Runge Kutta Fehlberg 算法的问题


我为 Runge-Kutta 4 阶编写了一个代码,它对于微分方程组非常有效:

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numba
import time
start_time = time.clock()

def V(u,t):
    ddx1=-w**2 * x1 -b * dx1
    ddx2=-(w+0.5)**2 * x2 -(b+0.1) * dx2
    return np.array([dx1,ddx1,dx2,ddx2])

def rk4(f,u0,t0,tf,n):
    t = np.linspace(t0,n+1)
    u = np.array((n+1)*[u0])
    h = t[1]-t[0]
    for i in range(n):
        k1 = h * f(u[i],t[i])    
        k2 = h * f(u[i] + 0.5 * k1,t[i] + 0.5*h)
        k3 = h * f(u[i] + 0.5 * k2,t[i] + 0.5*h)
        k4 = h * f(u[i] + k3,t[i] + h)
        u[i+1] = u[i] + (k1 + 2*(k2 + k3) + k4) / 6
    return u,t

u,t  = rk4(V,np.array([0,0.2,0.3]),100,20000)

print("Execution time:",time.clock() - start_time,"seconds")
x1,dx2 = u.T


enter image description here

感谢 Numba JIT,这段代码运行得非常快。然而,这种方法不使用自适应步长,因此它不是很适合刚性微分方程系统。 Runge Kutta Fehlberg 方法通过使用直接算法解决了这个问题。基于算法(,我编写了这段代码,它适用于一个微分方程:

import numpy as np

def rkf( f,a,b,x0,tol,hmax,hmin ):

    a2  =   2.500000000000000e-01  #  1/4
    a3  =   3.750000000000000e-01  #  3/8
    a4  =   9.230769230769231e-01  #  12/13
    a5  =   1.000000000000000e+00  #  1
    a6  =   5.000000000000000e-01  #  1/2

    b21 =   2.500000000000000e-01  #  1/4
    b31 =   9.375000000000000e-02  #  3/32
    b32 =   2.812500000000000e-01  #  9/32
    b41 =   8.793809740555303e-01  #  1932/2197
    b42 =  -3.277196176604461e+00  # -7200/2197
    b43 =   3.320892125625853e+00  #  7296/2197
    b51 =   2.032407407407407e+00  #  439/216
    b52 =  -8.000000000000000e+00  # -8
    b53 =   7.173489278752436e+00  #  3680/513
    b54 =  -2.058966861598441e-01  # -845/4104
    b61 =  -2.962962962962963e-01  # -8/27
    b62 =   2.000000000000000e+00  #  2
    b63 =  -1.381676413255361e+00  # -3544/2565
    b64 =   4.529727095516569e-01  #  1859/4104
    b65 =  -2.750000000000000e-01  # -11/40

    r1  =   2.777777777777778e-03  #  1/360
    r3  =  -2.994152046783626e-02  # -128/4275
    r4  =  -2.919989367357789e-02  # -2197/75240
    r5  =   2.000000000000000e-02  #  1/50
    r6  =   3.636363636363636e-02  #  2/55

    c1  =   1.157407407407407e-01  #  25/216
    c3  =   5.489278752436647e-01  #  1408/2565
    c4  =   5.353313840155945e-01  #  2197/4104
    c5  =  -2.000000000000000e-01  # -1/5

    t = a
    x = np.array(x0)
    h = hmax

    T = np.array( [t] )
    X = np.array( [x] )
    while t < b:

        if t + h > b:
            h = b - t

        k1 = h * f( x,t )
        k2 = h * f( x + b21 * k1,t + a2 * h )
        k3 = h * f( x + b31 * k1 + b32 * k2,t + a3 * h )
        k4 = h * f( x + b41 * k1 + b42 * k2 + b43 * k3,t + a4 * h )
        k5 = h * f( x + b51 * k1 + b52 * k2 + b53 * k3 + b54 * k4,t + a5 * h )
        k6 = h * f( x + b61 * k1 + b62 * k2 + b63 * k3 + b64 * k4 + b65 * k5,\
                    t + a6 * h )

        r = abs( r1 * k1 + r3 * k3 + r4 * k4 + r5 * k5 + r6 * k6 ) / h
        if len( np.shape( r ) ) > 0:
            r = max( r )
        if r <= tol:
            t = t + h
            x = x + c1 * k1 + c3 * k3 + c4 * k4 + c5 * k5
            T = np.append( T,t )
            X = np.append( X,[x],0 )

        h = h * min( max( 0.84 * ( tol / r )**0.25,0.1 ),4.0 )

        if h > hmax:
            h = hmax
        elif h < hmin:
            raise RuntimeError("Error: Could not converge to the required tolerance %e with minimum stepsize  %e." % (tol,hmin))

    return ( T,X )

但我正在努力将其转换为类似于第一个代码函数,我可以在其中输入微分方程组。对我来说最令人困惑的部分是如何在不搞乱第二个代码的情况下矢量化所有内容。换句话说,我无法使用 RKF 算法重现第一个结果。有人能指出我正确的方向吗?


我不太确定您的问题出在哪里。将未给定的参数设置为 w=1; b=0.1 并调用,无需更改任何内容

T,X = rkf( f=V,a=0,b=100,x0=[0,0.2,0.3],tol=1e-6,hmax=1e1,hmin=1e-16 )


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enter image description here
