

我正在尝试在@invertase/react-native-apple-authentication": "2.1.0"上使用react-native@0.61.5在Android上实现Apple auth。 appleAuth在iOS上运行良好,但appleAuthAndroid只是返回一个空对象。

import { appleAuth,appleAuthAndroid } from '@invertase/react-native-apple-authentication';

export const loginWithAppleAndroid = () => async () => {
  // performs login request
  try {
    console.log('appleAuth',appleAuth)  //logs full appleAuth object as expected
    console.log('appleAuthAndroid',appleAuthAndroid)    //logs an empty object 

    const rawNonce = uuidv4();
    const state = uuidv4();

  // Configure the request
    // The Service ID you registered with Apple
    clientId: ' myID',// Return URL added to your Apple dev console. We intercept this redirect,but it must still match
    // the URL you provided to Apple. It can be an empty route on your backend as it's never called.
    redirectUri: '',// The type of response requested - code,id_token,or both.
    responseType: appleAuthAndroid.ResponseType.ALL,// The amount of user information requested from Apple.
    scope: appleAuthAndroid.Scope.ALL,// Random nonce value that will be SHA256 hashed before sending to Apple.
    nonce: rawNonce,// Unique state value used to prevent CSRF attacks. A UUID will be generated if nothing is provided.

  // Open the browser window for user sign in
  const response = await appleAuthAndroid.signIn();

  // Send the authorization code to your backend for verification
    return response
  } catch (error) {
        throw error;




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