated nodes
            raise ValueError("p is no longer valid")
        return p._node

    # ---------------------------- utility method -------------------------------
    def _make_position(self,node):
        """ Return Position instance for given node(or None if sentinel node) """
        if node is self._header or node is self._trailer:
            return None
            return self.Position(self,node)

    # ----------------------------- accessors ------------------------------------
    def first(self):
        """ Return the first Position in the list(or None if list is empty) """
        return self._make_position(self._header._next)

    def last(self):
        """ Return the last Position in the list(or None if list is empty) """
        return self._make_position(self._trailer._prev)

    def before(self,p):
        """ Return position before specified position p (or None if p is first)"""

        node = self._validate(p)
        return self._make_position(node._prev)

    def after(self,p):
        """ Return position after specified position p (or None if p is last)"""

        node = self._validate(p)
        return self._make_position(node._next)

    def __iter__(self):
        """ Generate a forward iteration of the element of the list """

        cursor = self.first()
        while cursor is not None:
            yield cursor.element()
            cursor = self.after(cursor)

    # -------------------------------- mutators -----------------------------------
    # override inherited version to return Position,rather than Node
    def _insert_between(self,e,predecessor,successor):
        node = super()._insert_between(e,successor)
        return self._make_position(node)

    def add_first(self,e):
        """ Insert element e at the front of the list and return new Position """
        return self._insert_between(e,self._header,self._header._next)

    def add_last(self,e):
        """ Insert element e at the end of the list and return new Position """
        return self._insert_between(e,self._trailer._prev,self._trailer)

    def add_before(self,p,e):
        """ Insert element e into list before Position p and return new position """
        original = self._validate(p)
        return self._insert_between(e,original._prev,original)

    def add_after(self,e):
        """ Insert element e into list after Position p and return new position """
        original = self._validate(p)
        return self._insert_between(e,original,original._next)

    def delete(self,p):
        """ Remove and return the element at Position p """
        original = self._validate(p)
        return self._delete_node(original)

    def replace(self,e):
        """ Replace element at Position p with e

        Return element formerly at Position p

        original = self._validate(p)
        old_value = original._element
        original._element = e
        return old_value

    def __str__(self):
        l = []
        for e in self:
        return f"{l}"



我很困惑,因为如果我仅有的只是一个位置实例对象,而不是一个定义列表本身中引用的位置位置和节点的属性,这是否会破坏O(1)插入/删除的目的? / p>






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