


data <- data.frame(First = c("John","Hui","Jared"),Second = c("Smith","Chang","Jzu"),Sport = c("Football","Soccer","Ballet"),Age = c("12","13","12"),submission = c("Microbes may be the friends of future colonists living off the land on the moon,Mars or elsewhere in the solar system and aiming to establish self-sufficient homes.

Space colonists,like people on Earth,will need what are kNown as rare earth elements,which are critical to modern technologies. These 17 elements,with daunting names like yttrium,lanthanum,neodymium and gadolinium,are sparsely distributed in the Earth’s crust. Without the rare earths,we wouldn’t have certain lasers,Metallic alloys and powerful magnets that are used in cellphones and electric cars.","But mining them on Earth today is an arduous process. It requires crushing tons of ore and then extracting smidgens of these Metals using chemicals that leave behind rivers of toxic waste water.

Experiments conducted aboard the International Space Station show that a potentially cleaner,more efficient method Could work on other worlds: let bacteria do the messy work of separating rare earth elements from rock.","“The idea is the biology is essentially catalyzing a reaction that would occur very slowly without the biology,” said Charles S. Cockell,a professor of astrobiology at the University of Edinburgh.

On Earth,such biomining techniques are already used to produce 10 to 20 percent of the world’s copper and also at some gold mines; scientists have identified microbes that help leach rare earth elements out of rocks."))


enter image description here




报告 我找到了这个http://www.sthda.com/english/wiki/create-and-format-word-documents-using-r-software-and-reporters-package,但是对于R版本3.6不存在此软件包。

install.packages('ReporteRs') # Install
Warning in install.packages :
  package ‘ReporteRs’ is not available (for R version 3.6.2)

R2wd https://www.r-bloggers.com/2010/05/exporting-r-output-to-ms-word-with-r2wd-an-example-session/ rcom依赖性导致问题。


您是否考虑过直接渲染为HTML?然后,如果需要除HTML之外的静态副本,则可以从Web浏览器中打印为pdf 。 Rmarkdown在这两种文件类型中都可以很好地发挥作用,使您更轻松地创建自定义报告。

title: "Rmarkdown report"
output: html_document


**First:** John &emsp; **First:**  Smith <br>
**Age:** 12     &emsp;  **Sport:** Football <br>

**submission** <br>

Space colonists,like people on Earth,will need what are known as rare earth elements,which are critical to modern technologies. These 17     elements,with daunting names like yttrium,lanthanum,neodymium and gadolinium,are sparsely distributed in the Earth’s crust. Without the     rare earths,we wouldn’t have certain lasers,metallic alloys and powerful magnets that are used in cellphones and electric cars.","But     mining them on Earth today is an arduous process. It requires crushing tons of ore and then extracting smidgens of these metals using     chemicals that leave behind rivers of toxic waste water.


**First:** John &emsp; **First:**  Smith <br>
**Age:** 12     &emsp;  **Sport:** Football <br>

**submission** <br>

Space colonists,"But     mining them on Earth today is an arduous process. It requires crushing tons of ore and then extracting smidgens of these metals using     chemicals that leave behind rivers of toxic waste water.

enter image description here


title: "Rmarkdown report"
output: html_document
```{r echo = FALSE}
data <- data.frame(First = c("John","Hui","Jared"),Second = c("Smith","Chang","Jzu"),Sport = c("Football","Soccer","Ballet"),Age = c("12","13","12"),submission =     c("Microbes may be the friends of future colonists living off the land on the moon,Mars or elsewhere in the solar system and aiming to establish self-sufficient homes. Space     colonists,which are critical to modern technologies. These 17 elements,are sparsely distributed in the Earths crust. Without the rare earths,metallic alloys and powerful magnets that     are used in cellphones and electric cars. But mining them on Earth today is an arduous process. It requires crushing tons of ore and then extracting smidgens of these metals using     chemicals that leave behind rivers of toxic waste water.","Experiments conducted aboard the International Space Station show that a potentially cleaner,more efficient method could work on other worlds: let bacteria do the messy work of     separating rare earth elements from rock. The idea is the biology is essentially catalyzing a reaction that would occur very slowly without the biology,said Charles S. Cockell,a     professor of astrobiology at the University of Edinburgh.
On Earth,such biomining techniques are already used to produce 10 to 20 percent of the world’s copper and also at some gold mines; scientists have identified microbes that help     leach rare earth elements out of rocks.",such biomining techniques are already used to produce 10 to 20 percent of the world’s copper and also at some gold mines; scientists have identified microbes that help     leach rare earth elements out of rocks."))

**First:** `r data[1,1]` &emsp; **First:**  `r data[1,2]` <br>
**Age:** `r data[1,"Age"]`    &emsp;  **Sport:** `r data[1,"Sport"]` <br>

**submission** <br>

`r data[[5]][2]`


**First:** `r data[2,1]`  &emsp; **First:**  `r data[2,2]` <br>
**Age:** `r data[2,"Age"]`    &emsp;  **Sport:** `r data[2,"Sport"]` <br>

**submission** <br>

`r data[[5]][1]`


enter image description here


您可以使用catDaniel Jachetta提供的HTML代码添加到R markdown块中,以循环浏览数据。


您必须将results = "asis"添加到{r}


{r results="asis",echo = FALSE}

i = 1

  nrow(data) # number of rows that the loop will go through

while (i <= NR_OF_ROWS) {
  cat("\n **First:** ",data[i,1],"&emsp; **Last:** ",2],"<br> \n")
  cat("\n **Age:** ",3],"&emsp; **Sport:** ",4],"<br> \n")
  cat("\n **submission** ",5],"<br> \n")
  # cat("\n <br> \n") extra space between entries
  cat("\n *** \n") line between entries
  i = i + 1

结果如下: enter image description here