将模型部署到 AI Platform Prediction 上的区域终端节点成功,但将同一模型部署到全球终端节点失败


我在 Cloud Storage 中保存了一个 scikit-learn 模型,我正尝试使用 AI Platform Prediction 进行部署。当我将此模型部署到区域端点时,部署成功完成:

➜ gcloud ai-platform versions describe regional_endpoint_version --model=regional --region us-central1
Using endpoint [https://us-central1-ml.googleapis.com/]
  minNodes: 1
createTime: '2020-12-30T15:21:55Z'
deploymentUri: <REMOVED>
description: testing deployment to a regional endpoint
etag: <REMOVED>
framework: SCIKIT_LEARN
isDefault: true
machineType: n1-standard-4
name: <REMOVED>
pythonVersion: '3.7'
runtimeVersion: '2.2'
state: READY

但是,当我尝试使用相同的 Python/运行时版本将完全相同的模型部署到全局端点时,部署失败,说加载模型时出错:

(aiz) ➜  stanford_nlp_a3 gcloud ai-platform versions describe public_object --model=global
Using endpoint [https://ml.googleapis.com/]
autoScaling: {}
createTime: '2020-12-30T15:12:11Z'
deploymentUri: <REMOVED>
description: testing global endpoint deployment
errorMessage: 'Create Version Failed. Bad model detected with error:  "Error loading
  the model"'
etag: <REMOVED>
framework: SCIKIT_LEARN
machineType: mls1-c1-m2
name: <REMOVED>
pythonVersion: '3.7'
runtimeVersion: '2.2'
state: Failed

我尝试将 .joblib 对象设为公开,以确保在尝试部署到导致问题的两个端点时没有权限差异,但部署到全局端点仍然失败。我从帖子中删除了 deploymentUri,因为我一直在试验这个模型对象的权限,但在两个不同的模型版本中路径是相同的。

两个部署的机器类型必须不同,对于区域部署我使用 min nodes = 1 而对于全局我可以使用 min nodes = 0,但除此之外,etags 其他一切都完全相同.

我在 AI Platform Prediction regional endpoints docs page 中找不到任何表明某些模型只能部署到某种类型的端点的信息。 “加载模型时出错”错误消息并没有让我继续下去,因为它似乎不是模型文件的权限问题。

当我将 --log-http 选项添加到 create version 命令时,我看到错误代码为 3,但该消息没有显示任何其他信息:

➜  ~ gcloud ai-platform versions create $VERSION_NAME \
  --model=$MODEL_NAME \
  --origin=$MODEL_DIR \
  --runtime-version=2.2 \
  --framework=$FRAMEWORK \
  --python-version=3.7 \
  --machine-type=mls1-c1-m2 --log-http

Using endpoint [https://ml.googleapis.com/]
==== request start ====
the final response from the server looks like this:
---- response start ----
status: 200
-- headers start --
-- headers end --
-- body start --
  "name": "<name>","Metadata": {
    "@type": "type.googleapis.com/google.cloud.ml.v1.OperationMetadata","createTime": "2020-12-30T22:53:30Z","startTime": "2020-12-30T22:53:30Z","endTime": "2020-12-30T22:54:37Z","operationType": "CREATE_VERSION","modelName": "<name>","version": {
      <version info>
  },"done": true,"error": {
    "code": 3,"message": "Create Version Failed. Bad model detected with error:  \"Error loading the model\""

-- body end --
total round trip time (request+response): 0.096 secs
---- response end ----
Creating version (this might take a few minutes)......Failed.
ERROR: (gcloud.ai-platform.versions.create) Create Version Failed. Bad model detected with error:  "Error loading the model"





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