Haskell foldl无法构造无限类型




robot (name,attack,hp)  = \message -> message (name,hp)

killerRobot = robot ("Kill3r",25,200)
name (n,_,_) = n
attack (_,a,_) = a
hp (_,hp) = hp 

getName aRobot = aRobot name
getAttack aRobot = aRobot attack
getHP aRobot = aRobot hp

setName aRobot newName = aRobot (\(n,h) -> robot (newName,h))
setAttack aRobot newAttack = aRobot (\(n,h) -> robot (n,newAttack,h))
setHP aRobot newHP = aRobot (\(n,newHP))

nicerRobot = setName killerRobot "kitty"
gentlerRobot = setAttack killerRobot 5
softerRobot = setHP killerRobot 50

printRobot aRobot = aRobot (\(n,h) -> n ++
                                        " attack:" ++ (show a) ++
                                        " hp:"++ (show h))
damage aRobot attackdamage = aRobot (\(n,h) ->
                                      robot (n,h-attackdamage))

fight aRobot defender = damage defender attack
  where attack = if (getHP aRobot) > 10
                 then getAttack aRobot
                 else 0

gentleGiant = robot ("Mr. Friendly",10,300)

gentleGiantRound1 = fight killerRobot gentleGiant
killerRobotRound1 = fight gentleGiant killerRobot
gentleGiantRound2 = fight killerRobotRound1 gentleGiantRound1
killerRobotRound2 = fight gentleGiantRound1 killerRobotRound1
gentleGiantRound3 = fight killerRobotRound2 gentleGiantRound2
killerRobotRound3 = fight gentleGiantRound2 killerRobotRound2

fastRobot = robot ("speedy",15,40)
slowRobot = robot ("slowpoke",20,30)

fastRobotRound3 = fight slowRobotRound3 fastRobotRound2
fastRobotRound2 = fight slowRobotRound2 fastRobotRound1
fastRobotRound1 = fight slowRobotRound1 fastRobot
slowRobotRound2 = fight fastRobotRound1 slowRobotRound1
slowRobotRound3 = fight fastRobotRound2 slowRobotRound2
slowRobotRound1 = fight fastRobot slowRobot



pummeledGiant = foldl damage gentleGiant [100,50,100,500]


    • Occurs check: cannot construct the infinite type:
        t1 ~ (([Char],Integer,Integer) -> t1) -> t1
      Expected type: ((([Char],Integer)
                       -> (([Char],Integer) -> t1) -> t1)
                      -> (([Char],Integer) -> t1) -> t1)
                     -> Integer
                     -> (([Char],Integer)
                         -> (([Char],Integer) -> t1) -> t1)
                     -> (([Char],Integer) -> t1)
                     -> t1
        Actual type: ((([Char],Integer)
                          -> (([Char],Integer) -> t1)
                      -> t1)
                     -> Integer
                     -> (([Char],Integer) -> t1)
                     -> t1
    • In the first argument of ‘foldl’,namely ‘damage’
      In the expression: foldl damage gentleGiant [100,500]
      In an equation for ‘pummeledGiant’:
          pummeledGiant = foldl damage gentleGiant [100,....]
    • Relevant bindings include
        pummeledGiant :: (([Char],Integer) -> t1) -> t1)
                         -> (([Char],Integer) -> t1) -> t1
          (bound at <interactive>:2:1)


  1. 二进制函数
  2. 初始值
  3. 值列表


foldl (+) 0 [1..3] = ((0 + 1) + 2) + 3




{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}

type Robot = forall a. ((String,Integer,Integer) -> a) -> a

robot :: (String,Integer) -> Robot
robot (name,attack,hp)  = \message -> message (name,hp)

damage :: Robot -> Integer -> Robot
damage aRobot attackDamage = aRobot (\(n,a,h) ->
                                      robot (n,h-attackDamage))

gentleGiant :: Robot
gentleGiant = robot ("Mr. Friendly",10,300)

pummeledGiant :: Robot
pummeledGiant = foldl damage gentleGiant [100,50,100,500]


看看Robot如何包含类型变量a?这意味着它是一种多态类型。通常,当您实际使用多态类型时,Haskell可以找出类型变量并将其填充,但是对于damage而言,它不能(这是2级类型) 。这意味着您需要将具有多态类型的damage放入也具有多态类型的foldl中。将一种多态类型放入另一种多态类型需要强制性类型,Haskell对此的支持还不够好。


{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}

newtype Robot = MkRobot (forall a. ((String,Integer) -> a) -> a)

robot :: (String,hp)  = MkRobot $ \message -> message (name,hp)

damage :: Robot -> Integer -> Robot
damage (MkRobot aRobot) attackDamage = aRobot (\(n,500]


data Robot = Robot {
  name :: String,attack :: Integer,hp :: Integer

robot (n,h) = Robot n a h

killerRobot = robot ("Kill3r",25,200)

getName = name
getAttack = attack
getHP = hp

setName aRobot newName = aRobot{ name = newName }
setAttack aRobot newAttack = aRobot{ attack = newAttack }
setHP aRobot newHP = aRobot{ hp = newHP }

nicerRobot = setName killerRobot "kitty"
gentlerRobot = setAttack killerRobot 5
softerRobot = setHP killerRobot 50

printRobot (Robot n a h) = n ++
                           " attack:" ++ (show a) ++
                           " hp:"++ (show h)
damage (Robot n a h) attackDamage = Robot n a (h-attackDamage)

fight aRobot defender = damage defender attack
  where attack = if (getHP aRobot) > 10
                 then getAttack aRobot
                 else 0

gentleGiant = robot ("Mr. Friendly",300)

gentleGiantRound1 = fight killerRobot gentleGiant
killerRobotRound1 = fight gentleGiant killerRobot
gentleGiantRound2 = fight killerRobotRound1 gentleGiantRound1
killerRobotRound2 = fight gentleGiantRound1 killerRobotRound1
gentleGiantRound3 = fight killerRobotRound2 gentleGiantRound2
killerRobotRound3 = fight gentleGiantRound2 killerRobotRound2

fastRobot = robot ("speedy",15,40)
slowRobot = robot ("slowpoke",20,30)

fastRobotRound3 = fight slowRobotRound3 fastRobotRound2
fastRobotRound2 = fight slowRobotRound2 fastRobotRound1
fastRobotRound1 = fight slowRobotRound1 fastRobot
slowRobotRound2 = fight fastRobotRound1 slowRobotRound1
slowRobotRound3 = fight fastRobotRound2 slowRobotRound2
slowRobotRound1 = fight fastRobot slowRobot

pummeledGiant = foldl damage gentleGiant [100,500]
