

给定两个数 M_max,M_min 计算素数 (M_1,...,M_r) 的所有 r 元组,使得:

  1. M_min
  2. 每个 M_i-1 至少可以被一个奇素数的平方整除
  3. lcm(M_1-1,M_r-1)=(M_1-1)*(M_2-1)...(M_r-1)/2^(r-1)

改写问题:k 个数字 M_1,M_2,M_k 中有多少个 r 元组是互质的?


这是工作代码。在相当未优化的 Python 中。

# Stupid simple Euclidean primes filter.
def primes ():
    found_primes = []
    factor_filter = [False,False]
    block_size = 2

    candidate = 2
    while True:
        factor_filter.extend([False for _ in factor_filter])
        for p in found_primes:
            if 2*block_size <= p*p:
            i = ((block_size + p - 1) // p) * p
            while i < 2 * block_size:
                factor_filter[i] = 1
                i = i + p

        block_size += block_size

        while (candidate < block_size):
            if 0 == factor_filter[candidate]:
                yield candidate
            candidate = candidate + 1

def factor_range (m,n):
    factored = []
    remainder = []
    for i in range(n - m + 1):

    for p in primes():
        if n < p*p:
            count = 1
            q = p
            while q <= n:
                # Find the first thing divisible by q
                i = ((m + q - 1) // q) * q
                while i <= n:
                    factored[i-m][p] = count
                    remainder[i-m] = remainder[i-m] // p
                    i += q
                q = p*q
                count += 1

    for i in range(len(remainder)):
        if 1 < remainder[i]:
            factored[i][remainder[i]] = 1

    return factored

def int_tuples (m,n,j):
    factored = factor_range(m,n)

    available = []
    for i in range(len(factored)):
        if 0 < i and i + m in factored[i]:
            for p,count in factored[i-1].items():
                if 2 < p and 1 < count:

    prime_divides = {}
    for i in available:
        if m < i:
            for p,count in factored[i-1-m].items():
                if 1 < count or p != 2:
                    if p not in prime_divides:
                        prime_divides[p] = set([i])

    options_stack = [(-1,available,False)]
    chosen = []
    while 0 < len(options_stack):
        i,options,is_pop = options_stack.pop()
        i = i+1
        if len(chosen) == j:
            yield tuple(chosen)
            if is_pop:
        elif len(chosen) + len(options) - i < j:
            # Cannot generate an answer.
            if is_pop:
        elif len(options) <= i:
            # i reached the end.
            if is_pop:
            options = options[i:]
            for p,count in factored[options[0]-1].items():
                if p == 2 and 1 == count:
                if p in prime_divides:
                    options = [option for option in options if option not in prime_divides[p]]

我们的想法是找到这样的元组,使得 (M-1)/2 缩减序列彼此成对互质。我正在做的相当于递归搜索。但是,我保留了显式堆栈,以便我可以通过简单地执行 yield 来制作生成器。



# Stupid simple Euclidean primes filter.
def primes ():
    found_primes = []
    factor_filter = [False,False]
    block_size = 2

    candidate = 2
    while True:
        # We get here when we need to double the length of our sieve.
        # First add new elements.
        factor_filter.extend([False for _ in factor_filter])
        # Cross off the ones that divisible by known primes.
        for p in found_primes:
            if 2*block_size <= p*p:
            i = ((block_size + p - 1) // p) * p
            while i < 2 * block_size:
                factor_filter[i] = True
                i = i + p

        # Record that we did so.
        block_size += block_size

        # Now that we have sieved,start returning primes.
        while (candidate < block_size):
            if 0 == factor_filter[candidate]:
                yield candidate
            candidate = candidate + 1

# Takes a range of numbers,factors all of them at once.
def factor_range (m,n):
    # This will hold the factorization.
    factored = []
    # This will hold the remainder we have not factorized.
    remainder = []
    # We start with no factors and the number as remainder.
    for i in range(n - m + 1):

    # We run through the primes up to sqrt(n)    
    for p in primes():
        if n < p*p:
            # For each power of p,we add it to the factorization and divide it form the remainder.
            count = 1
            q = p
            while q <= n:
                # Find the first thing divisible by q
                i = ((m + q - 1) // q) * q
                while i <= n:
                    factored[i-m][p] = count
                    remainder[i-m] = remainder[i-m] // p
                    i += q
                q = p*q
                count += 1

    # Any left-over remainders must be primes.    
    for i in range(len(remainder)):
        if 1 < remainder[i]:
            factored[i][remainder[i]] = 1

    return factored

# This function does all of the work.
def _int_tuples (m,j):
    # If our minimum is odd,extend the boundary down one.
    # This does not introduce new solutions,but does mean we
    # factorize all of the numbers that we need.
    if 1 == m // 2:
        m = m-1

