C ++中2D数组的等效C calloc


我找到了关于迷宫生成器的这段代码(C代码),我想在C ++中使用它:

    int x,y; //Node position - little waste of memory,but it allows faster generation
    void *parent; //Pointer to parent node
    char c; //Character to be displayed
    char dirs; //Directions that still haven't been explored
} Node;

Node *nodes; //Nodes array
int width,height; //Maze dimensions

int init( )
    int i,j;
    Node *n;
    //Allocate memory for maze
    nodes = calloc( width * height,sizeof( Node ) );
    if ( nodes == NULL ) return 1;
    //Setup crucial nodes
    for ( i = 0; i < width; i++ )
        for ( j = 0; j < height; j++ )
            n = nodes + i + j * width;
            if ( i * j % 2 ) 
                n->x = i;
                n->y = j;
                n->dirs = 15; //Assume that all directions can be explored (4 youngest bits set)
                n->c = ' '; 
            else n->c = '#'; //Add walls between nodes
    return 0;

问题来自nodes = calloc( width * height,sizeof( Node ) );行 如何更改C ++代码?我想尽可能避免使用new,因为所有代码都很大。


这是C ++,因此将calloc放在一边并使用new[]

Node *n = new Node[width * height];


std::vector<Node> n(width * height);


auto& node = n[i + j * width];



 std::vector<Node> n; // Start empty

 // Inside the loops...
 n.emplace_back(i,j,nullptr,' ',15);