


<!-- Filter for calories -->

根据文档,认情况下使用v-model属性进行选择,但我使用该属性可以执行过滤(v-model =“ caloriesFilterValue”)

Vuetify v2 Vuejs v.2.6


    <v-data-table :headers="headers" :items="desserts" item-key="name" class="elevation-1 pa-6">
        <template v-slot:top>
            <!-- v-container,v-col and v-row are just for decoration purposes. -->
            <v-container fluid>

                    <v-col cols="6">
                        <v-row class="pa-6">
                            <!-- Filter for dessert name-->
                            <v-text-field v-model="dessertFilterValue" type="text" label="Name"></v-text-field>

                    <v-col cols="6">
                        <v-row class="pa-6">
                            <!-- Filter for calories -->



  // Table info.
  import tableData from './sampleDataTable';

  export default {
    data() {
      return {
        // We need some values for our select.
        caloriesList: [
          {text: "All",value: null},{text: "Only 237",value: 237},{text: "Only 305",value: 305},],// Filter models.
        dessertFilterValue: '',caloriesFilterValue: null,// Table data.
        desserts: tableData.data,}
    },computed: {
      headers() {
        return [
            text: 'Dessert (100g serving)',align: 'left',sortable: false,value: 'name',filter: this.nameFilter,},{
            text: 'Calories',value: 'calories',filter: this.caloriesFilter,{text: 'Fat (g)',value: 'fat'},{text: 'Carbs (g)',value: 'carbs'},{text: 'Protein (g)',value: 'protein'},{text: 'Iron (%)',value: 'iron'},]
      },methods: {
       * Filter for dessert names column.
       * @param value Value to be tested.
       * @returns {boolean}
      nameFilter(value) {
        // If this filter has no value we just skip the entire filter.
        if (!this.dessertFilterValue) {
          return true;

        // Check if the current loop value (The dessert name)
        // partially contains the searched word.
        return value.toLowerCase().includes(this.dessertFilterValue.toLowerCase());
       * Filter for calories column.
       * @param value Value to be tested.
       * @returns {boolean}
      caloriesFilter(value) {

        // If this filter has no value we just skip the entire filter.
        if (!this.caloriesFilterValue) {
          return true;

        // Check if the current loop value (The calories value)
        // equals to the selected value at the <v-select>.
        return value === this.caloriesFilterValue;

导入的数据 从'./sampleDataTable'导入tableData;

  "data": [
      "name": "Frozen Yogurt","calories": 159,"fat": 6.0,"carbs": 24,"protein": 4.0,"iron": "1%"
      "name": "Ice cream sandwich","calories": 237,"fat": 9.0,"carbs": 37,"protein": 4.3,{
      "name": "Eclair","calories": 262,"fat": 16.0,"carbs": 23,"protein": 6.0,"iron": "7%"
      "name": "Cupcake","calories": 305,"fat": 3.7,"carbs": 67,"iron": "8%"
      "name": "Gingerbread","calories": 356,"carbs": 49,"protein": 3.9,"iron": "16%"
      "name": "Jelly bean","calories": 375,"fat": 0.0,"carbs": 94,"protein": 0.0,"iron": "0%"
      "name": "Lollipop","calories": 392,"fat": 0.2,"carbs": 98,"protein": 0,"iron": "2%"
      "name": "Honeycomb","calories": 408,"fat": 3.2,"carbs": 87,"protein": 6.5,"iron": "45%"
      "name": "Donut","calories": 452,"fat": 25.0,"carbs": 51,"protein": 4.9,"iron": "22%"
      "name": "KitKat","calories": 518,"fat": 26.0,"carbs": 65,"protein": 7,"iron": "6%"



data() {
      return {
        // We need some values for our select.
        caloriesList: [
          {text: "All",value: null},{text: "Only 237",value: 237},{text: "Only 305",value: 305},],caloriesFilterValue: 305,// Filter models.
        dessertFilterValue: '',..
