Scala3 宏调用 TypeTree 的类型类实例无类型 arg


trait Show[T] {
  def show(t: T): String

给这样的 Show 类型类,我想为案例类生成显示

 def caseClassShow[A](using Type[A],Quotes): Expr[Show[A]] = {
    import quotes.reflect._
    def shows(caseClassExpr: Expr[A]): Expr[String] = { 
      val caseClassterm = caseClassExpr.asTerm
      val parts = TypeRepr.of[A].typeSymbol.caseFields.collect {
        case cf if cf.isValDef =>
          val valDefTree = cf.tree.asInstanceOf[ValDef]
          val valType = valDefTree.tpt
          val showCtor = TypeTree.of[Show[_]]
          val valShowType = Applied(showCtor,List(valType))
          val showInstance = Expr.summon[valShowType] // compile error,how to summon the instance here
          val valuePart = Apply(Select.unique(showInstance,"show"),List(Select(caseClassterm,cf)))
      val strParts = Expr.ofList(parts)
      new Show[A] {
        def show(a: A) = {

但是 showInstance 部分不会编译,那么如何在此处调用隐式 Show[X]

解决方法 如果 Expr.summon

  val valDefTree = cf.tree.asInstanceOf[ValDef]
  val valType = valDefTree.tpt
  val showCtor = TypeRepr.typeConstructorOf(classOf[Show[_]])
  val valShowType = showCtor.appliedTo(valType.tpe) match {
    case si: ImplicitSearchSuccess =>
      val siExpr: Expr[Show[Any]] = si.tree.asExpr.asInstanceOf[Expr[Show[Any]]]
      val valueExpr = Select(caseClassTerm,cf).asExpr