我在SQL Server日志传送中收到还原错误


Date        04/11/2020 2:24:00 AM
Log     Job History (LSRestore_DSR26_Centegy_SNDPro_SFL_CSDP)

Step ID     1
Job Name        LSRestore_DSR26_Centegy_SNDPro_SFL_CSDP
Step Name       Log shipping restore log job step.
Duration        00:00:02
sql Severity    0
sql Message ID  0
Operator Emailed    
Operator Net sent   
Operator Paged  
Retries Attempted   0

Executed as user: VISIONSRNPD\shanfood. The step Failed.


Date        04/11/2020 2:24:00 AM
Log     Job History (LSRestore_DSR26_Centegy_SNDPro_SFL_CSDP)

Step ID     1
Job Name        LSRestore_DSR26_Centegy_SNDPro_SFL_CSDP
Step Name       Log shipping restore log job step.
Duration        00:00:01
sql Severity    0
sql Message ID  0
Operator Emailed    
Operator Net sent   
Operator Paged  
Retries Attempted   0

2020-11-04 02:24:00.96  *** Error: The log backup file 'C:\copylogs\Centegy_SNDPro_SFL_CSDP_20201102175501.trn' was verified but Could not be applied to secondary database 'Centegy_SNDPro_SFL_CSDP'.(Microsoft.sqlServer.Management.LogShipping) ***
2020-11-04 02:24:00.96  Deleting old log backup files. Primary Database: 'Centegy_SNDPro_SFL_CSDP'
2020-11-04 02:24:00.97  The restore operation completed with errors. Secondary ID: '0e80f574-f1f5-4dd5-8e70-4082979a34cc'
2020-11-04 02:24:00.99  ----- END OF TRANSACTION LOG RESTORE     -----

Exit Status: 1 (Error)


Date        04/11/2020 2:24:00 AM
Log     Job History (LSRestore_DSR26_Centegy_SNDPro_SFL_CSDP)

Step ID     1
Job Name        LSRestore_DSR26_Centegy_SNDPro_SFL_CSDP
Step Name       Log shipping restore log job step.
Duration        00:00:00
sql Severity    0
sql Message ID  0
Operator Emailed    
Operator Net sent   
Operator Paged  
Retries Attempted   0

2020-11-04 02:24:00.91  *** Error: Could not apply log backup file 'C:\copylogs\Centegy_SNDPro_SFL_CSDP_20201102175501.trn' to secondary database 'Centegy_SNDPro_SFL_CSDP'.(Microsoft.sqlServer.Management.LogShipping) ***
2020-11-04 02:24:00.91  *** Error: During startup of warm standby database 'Centegy_SNDPro_SFL_CSDP' (database ID 5),its standby file ('C:\Program Files\Microsoft sql Server\MSsql12.MSsqlSERVER\MSsql\DATA\Centegy_SNDPro_SFL_CSDP_20201102181606.tuf') was inaccessible to the RESTORE statement. The operating system error was '32(The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.)'. Diagnose the operating system error,correct the problem,and retry startup.
RESTORE LOG is terminating abnormally.(.Net sqlClient Data Provider) ***


Date        04/11/2020 2:24:00 AM
Log     Job History (LSRestore_DSR26_Centegy_SNDPro_SFL_CSDP)

Step ID     1
Job Name        LSRestore_DSR26_Centegy_SNDPro_SFL_CSDP
Step Name       Log shipping restore log job step.
Duration        00:00:00
sql Severity    0
sql Message ID  0
Operator Emailed    
Operator Net sent   
Operator Paged  
Retries Attempted   0

2020-11-04 02:24:00.68  Starting transaction log restore. Secondary ID: '0e80f574-f1f5-4dd5-8e70-4082979a34cc'
2020-11-04 02:24:00.68  Retrieving restore settings. Secondary ID: '0e80f574-f1f5-4dd5-8e70-4082979a34cc'
2020-11-04 02:24:00.68  Retrieved common restore settings. Primary Server: 'DSR26',Primary Database: 'Centegy_SNDPro_SFL_CSDP',Backup Destination Directory: 'C:\copylogs',File Retention Period: 4320 minute(s)
2020-11-04 02:24:00.68  Retrieved database restore settings. Secondary Database: 'Centegy_SNDPro_SFL_CSDP',Restore Delay: 0,Restore All: True,Restore Mode: Standby,disconnect Users: False,Last Restored File: C:\copylogs\Centegy_SNDPro_SFL_CSDP_20201102175000.trn,Block Size: Not Specified,Buffer Count: Not Specified,Max Transfer Size: Not Specified


Date        04/11/2020 2:24:00 AM
Log     Job History (LSRestore_DSR26_Centegy_SNDPro_SFL_CSDP)

Step ID     1
Job Name        LSRestore_DSR26_Centegy_SNDPro_SFL_CSDP
Step Name       Log shipping restore log job step.
Duration        00:00:00
sql Severity    0
sql Message ID  0
Operator Emailed    
Operator Net sent   
Operator Paged  
Retries Attempted   0

2020-11-04 02:24:00.62  ----- START OF TRANSACTION LOG RESTORE   -----


Date        04/11/2020 2:24:00 AM
Log     Job History (LSRestore_DSR26_Centegy_SNDPro_SFL_CSDP)

Step ID     1
Job Name        LSRestore_DSR26_Centegy_SNDPro_SFL_CSDP
Step Name       Log shipping restore log job step.
Duration        00:00:00
sql Severity    0
sql Message ID  0
Operator Emailed    
Operator Net sent   
Operator Paged  
Retries Attempted   0

Microsoft (R) sql Server Log Shipping Agent
[Assembly Version =,File Version = 12.0.2000.8 ((sql14_RTM).140220-1752)]
copyright (c) 2014 Microsoft. All rights reserved.




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