




includelib legacy_stdio_deFinitions.lib
extrn printf:near,scanf:near

.data                           ; Data section

istr db 'Please enter an integer: '
stri byte '%lld',0AH,00
ostr byte 'The sum of proc. and user inputs (%lld,%lld,%lld): %lld',00

.code                           ; Code section

public use_scanf                ; int use_scanf(long long a,long long b,long long c)
use_scanf:                      ; { 

    mov rax,0                  ; sum = 0;
    add rax,rcx                ; sum += a;
    add rax,rdx                ; sum += b;
    add rax,r8                 ; sum += c;

    ; printf('Please enter an integer');
    ; scanf();
    ; printf('%lld',&inp_int);

    mov r9,3                   ; temp inp_int      
    add rax,r9                 ; sum += inp_int;

    push rbx                    ; save reg rbx to make space
    mov rbx,rax                ; save sum in rbx
    push rax                    ; sum.push
    push rax                    ; sum.push
    push r9                     ; usrinput.push
    sub rsp,32                 ; allocate shadow space
    mov r9,r8                  ; arg3 = c;
    mov r8,rdx                 ; arg2 = b;
    mov rdx,rcx                ; arg1 = a
    lea rcx,ostr               ; arg0 = ostr;
    call printf                 ; printf(ostr);

    add rsp,56                 ; clear shadow space and vars from stack
    mov rax,rbx                ; retVal = sum
    pop rbx                     ; return rbx to prevIoUs value

    ret                         ; return retVal}


Please enter an integer: 2
use_scanf_spill4 equ 12 * 8 ; The slots above return address that are
The sum of proc. and user inputs (1,2,3,1002523588520): 1002523588526
use_scanf(1,3) = 73 ERROR: should be 7018134685179969542

Please enter an integer: 2
The sum of proc. and user inputs (-3,-2,1002523588520): 1002523588517
use_scanf(-3,-2) = 75 ERROR: should be 7018134685179969533

Please enter an integer: 3
The sum of proc. and user inputs (4,-4,1002523588520): 1002523588523
use_scanf(4,-4) = 74 ERROR: should be 7018134685179969539

Please enter an integer: -3
The sum of proc. and user inputs (-3,-3,1002523588520): 1002523588510
use_scanf(-3,-4) = 76 ERROR: should be 7018134685179969526


void check(const char *s,_int64 v,_int64 expected) {
std::cout << s << " = " << v;
if (v == expected) {
    std::cout << " OK";
else {
    std::cout << " ERROR: should be " << expected;
std::cout << "\n";

_int64 sum_scanf;
_int64 sum_check;
sum_scanf = use_scanf(1,3);
sum_check = 1 + 2 + 3 + inp_int;
std::cout << "\n";
sum_scanf = use_scanf(-3,-2);
sum_check = -3 + 2 - 2 + inp_int;
std::cout << "\n";
sum_scanf = use_scanf(4,-4);
sum_check = 4 + 3 - 4 + inp_int;
sum_check = -3 - 3 - 4 + inp_int;





;Take your globals from above -- you will need

use_scanf_spill4 equ 12 * 8 ; The slots above return address that are
use_scanf_spill3 equ 11 * 8 ; for spilling arguments. In theory you can
use_scanf_spill2 equ 10 * 8 ; use them for something else but I didn't.
use_scanf_spill1 equ 9 * 8
use_scanf_space equ 7 * 8 ; it holds return addess -- don't clobber
use_scanf_sum equ 6 * 8
use_scanf_input equ 5 * 8
use_scanf_arg6 equ 5 * 8 ; same as use_scanf_input,but only 1 is used at a time
use_scanf_arg5 equ1 4 * 8
; 0,1,2,3 are argument zone
        ; Allocate stack space
        ; this function doesn't use any non-call-clobbered registers
        sub  rsp,use_scanf_space

        ; spill input since we need it later
        mov [rsp + use_scanf_spill1],rcx
        mov [rsp + use_scanf_spill2],rdx
        mov [rsp + use_scanf_spill3],r8
        mov [rsp + use_scanf_spill4],r9
        ; Add arguments together and stash
        add  rcx,rdx
        add  rcx,r8
        mov  [rsp + use_scanf_sum],rcx

        ; print the promot
        lea  rcx,istr
        call printf

        ; call scanf
        lea  rcx,[stri]
        ; Can't take the address of a register so we give it a memory slot
        lea  rdx,[rsp + use_scanf_input]
        call scanf
        ; sum the values
        mov  rdx,[rsp + use_scanf_sum]
        mov  rax,[rsp + use_scanf_input]
        add  rax,rdx

        ; print out the arguments and total
        ; using rcx as scratch -- will clobber later
        mov  rdx,[rsp + use_scanf_spill1]
        mov  r8,[rsp + use_scanf_spill2]
        mov  r9,[rsp + use_scanf_spill3]
        mov  rcx,[rsp + use_scanf_input]
        mov  [rsp + use_scanf_arg5],rcx
        mov  [rsp + use_scanf_arg6],rax
        lea   rcx,[ostr]
        call  printf

        ; now leave
        add  rsp,use_scanf_space