

这是我创建的第一个Chrome扩展程序。我需要书签侧面板的简化且更快的版本。我已经设法列出了我的Chrome书签,并最终做了一些非常深入的搜索,以了解如何打开本地URL“ file://”,我必须创建一个content.js文件,因此这是解决方案的一部分,但并非如此完整的。





        "name": "Favorites Sidebar","version": "","manifest_version": 2,"description": "Displays a sidebar with the list of your favorites.","icons": {
            "16": "icons/favorites16.png","32": "icons/favorites32.png","48": "icons/favorites48.png","128": "icons/favorites128.png"
        },"background": {
            "scripts": ["background.js"],"persistent": false
        },"content_scripts": [
                "matches": ["<all_urls>"],"css": ["style.css"],"js": ["content.js"]
        ],"permissions": [


    var scode = "";
    var fav_list = "";
    var sfullbody = "";

    var sicondir = "<div style=\\\"padding: 0; margin: 1px 4px 1px 4px; display: inline-block;\\\">";
    sicondir += "<div style=\\\"position: relative; width: 8px; height: 2px; border-radius: 3px 3px 0 0; background-color: #C19536; padding: 0; margin: 0;\\\"></div>";
    sicondir += "<div style=\\\"position: relative; width: 16px; height: 10px; border-radius: 0 3px 3px 3px; background-color: #C19536; padding: 0; margin: 0;\\\"></div>";
    sicondir += "</div>";

    var jvshowdir = "var odir = document.getElementById(\\'%dirname%\\');";
    jvshowdir += "var sdisp = odir.style.display;";
    jvshowdir += "if (sdisp == \\'block\\') {";
    jvshowdir += "odir.style.display = \\'none\\';} else {";
    jvshowdir += "odir.style.display = \\'block\\';}";

    var ilogcnt = 0;
    var curtid = 0;
    var cururl = "";

        chrome.tabs.getSelected(null,function (tab) {
            curtid = tab.id;

        function(tabId,changeInfo,tab) {

            scode += "var pdiv = document.getElementById('daric-fav-overlay');";
            scode += "var odiv = -1;";
            scode += "if (!pdiv) {";
            scode += "var odiv = document.createElement('div');";
            scode += "} else {";
            scode += "odiv = pdiv;";
            scode += "odiv.innerHTML = '';";
            scode += "}";
            scode += "odiv.id = 'daric-fav-overlay';";
            scode += "odiv.innerHTML = \""+fav_list+"\";";
            scode += "document.body.insertAdjacentElement('afterbegin',odiv);";
                null,{code: scode}

    function GetFavs(treeItem,subDir="",FirstItem = true) {
        var ictr = 0;
        var ofav = -1;
        var sitem = "";
        var stitle = "";
        var stmp = "";
        var surl = "";
        var itlen = 0;
        var iclen = 0;
        var sjvdc = "";
        var sdash = "";
        var item1 = FirstItem;
        itlen = treeItem.length;
        // Loop all favorites
        for (ictr = 0; ictr < itlen; ictr ++) {
            ofav = treeItem[ictr];
            iclen = 0;
            if (ofav.children) {iclen = ofav.children.length;}
            // Get favorite's title if any
            if (ofav.title != "") {
                stitle = ofav.title;
                stitle = stitle.replace(/\'/g,"\\'");
                stitle = stitle.replace(/\"/g,"\\\"");
            // Get children list
            if (iclen > 0 || typeof ofav.url === "undefined") {
                // Show favorite's title
                if (ofav.title != "") {
                    // Replace spaces by dash
                    stmp = stitle;
                    stmp = stmp.replace(/ /g,"-");
                    // Build directory clickable menu
                    sjvdc = jvshowdir;
                    sjvdc = sjvdc.replace(/%dirname%/g,stmp);
                    // Do not set the root folder as a clickable folder
                    sitem = "<div style=\\\"font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;margin: 4px 0 0 4px; padding: 0;\\\">"+stitle+"</div><div class=\\\"root-list\\\">";
                    if (item1 == false) {
                        sitem = "<div class=\\\"daric-folder\\\" id=\\\"dir-"+stmp+"\\\" onclick=\\\""+sjvdc+"\\\">";
                        sitem += sicondir+stitle+"</div><div class=\\\"daric-sub-folder\\\" style=\\\"display: none;\\\" id=\\\""+stmp+"\\\">";
                    // Make sure to only add different folders
                    if (!fav_list.includes(sitem)) {fav_list += sitem;}
                    item1 = false;
                // Get children list
                if (subDir != "") {sdash = "--";}
                fav_list += "</div>";
            } else {
                // No children found,this is probably a bookmark link
                surl = ofav.url;
                // Create a valid ID from title
                sdash = subDir+"-"+Dashify(stitle);
                // Check if item already exists;
                if (!fav_list.includes(sdash)) {
                    //if (fav_list.includes(sdash)) {sdash += "-"+Math.floor(Math.random()*100000).toString();}
                    sitem = "<div class=\\\"daric-fav\\\" id=\\\""+sdash+"\\\">&nbsp;&nbsp;"+stitle+"</div>";
                    sitem += "<input id=\\\"daric-url-"+sdash+"\\\" class=\\\"daric-hidden\\\" type=\\\"text\\\" value=\\\""+surl+"\\\"/>";
                    fav_list += sitem;

