




qList = [
    ("Who was the first president to hold a press conference on television?","John F. Kennedy","Dwight D. Eisenhower","Richard M. Nixon","Lyndon B. Johnson"),("Which president served the shortest term (dying 32 days after taking the oath of office)?","William Henry Harrison","Chester A. Arthur","William Taft","Zachary Taylor"),("Who was the first president to be born in a hospital?","Jimmy Carter","Gerald Ford","George H. W. Bush","Martin Van Buren"),("Who was the first president to see the Pacific Ocean?","Ullyses S. Grant","Franklin D. Roosevelt","Warren G. Harding","Theodore Roosevelt"),("Which president served two non-consecutive terms?","grover Cleveland","Franklin Pierce","Millard Fillmore",("Who was the first president to be impeached by the House of Representatives?","Andrew Johnson","Bill Clinton","Donald Trump","John Tyler"),("Which president got stuck in the White House bathtub?","William Howard Taft","John Quincy Adams","Teddy Roosevelt","Millard Fillmore"),("Which president never married? (His niece served as the White House hostess in lieu of a First Lady.)","James Buchanan","James Polk","James Madison","James Monroe"),("Who was the first president to speak with astronauts on the moon?","Richard Nixon","Lyndon B. Johnson","Jimmy Carter"),("Who was the only person to serve as Vice-President and President,but elected to neither office?","Herbert Hoover"),]

correct = 0
incorrect = 0
score = correct + incorrect

def readData():
        datafile = open("presidential_trivia.txt",'r')
        line = datafile.readline().rstrip("\n")
        line = datafile.readline().rstrip("\n")
    except ValueError:
        print("Something went wrong. File not found.")
def AskQuestions():
    global question,answer,wrong1,wrong2,wrong3
    for question in qList:
        question = []
        idx = random.randint(0,len(qList)-1)
        while used[idx]:
            idx = random.randint(0,len(qList)-1)
##    if len(qList) > 0:
##        rq = random.randint(0,len(qList)-1)
##    for question in random.randint():
##        order = qList.split()
##        questions.append(mcquestion.Question())
##        print(question.question)
##        print("These are the possible answers:")
##        randomAnswers()
        userans = input("Please answer A,B,C,or D: ")
        if userans == correct:
            correct += 1
            print("Yes! That's correct!")
            incorrect += 1
            print("Sorry,that's incorrect...")

def main():
    begin = input("Are you ready to begin? Y to start,N to exit: ").upper()
    if begin == "Y":
    if begin == "N":
        print("Run the program again when you're ready! We'll be right here!")
        return main()



class Question:
    def __init__(self,question,correct,wrong3):
        self.question = question
        self.correct = correct
        self.wrong1 = wrong1
        self.wrong2 = wrong2
        self.wrong3 = wrong3

    def __init__():
        self.__order = [correct,wrong3]
        self.__correct_answer = "A"
    def randomAnswers(self):
    #This is to randomize the order of the questions and the answers then stores them
        used = [False,False,False]#This is needed to insure distribution
        letters = ["A","B","C","D"]
        c = random.randint(0,3)
        used[c] = True
        self.__order[c] = self.__correct
        self.__correct_answer = letters[c]
        w1 = w2 = w3 = c
        while used[w1]:
            w1 = random.randint(0,3)
        used[w1] = True
        self.__order[w1] = self.__wrong1
        while used[w2]:
            w2 = random.randint(0,3)
        used[w2] = True
        self.__order[w2] = self.__wrong2
        while used[w3]:
            w3 = random.randint(0,3)
        used[w3] = True
        self.__order[w3] = self.__wrong3

    def __str__(self):
        #According to teacher,this will print the question and randomly ordered answers
        #This is how the answers will be ordered after the question is printed
        return self.__question + \
                "\n  A - " + self.__order[0] + \
                "\n  B - " + self.__order[1] + \
                "\n  C - " + self.__order[2] + \
                "\n  D - " + self.__order[3]




import random
import numpy as np

qlist = np.array(["Who was the first president to hold a press conference on television?","Which president served the shortest term (dying 32 days after taking the oath of office)?","Who was the first president to be born in a hospital?","Who was the first president to see the Pacific Ocean?","Which president served two non-consecutive terms?","Who was the first president to be impeached by the House of Representatives?","Which president got stuck in the White House bathtub?","William Howard Taft","Which president never married? (His niece served as the White House hostess in lieu of a First Lady.)","Who was the first president to speak with astronauts on the moon?","Who was the only person to serve as Vice-President and President,but elected to neither office?",],dtype = object)

alist = np.array(["John F. Kennedy","Dwight D. Eisenhower","Richard M. Nixon","Lyndon B. Johnson","William Henry Harrison","Chester A. Arthur","William Taft","Zachary Taylor","Jimmy Carter","Gerald Ford","George H. W. Bush","Martin Van Buren","Ullyses S. Grant","Franklin D. Roosevelt","Warren G. Harding","Theodore Roosevelt","Grover Cleveland","Franklin Pierce","Millard Fillmore","Andrew Johnson","Bill Clinton","Donald Trump","John Tyler","John Quincy Adams","Teddy Roosevelt","John Tyler"
                   "James Buchanan","James Polk","James Madison","James Monroe","Richard Nixon","John F. Kennedy","Herbert Hoover","Jimmy Carter"],dtype = object)

#rlist array contains data for right answers:(I am not an american so pls excuse me for wrong answers,but you can change them)
rlist = np.array(["John F. Kennedy","Millard Fillmore,"],dtype = object)

correct = 0
incorrect = 0
score = correct + incorrect

array_q = np.array_split(qlist,len(qlist))
array_a = np.array_split(alist,10)

user = False
user_input = input("Do you want to start quizzing ?y/n ")
if user_input == "y":
    user = True

def answers_data():

    #Array to 4 options,a1 is for question 1 and so on...
    a1 = array_a[0]
    a2 = array_a[1]
    a3 = array_a[2]
    a4 = array_a[3]
    a5 = array_a[4]
    a6 = array_a[5]
    a7 = array_a[6]
    a8 = array_a[7]
    a9 = array_a[8]
    a10 = array_a[9]

    a = np.array_split(a1,4)
    b = np.array_split(a2,4)
    c = np.array_split(a3,4)
    d = np.array_split(a4,4)
    e = np.array_split(a5,4)
    f = np.array_split(a6,4)
    g = np.array_split(a7,4)
    h = np.array_split(a8,4)
    i = np.array_split(a9,4)
    j = np.array_split(a10,4)

def AskQuestions():
    right_ans = np.array_split(rlist,10)
    score = 0
    incorrect = 0

    while user == True:
        random_no = random.randint(0,9)
        u = input("Answer : ")

        #checking for exit
        if u == "q":
        print("Thanks for playing with us..")

        #checking for answers:
        if u == right_ans[random_no]:
            score += 1
            print("score = %d incorrect = %d"%(score,incorrect))
            incorrect += 1
            print("score = %d incorrect = %d"%(score,incorrect))




pip install numpy

应该可以。 :)


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