    # Factorize all numbers.
    factored = factor_range(m,n)

    # available will be all of our candidate primes.
    available = []
    for i in range(len(factored)):
        if 0 < i and i + m in factored[i]:
            for p,count in factored[i-1].items():
                if 2 < p and 1 < count:

    # Construct a data structure to answer,"which other candidate primes
    # have p-1 share a non-trivial factor with this one"
    prime_divides = {}
    for i in available:
        if m < i:
            for p,count in factored[i-1-m].items():
                if 1 < count or p != 2:
                    if p not in prime_divides:
                        prime_divides[p] = set([i])

    # PERFORMANCE HACK: We will recurse over lists of remaining candidates.
    # Putting candidates that eliminate lots of other candidates first
    # makes those lists smaller and that recursion more efficient.  We
    # also improve the odds that we will be looking at a list we have
    # already seen and already have an answer for.  And,finally,the
    # candidates at the end of our list will largely not filter each
    # other out.  So we are spending time on things that are more likely to
    # give us more solutions.
    count_related = {}
    for i in available:
        total = 0
        for p,count in factored[i-1-m].items():
            if 1 < count or p != 2:
                total += len(prime_divides[p]) - 1
        count_related[i] = total
    available = sorted(available,key = lambda i: -count_related[i])

    # To spend less time filtering,forget about the primes that only
    # divide one thing.
    for p in list(prime_divides.keys()):
        if 1 == len(prime_divides[p]):
            i = list(prime_divides[p])[0] # Get the element

    # We will keep a cache of already computed results.
    # That way we do not have to recalculate them.  This trick
    # is called "memoizing".
    cache = {}

    # Recursive search here.  options are remaining candidate primes
    # and needed are how many more of them we need.
    # It returns (count_solutions,data_structure_encoding_solutions)
    def search (options,needed):
        # This is the key we will cache results under.
        key = (tuple(options),needed)
        # Return trivial base cases.
        if 0 == needed:
            return [1,None]
        elif len(options) < needed:
            return [0,None]
        elif key not in cache:
            # It is not trivial,and we have never calculated it.
            # Actually do work.
            answer = []
            total = 0
            # For each first candidate we can choose.
            for i in range(len(options) - needed + 1):
                # Remaining candidates are farther along.
                next_options = options[i+1:]
                # Filter out ones whose p-1 shares a factor with this one.
                for p,count in factored[options[i] - m-1].items():
                    if p == 2 and 1 == count:
                        # All are even,don't filter on p=2 unless divisible by 4.
                    # Use list comprehension to do the filtering.
                    next_options = [option for option in next_options if option not in prime_divides[p]]
                # Now the recursive call.
                count,result = search(next_options,needed - 1)
                # Did we find any?
                if 0 < count:
                    total += count
            # cache it
            cache[key] = [total,answer]
        # and return the cached answer
        return cache[key]

    # And actually do the recursive search.    
    return search(available,j)

# The count is the first thing returned.
def count_int_tuples (m,j):
    return _int_tuples(m,j)[0]

# This will yield all of the tuples
def int_tuples (m,j):
    # the encoded data structure is the second thing returned.
    # It has the structure:
    # [
    #    [p1,recursive_encoding of the rest],#    [p2,#    ...
    # ]
    data = _int_tuples(m,j)[1]
    # chosen is our chosen primes.  Since processing always pops first,# before sticking the next candidate in,it needs to start with
    # something,anything.  That will be thrown away.
    chosen = [None]
    # Think of stack as a recursive call stack.  Each call has a
    # (position,data).
    # We start before the beginning of all of our data.
    stack = [(-1,data)]
    # While there is work to do...
    while 0 < len(stack):
        # get the next call
        i,data = stack.pop()
        # clear the previous choice
        # advance
        i = i+1

        # If we have another (candidate,more_data) pair to process
        if i < len(data):
            # Choose our candidate
            # Add walking through current data to the call stack.
            # Did we get a full solution?
            if j == len(chosen):
                # Return it here,then continue.
                # If that is confusing,look up Python iterators.
                yield chosen
                # Add a recursive call to this data structure.
                # Because stacks are Last In First Out (LIFO),this
                # will be processed before undoing our choice.

如果我在笔记本电脑上运行 print(count_int_tuples(2,40000,3)),只需一秒钟多一点的时间就可以确定有 2,198,808 个长度为 3 的元组满足您的条件。


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