

我的测试是在装有Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS的Linux机器上进行的。 scip已配置


gcc 6.5.0


▶ ./scip -f abel.osil
SCIP version 7.0.1 [precision: 8 byte] [memory: block] [mode: optimized] [LP solver: SoPlex 5.0.1] [GitHash: b41d526acf]
copyright (C) 2002-2020 Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum fuer informationstechnik Berlin (ZIB)

External codes:
  Readline 7.0         GNU library for command line editing (gnu.org/s/readline)
  SoPlex 5.0.1         Linear Programming Solver developed at Zuse Institute Berlin (soplex.zib.de) [GitHash: fcd2a2a5]
  CppAD 20180000.0     Algorithmic Differentiation of C++ algorithms developed by B. Bell (www.coin-or.org/CppAD)
  ZLIB 1.2.11          General purpose compression library by J. Gailly and M. Adler (zlib.net)
  WORHP 1.14.0         Nonlinear programming solver developed at Research Institute Steinbeis (www.worhp.de)

user parameter file <scip.set> not found - using default parameters

read problem <abel.osil>

original problem has 32 variables (0 bin,0 int,0 impl,32 cont) and 15 constraints

solve problem

(round 1,fast)       3 del vars,0 del conss,0 add conss,1 chg bounds,0 chg sides,0 chg coeffs,0 upgd conss,0 impls,0 clqs
presolving (2 rounds: 2 fast,1 medium,1 exhaustive):
 3 deleted vars,0 deleted constraints,0 added constraints,1 tightened bounds,0 added holes,0 changed sides,0 changed coefficients
 0 implications,0 cliques
presolved problem has 29 variables (0 bin,29 cont) and 15 constraints
     14 constraints of type <linear>
      1 constraints of type <quadratic>
Presolving Time: 0.00
Quadratic constraint handler does not have LAPACK for eigenvalue computation. Will assume that matrices (with size > 2x2) are indefinite.

[nlpi_worhp.c:721] ERROR: Initialisation Failed.
[nlpi_worhp.c:1564] ERROR: Error <0> in function call
[nlpi.c:506] ERROR: Error <0> in function call
[nlp.c:4752] ERROR: Error <0> in function call
[nlp.c:5608] ERROR: Error <0> in function call
[scip_nlp.c:608] ERROR: Error <0> in function call
[heur_subnlp.c:1358] ERROR: Error <0> in function call
[heur_subnlp.c:1884] ERROR: Error <0> in function call
[heur_subnlp.c:2349] ERROR: Error <0> in function call
[heur.c:1291] ERROR: Error <0> in function call
[solve.c:355] ERROR: Error <0> in function call
[solve.c:4222] ERROR: Error <0> in function call
[solve.c:4990] ERROR: Error <0> in function call
[scip_solve.c:2653] ERROR: Error <0> in function call
[scipshell.c:100] ERROR: Error <0> in function call
[scipshell.c:391] ERROR: Error <0> in function call
[scipshell.c:451] ERROR: Error <0> in function call
SCIP Error (0): unspecified error




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