CLIPS 代码中的预期参数 #1 为整数或浮点数类型



(deftemplate plant
  (multislot weed)
  (multislot crop))

(deftemplate Herbicide
  (slot orgmatter)
  (slot sencor)
  (slot lasso)
  (slot bicep))

(deffacts p
  (plant  (weed B) (crop C S))
  (plant  (weed B G) (crop C S))
  (plant  (weed B G) (crop C)))

(deffacts H
  (Herbicide  (orgmatter 1) (sencor 0.0) (lasso 2.0) (bicep 1.5))
  (Herbicide  (orgmatter 2) (sencor 0.75) (lasso 1.0) (bicep 2.5))
  (Herbicide  (orgmatter 3) (sencor 0.75) (lasso 0.5) (bicep 3.0)))

(defrule read-input
  (printout t "what is type of crop? (C:Corn,S:Soyabeans): ")
  (assert (crop(read)))
  (printout t "what is type of weed? (B:broadleaf,G:gress): ")
  (assert (weed(read)))
  (printout t "what is the organic matter? (1:<2%,2: 2-4%,3: >4%: ")
  (assert (orgmatter(read))))

(defrule check-input
  (crop ?crop)
  (weed ?weed)
  (orgmatter ? orgmatter)
  (plant (weed $?weed1) (crop $?crop1))
  (Herbicide  (orgmatter ?orgmatter1) (sencor ?sencor1) (lasso ?lasso1)(bicep ?bicep1))
  (test (member$ ?crop ?crop1))
  (test (member$ ?weed ?weed1))
  (test (= orgmatter ?orgmatter1))
  (printout t "you can use" ?sencor1 " pt/ac of sencor" crlf)
  (printout t "you can use" ?lasso1 " pt/ac of lasso" crlf)
  (printout t "you can use" ?bicep1 " pt/ac of bicep" crlf)))

错误如下: Function = expected argument#1 to be of type integer or float


您的代码末尾有一个额外的 )

在 defrule check-input 中,您有一个测试:

(test (= orgmatter ?orgmatter1))

这是将 SYMBOL orgmatter 与变量 ?orgmatter1 进行比较。 = 测试仅适用于数字。如果要比较 SYMBOL 或 STRING,则需要使用 eq 函数。

(test (eq orgmatter ?orgmatter1))

尽管如此,如果您不在其他任何地方使用 ?orgmatter1,进行文字匹配比测试更有效。

(Herbicide (orgmatter orgmatter) 
           (sencor ?sencor1) 
           (lasso ?lasso1) 
           (bicep ?bicep1))


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