如何从 Python 中 Excel 工作表的每个选项卡中读取多个表?


所以我有一个有多个标签的 Excel 工作表,每个单独的标签都有多个表。所以我想以这样的方式读取文件,例如从工作表的每个选项卡中读取每个表格,

Tab1 has five tables in it.
Tab2 has Ten tables in it.

我想在 pandas 数据框中读取这些表中的每一个,然后将其保存到 sql 数据库中。我知道如何从 Excel 工作表中读取多个标签


选项卡中的表是预定义的并具有名称。这就是每个标签中的样子 Tab from excel sheet


您可能需要调整它以匹配您的数据;想象一下,如果你有一些下表和一些上面。希望这应该为您指明正确的方向。另外,请注意我使用的 for 循环数;我相信你可以做得更好并进一步优化。

from openpyxl import load_workbook
from collections import defaultdict
from itertools import product,groupby
from operator import itemgetter

wb = load_workbook(filename="test.xlsx")

sheet = wb["Sheet1"]

green_rows = defaultdict(list)
rest_data = []

for row in sheet:
    for cell in row:
        look for the green rows; they contain the headers
        if cell.fill.fgColor.rgb == "FFA2D722":
            # take advantage of the fact that header 
            # is the first entry in that row
            if cell.value:
                val = cell.value
            if cell.value not in (None,""): # so the 0s are not lost

# get the max and minimum column positions
# note the addition of 1 to the max,# this is necessary when iterating to sort the data
# in the next section
green_rows = [
    (name,row,range(min(value),max(value) + 1))
    for (name,row),value in green_rows.items()

box = []

# here the green rows and the rest of the data
# are combined,then filtered for the respective 
# sections
combo = product(green_rows,rest_data)
for (header,header_row,header_column_range),(
    cell_row,cell_column,cell_value,) in combo:
    # this is where the filtration occurs
    if (header_row < cell_row) and (cell_column in header_column_range):

final = defaultdict(list)
content = groupby(box,itemgetter(1,0))

# another iteration to get the final result
for key,value in content:
    final[key[-1]].append([val[-1] for val in value])


pd.DataFrame(final["Address Association"])

0   1   2   3   4   5
0   Column Name in DB   Name    Description SortOrder   BusinessMeaningName Obsolete
1   Field Type  nvarchar(100)   nvarchar(255)   int nvarchar(50)    bit
2   Mandatory   Yes Yes Yes No  Yes
3   Foreign Key -   -   -   -   -
4   Optional Feature    -   -   -   -   -
5   Field Name in U4SM  Name    Description Sort Order  Business Meaning Name   Obsolete
6   Address.Primary Primary Use this address by default.    1   Address.Primary 0
7   Address.Billing Billing address for billing.    2   Address.Billing 0
8   Address.Emergency   Emergency   use this for emergency. 3   Address.Emergency   0
9   Address.Emergency SMS   Emergency SMS   use this for emergency SMS. 4   Address.Emergency SMS   0
10  Address.Deceased    Deceased    address for deceased.   5   Address.Deceased    0
11  Address.Home    Home    address for home.   8   Address.Home    0
12  Address.Mailing Mailing address for mailing.    9   Address.Mailing 0
13  Address.Mobile  Mobile  use this for mobile.    10  Address.Mobile  0
14  Address.School  School  address for school. 13  Address.School  0
15  Address.SMS SMS use this for SMS text.  15  Address.SMS 0
16  Address.Work    Work    address for work    16  Address.Work    0
17  Address.Permanent   Permanent   Permanent Address   17  Address.Permanent   0
18  Address.HallsOfResidence    Halls of Residence  Halls of Residence  18  Address.HallsOfResidence    0


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