

我想将 Raphael.js 中的多边形切成 4 到 8 个随机部分,并为每个部分创建自己的路径。这个想法是在多边形的轮廓中随机确定点,并用线将它们连接起来作为路径。

我的问题是:我如何获得与 Raphael.pathIntersection 相交的点 - 我似乎无法让它工作?

代码如下: HTML

      <script src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.2.4/jquery.min.js"></script>
      <script src="https://pagecdn.io/lib/raphael/2.3.0/raphael.min.js"> </script> 
      <div id="superxga" style="height: 600; width: 1000; background-color: white;"></div>
      <div id="lsg" style="height: 500; width: 500; background-color: white;"></div>
window.onload = function() {
    //I. Presets
    //I.I Raphael playground and obligatory texts and elements
    var paper = Raphael('superxga',1000,600);
    var paperSolution = Raphael('lsg',500,500);
    //var rahmen = paper.rect(3,3,996,650).attr({        'stroke': '#000','stroke-opacity': 1,'fill': '#ECEEEF'    });
    var color = '#3b5998';

    //Obligatory Texts and elements
    var text = paper.text(100,475,"(A)").attr({
        "fill": "#000000","font-weight": "bold","font-size": "12px"
    var text = paper.text(250,"(B)").attr({
        "fill": "#000000","font-size": "12px"
    var text = paper.text(400,"(C)").attr({
        "fill": "#000000","font-size": "12px"
    var text = paper.text(550,"(D)").attr({
        "fill": "#000000","font-size": "12px"
    var text = paper.text(700,"(E)").attr({
        "fill": "#000000","font-size": "12px"

    var text = paper.text(700,300,"Keine der Antwort-\nmöglichkeiten\nist richtig.").attr({
        "fill": "#000000","font-weight": "bold"

    //I.II Methods,Shuffle Arrays & Random numbers

    //I.II a) Methods
    // number of section parts
    var numberOfParts = Math.floor(Math.random() * 4) + 3;

    //Circle parts function
    var rad = Math.PI / 180;

    function sector(cx,cy,r,startAngle,endAngle,params) {
        var x1 = cx + r * Math.cos(-startAngle * rad),x2 = cx + r * Math.cos(-endAngle * rad),y1 = cy + r * Math.sin(-startAngle * rad),y2 = cy + r * Math.sin(-endAngle * rad);
        return paper.path(["M",cx,"L",x1,y1,"A",+(endAngle - startAngle > 180),x2,y2,"z"]).attr(params);

    //polygones function
    function NGon(x,y,N,circRad) {

        var path = "",n,temp_x,temp_y,angle;

        for (n = 0; n <= N; n += 1) {
            // the angle (in radians) as an nth fraction of the whole circle
            angle = n / N * 2 * Math.PI;

            // The starting x value of the point adjusted by the angle
            temp_x = x + Math.cos(angle) * circRad;
            // The starting y value of the point adjusted by the angle
            temp_y = y + Math.sin(angle) * circRad;

            // Start with "M" if it's the first point,otherwise L
            path += (n === 0 ? "M" : "L") + temp_x + "," + temp_y;
        return path;

    // function for creating inner circle radii for all polygons (for points)
    function radInCirc(corner,rad) {
        // formulas not insertet but their results as dezimal numbers
        if (corner == 5) {
            //calculate sidelength (a) from the outer circle radius r(u) --> Formula: a = r(u)/0.8507
            var sideLength = rad / 0.8507;
            var innerRad = sideLength * 0.6881;
        } else if (corner == 6) {
            // not necessary because a = r(u)
            var innerRad = rad * 0.866;
        } else if (corner == 7) {
            //calculate sidelength (a) from the outer circle radius r(u) --> Formula: a = r(u)2*(sin(pi/7))
            var sideLength = rad * 0.86776747823;
            var innerRad = sideLength / 0.96314923761;
        } else if (corner == 8) {
            //calculate sidelength (a) from the outer circle radius r(u) --> Formula: a = r(u) * (√(2-√2))
            var sideLength = rad * 0.7653668647301795434569199680608;
            var innerRad = sideLength * 1.20710678119;
        return innerRad;
    //I.II b) Shuffle arrays & random numbers
    //Array shuffle function
    function shuffle(a) {
        for (let i = a.length; i; i--) {
            let j = Math.floor(Math.random() * i);
            [a[i - 1],a[j]] = [a[j],a[i - 1]];

    //function for random numbers
    function getRndInteger(min,max) {
        return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;

    //Shuffle localization of answer-objects
    var x = [100,250,400,550];
    var y = [100,550];

    //II. Raphael specific elements
    // Random count of corners and one random degree plus length of each side
    var cornerCount = getRndInteger(5,8);
    var winkel = getRndInteger(0,360);
    var sides = 50;

    //answer objects randomly shuffled
    var pentagon = paper.path(NGon(x[0],5,50)).attr('fill',color);
    var hexagon = paper.path(NGon(x[1],6,color);
    var heptagonn = paper.path(NGon(x[2],7,color);
    var octagon = paper.path(NGon(x[3],8,color);

    var dragger = 0;
    //radius of innercircle  - 5 is for plausibility of the random point inside the inner circle
    var radius = radInCirc(cornerCount,sides) - 5;
    //creating points with help of random degree ?? why 100 200?
    var pointX = 100 + (radius * Math.cos(winkel * (Math.PI / 180)));
    var pointY = 200 + (radius * Math.sin(winkel * (Math.PI / 180)));

    // VIELECKE 108 120 129 135
    //draw random polygon
    var path = paperSolution.path(NGon(10,20,cornerCount,sides)).attr('stroke-width',0);
    var path = paper.path(NGon(100,200,0);

    //create hexagon
    var hexagon = paper.path(NGon(75,50,color);
    //create rectangle for playground
    var rect = paper.rect(0,150,150);

    //get the full length of the path of the searched figure
    var lengthfigure = hexagon.getTotalLength();
    //arrays to get random positions in the figure
    pointLocations = [];
    points = [];
    lines = [];
    //loop for creating the points and lines to slice the polygon
    for (var iterate = 0; iterate < 4; iterate++) {
        //create location of every point randomly
        //add point locations in points array (x and y koordinates)
        //create lines by skipping odd number (because you need two points for a line)
        if (!iterate % 2 == 0) {
            //draw lines as path
            lines.push(paper.path(['M',points[iterate - 1]['x'],points[iterate - 1]['y'],'L',points[iterate]['x'],points[iterate]['y']]).attr('fill','#ff0000'));
            //draw points at outline of polygone for better visualization 
            paper.circle(points[iterate - 1]['x'],'#b2b2b1');


这是小提琴: https://jsfiddle.net/Ldnk7wb8/




小编邮箱:dio#foxmail.com (将#修改为@)