Typed Racket 中的 Racket 通用图形库


我试图通过使用 require/typed 导入它来在类型化球拍中使用通用图形库,但我不断收到这些奇怪的长错误。有没有人设法让类型检查器与通用图形库合作?

#lang typed/racket

(require/typed graph
               [#:opaque Graph graph?]
               [unweighted-graph/undirected ((listof (List Any Any)) -> Graph)]
               [add-edge! (Graph Any Any -> Void)])

(define g : Graph (unweighted-graph/undirected '((1 2) (1 3))))
(add-edge! g 2 3)
graph?: contract violation
  any-wrap/c: Unable to protect opaque value passed as `Any`
  value: #<unweighted-graph>
  This warning will become an error in a future release.
  in: the 1st argument of
      a part of the or/c of
       (-> Any boolean?))
  contract from: (interface for graph?)



#lang typed/racket

(module wrapper racket
  (provide graph? unweighted-graph/undirected add-edge!)
  (require (prefix-in g: graph))
  (struct graph [g]) ; struct generates the predicate
  (define (unweighted-graph/undirected es) ; wrap output graph
    (graph (g:unweighted-graph/undirected es)))
  (define (add-edge! g a b) ; unwrap input graph
    (g:add-edge! (graph-g g) a b)))

(require/typed 'wrapper
               [#:opaque Graph graph?]
               [unweighted-graph/undirected ((Listof (List Any Any)) -> Graph)]
               [add-edge! (Graph Any Any -> Void)])

(define g : Graph (unweighted-graph/undirected '((1 2) (1 3))))
(add-edge! g 2 3)

当 Typed Racket require/typed 看到 #:opaque 时,它仍然需要将您提供的谓词 graph? 视为无类型代码。但它还需要使用来自无类型代码的谓词来保护有类型-无类型边界上的值。 graph? 谓词具有 (-> Any Boolean) 类型,因此当类型化球拍使用来自类型化代码的值调用它时,它会以类型 Any 传递它。但是,如果在此之前它有一个更具体的类型,涉及必须输入的输入,它仍然需要防止无类型代码以错误的方式“使用”,或提供错误的无类型输入。

通过创建一个不需要以相同方式“查看内部”值的新的 graph? 谓词,添加一个不透明的结构来回避这一点。