



要触发与我相同的错误,只需撰写2封电子邮件,然后检查收件箱。您之间是否选中收件箱都没有关系。 我曾经能够做到,但是现在我做不到。 我正在使用VS2019作为参考。

我不是很有经验,所以它可能很肿,所以它很大。但是我尽了最大的努力使它的长度从600多行缩短到280行左右,但是您仍然可以使错误发生。这是指向完整程序的pastebin链接,以防万一 https://pastebin.com/Hp3uP0B9

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <stdlib.h> 
#include <windows.h> 
using namespace std;

struct Email //just a basic struct
    string data;
    int index{}; //every new email will have a different index,used to traverse and pinpoint the correct email.

    Email* prev{},* next{}; //just prevIoUs and next nodes
Email* myTemplate() //used to initialise a struct (alternative of constructor)
    Email* temp = new Email;

    temp->data = "\0";

    temp->index = 0;
    temp->next = NULL;
    temp->prev = NULL;

    return temp;

struct UI //another basic struct,but using constructors
    UI* prev,* next; //prevIoUs and next nodes
    string text[2]; //stores the selected text and unselected text

    bool selected; //bool to kNow when to trigger selected text
    int menuFunc; //used to determine which function to call,can also be used to represent Email's index when passing in values

        prev = NULL;
        next = NULL;
        text[0] = "\0";
        text[1] = "\0";
        selected = false;
        menuFunc = -1;
    UI(UI* myPrev,UI* myNext,int myMFunc,string myText)
        prev = myPrev;
        next = myNext;
        menuFunc = myMFunc;
        text[0] = myText;
        text[1] = "<<" + text[0] + ">>";
        selected = false;

int mainMenu()
    int temp;
    cout << "type 1 to compose email,type 2 to display inBox,type 99 to quit\n: ";
    cin >> temp;
    if (temp == 1||temp == 2||temp == 99)
        return temp;
        return mainMenu();

int getKeyInt() //just a function to get relevant key codes
    if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_UP))
        return VK_UP;
    else if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_DOWN))
        return VK_DOWN;
    else if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_RETURN))
        return VK_RETURN;
    else if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_ESCAPE))
        return VK_ESCAPE;
        return -1;

void displayInBox(UI* myNavi,UI* myHead,UI* myTail,Email*& eNavi,Email*& eHead,Email*& eTail) //displays the inBox of the mail
    bool modified = false;
    bool tempRunFlag = true;
    int tempKeyPress;

    UI* refreshCache = myHead; // to log the navigator's location upon reprinting the screen,points to head before the loop begins

    myNavi = myHead; //points the navigator to the newest node in the list

    eNavi = eTail; //email navigator switches address to the newest node in the email linked list

    if (eNavi->data != "\0") //to check if newest mail has values,just in case
        myNavi->menuFunc = eNavi->index; //assigns the email index to the "menuFunc" to be passed when calling deleteMail() and displayMail()
        myNavi->text[0] = eNavi->data;  //sets the UI text of navigator
        myNavi->text[1] = "<<" + myNavi->text[0] + ">>";
        myHead = myNavi;//setting myHead to point to navigator's current address
        myHead->selected = true; //this will trigger the selected text's output later
        refreshCache = myHead;// assigns refreshCache to myHead
        myTail = myHead; //if it's only 1 mail in the list,then this will prevent UI from traversing into NULL,if not,below will change the values

        if (eNavi->prev != NULL)//if email navigator has a earlier mail to point to,false if there's only 1 element in the list,which is already done above
            while (eNavi != NULL)//if email navigator is not pointing to the earliest mail,or if theres only 1 element
                if (eNavi != eHead) //double checking if email navigator hasn't reached the earliest mail yet,if it is,then no need to go even earlier
                    eNavi = eNavi->prev; //email navigator approaches eHead by 1 node
                myNavi->next = new UI(myNavi,NULL,eNavi->index,eNavi->data); //creates a new node to point to 
                myNavi = myNavi->next; // navigator switch to the next address that it created
                myTail = myNavi; //assigns tail to newly created UI navigator node
    else //if newest mail has no values,or no mail
        myHead = new UI(NULL,"nothing to see here");
        myHead->selected = true;
        refreshCache = myHead;
        myTail = myHead;

    while (tempRunFlag)
        cout <<
            "\nNow browsing inBox..." << endl <<
            "____________________________________________________________________________________________________" << endl <<
            "MAIL DATA"<< endl;
        myNavi = myHead; //UI navigator will be reassigned to point to first UI
        while (myNavi != NULL)
            cout << myNavi->text[(int)myNavi->selected] << endl;
            myNavi = myNavi->next;
        myNavi = refreshCache;//similar implementation in the prompt() function;
        if (myNavi != NULL)
            cout << "\nMenu Function code: " << myNavi->menuFunc << endl;//used for debugging,displays the menuFunc
        cout <<
            "\n\nReached end of inBox" << endl <<
            "____________________________________________________________________________________________________" << endl <<
            "[Use ARROW KEYS UP & DOWN to navigate,ESC to return to Main Menu]" << endl;

        tempKeyPress = getKeyInt();

        switch (tempKeyPress)
        case VK_UP:
            if (myNavi != myHead)
                myNavi->selected = false;
                myNavi = myNavi->prev;
                myNavi->selected = true;
                refreshCache = myNavi;
        case VK_DOWN:
            if (myNavi != myTail)
                myNavi->selected = false;
                myNavi = myNavi->next;
                myNavi->selected = true;
                refreshCache = myNavi;
        case VK_ESCAPE:
            tempRunFlag = false;

void composeEmail(Email*& eHead,Email*& eTail) //prompting the user to get data
    Email* draft = new Email;
    if (eHead->data != "\0") ///used to get rid of a \n character in the buffer for no reason,I don't kNow why it's there,but whats weird is that it only happens once the email linked list already has 1 element inside of it
        cout << "\nPlease type in data (16 character limit)" << endl; //just for no reason
    } while (draft->data.length() > 16 || draft->data.length() <= 0);
    while (draft->data.length() < 16)
        draft->data += " ";
    cout << "\n\nEmail is sent! Please check inBox." << endl;

    draft->next = NULL;
    if (eHead->data == "\0") //if current head node is empty
        draft->prev = NULL;
        draft->index = eTail->index + 1;
        eHead = draft;
        eTail = eHead;
    else //if head node already has a value
        draft->prev = eTail;
        draft->index = eTail->index + 1;
        eTail->next = draft;
        eTail = draft;


bool mainMenuExecute(int executionCode,UI* uiNaviIB,UI* uiHeadIB,UI* uiTailIB,Email*& eTail)
    if (executionCode == 1)
        return true;
    else if (executionCode == 2)
        return true;
    else if (executionCode == 99)
        return false;

int main()
    //InBox UI
    UI* uiHeadIB = new UI(NULL,"nothing to see here"),* uiTailIB = uiHeadIB,* uiNaviIB = uiHeadIB;
    uiNaviIB->selected = true;

    //Actual mail stuff
    Email* mHead = myTemplate(),* mTail = mHead;
    Email* mNavi = mHead;

    bool simulate = true;

    while (simulate)
        simulate = mainMenuExecute(mainMenu(),uiNaviIB,mNavi,mHead,mTail);



我解决了这个问题,但是还有另一个问题,但是那是另一种情况,至于我是如何解决的,我在if(eNavi!= eHead)之后放置了else {break;},因为它引起了while循环如果不中断,可以无限循环。