

I tried to access localhost:4200 on my browser for my project. And the compile error message showed up each time I opened localhost4200. It says port 4200 is already in use. I tried online method like Ctrl+C but it doesn't work and have the error message shows up again. Could you help me with this problem? Thanks! The first screenshot is what my browser web page looks like when I go to localhost 4200.

This is what showed me in the terminal window after I run npm start. I could not run ng serve for some reasons. But the npm start works fine for me before.



kill $(lsof -ti:4200)

然后再次运行ng serve



这是在我的档案中。如何杀死Windows机器上的所有节点进程? taskkill /F /IM node.exe


killall node


如果您使用Windows,则可以使用netstat -ano | findstr 4200获取pid 那么您可以使用taskkill / f / t / im yourpid关闭4200端口,然后重新启动它。希望它可以为您提供帮助


您可以杀死4200上运行的任务,也可以只使用ng serve --port 4201