    // Replace numourous possible troublesome characters to dashes "-"
    // Good for class or id names
    function Dashify (sString) {
        var sdash = sString;
        sdash = sdash.replace(/ /g,"-");
        sdash = sdash.replace(/\"/g,"-");
        sdash = sdash.replace(/\'/g,"-");
        sdash = sdash.replace(/\:/g,"-");
        sdash = sdash.replace(/\(/g,"-");
        sdash = sdash.replace(/\)/g,"-");
        sdash = sdash.replace(/\[/g,"-");
        sdash = sdash.replace(/\]/g,"-");
        sdash = sdash.replace(/\{/g,"-");
        sdash = sdash.replace(/\}/g,"-");
        sdash = sdash.replace(/\./g,"-");
        sdash = sdash.replace(/\,/g,"-");
        sdash = sdash.replace(/\;/g,"-");
        sdash = sdash.replace(/\</g,"-");
        sdash = sdash.replace(/\>/g,"-");
        sdash = sdash.replace(/\?/g,"-");
        sdash = sdash.replace(/\!/g,"-");
        sdash = sdash.replace(/\%/g,"-");
        sdash = sdash.replace(/\^/g,"-");
        sdash = sdash.replace(/\$/g,"-");
        sdash = sdash.replace(/\#/g,"-");
        sdash = sdash.replace(/\@/g,"-");
        sdash = sdash.replace(/\*/g,"-");
        sdash = sdash.replace(/\&/g,"-");
        sdash = sdash.replace(/\~/g,"-");
        return sdash;


    var sid_down = "";
    var sid_up = "";

        sid_down = "daric-url-"+e.target.id;

        sid_up = "daric-url-"+e.target.id;
        // send message ONLY if we mouseup on the same element
        if (sid_up == sid_down && typeof document.getElementById(sid_up) !== "undefined") {
            chrome.runtime.sendMessage({url: document.getElementById(sid_up).value});


    #daric-fav-overlay {
        background-color: rgba(0,0);
        color: rgba(0,0);
        position: fixed;
        display: inline-block;
        white-space: nowrap;
        font-family: Arial;
        left: 0;
        top: 0;
        width: 4px;
        height: 100%;
        margin: 0;
        border: 0;
        padding: 0;
        overflow: hidden;
        z-index: 9000000;
        cursor: default;
        -ms-user-select: none;
        user-select: none;
    #daric-fav-overlay:hover {
        color: #DFDFDF;
        width: auto;
        overflow: auto;
        background-color: rgba(0,0.8);

    .daric-folder:hover,.daric-fav:hover {
        background-color: rgba(255,255,0.2);

    .daric-folder,.daric-sub-folder {
        cursor: default;
        padding: 4px;
        margin: 0;
        white-space: nowrap;

    .daric-fav {
        cursor: default;
        padding: 4px;
        margin: 0;

    .daric-hidden {
        width: 0;
        height: 0;
        padding: 0;
        margin: 0;
        border: 0;
        top: -400px;
        left: -400px;
        position: fixed;

当前结果预览。 悬停在网页左侧时会出现侧边栏:

sidebar appearing when hovering on the left side of the web-page


我想发布我的答案,因为我找到了部分解决方案(favicons =无法解决),但是每次我得到此“您似乎在文本中使用代码,因此请使用4个空格或按钮”错误消息即使我将解决方案用于红色错误消息中建议的代码标签,也要粘贴我的答案。因此,由于我无法发布答案,并且删除了1个小时的仔细编辑消息,只是为了对该社区做出贡献而没有成功。这只是说我找到了答案,但无法发布。我发现的答案与我们提出的答案相去甚远,尽管在对2个重要文件(其中一个我尚未创建的background.js和content.js)进行了非常大的更改之后,一些解决方案仍然适用。因此,多亏那些试图帮助我的人,我很抱歉无法正确回答,因为StackOverflow不允许我写我的答案。


错误1:Request method ‘DELETE‘ not supported 错误还原:...
错误1:启动docker镜像时报错:Error response from daemon:...
错误1:private field ‘xxx‘ is never assigned 按Alt...
报错如下,通过源不能下载,最后警告pip需升级版本 Requirem...