通过 NOAA 访问天气信息


我在学习教程 https://towardsdatascience.com/getting-weather-data-in-3-easy-steps-8dc10cc5c859 并遇到了一个问题,如果我完全按照他们的方式复制和粘贴代码,它工作正常。但是,如果我更改了站号,则会出错,我将其更改为哪个站都没有关系。

import requests
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import json
from datetime import datetime
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

Token = 'YourTokenHere'

station_id = 'GHCND:USW00023129'
station_id1 = 'GHCND:USC00107689'
station_id2 = 'GHCND:USW00003122'

#initialize lists to store data
dates_temp = []
dates_prcp = []
temps = []

#for each year from 2015-2019 ...
for year in range(2015,2017):
    year = str(year)
    print('working on year '+year)
    #make the api call
    r = requests.get('https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/cdo-web/api/v2/data?datasetid=GHCND&datatypeid=TAVG&limit=1000&stationid='
    #load the api response as a json
    d = json.loads(r.text)
    #get all items in the response which are average temperature readings
    avg_temps = [item for item in d['results'] if item['datatype']=='TAVG']
    #get the date field from all average temperature readings
    dates_temp += [item['date'] for item in avg_temps]
    #get the actual average temperature from all average temperature readings
    temps += [item['value'] for item in avg_temps]

如果我使用 station_id GHCND:USW00023129 它工作正常。如果我使用 station_id1 或 2(或任何其他 station_id,我尝试了几个),我会收到此错误

working on year 2015
Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "D:\Code\Weather\Weather.py",line 36,in <module>
    avg_temps = [item for item in d['results'] if item['datatype']=='TAVG']

KeyError: 'results'





小编邮箱:dio#foxmail.com (将#修改为@)