平移 svgs 中的光标位置变化


大家好。我正在尝试使用 Pure JS 平移 SVG。这是我的代码

var Fall = false;
var Ord = 30,Ord2 = 30;

function mouseZ(event) {
  Fall = true;
  TheSvGZ = document.getElementById("FD");
  MousePosition = event.clientX;
  MousePosition2 = event.clientY;

function mouseS(event) {
  if (Fall == true) {

    MousePositionDifference = event.clientX - MousePosition;
    MousePositionDifference2 = event.clientY - MousePosition2;
    TheSvGZ.setAttribute("viewBox",(Ord-MousePositionDifference).toString() + " " + (Ord2- 
    MousePositionDifference2).toString() + " " + "140" + " " + "140");

function MousE (event){

Fall = false;   
        /*Ord=event.clientX - rect.left;
    Ord2=event.clientY - rect.top;*/
    OrdM = TheSvGZ.getAttribute("viewBox").replace(/70/g,"").trim().split(" ");
    Ord = Number(OrdM[0]);
    Ord2 = Number(OrdM[1]);
  #ellipse1 {
    fill: blue;

  #ellipse2 {
    fill: red;
<svg onpointerdown="mouseZ(event)" onpointermove="mouseS(event)" onpointerup="MousE(event)" onpointerleave="MousE(event)" id="FD" width="200" height="200" style="border: 1px solid blue" viewBox="30 30 140 140">

  <line x1="0" y1="0" x2="200" y2="200" style="stroke:red"></line>

  <ellipse id="ellipse1" cx="100" cy="100" rx="50" ry="50"></ellipse>
  <ellipse id="ellipse2" cx="100" cy="100" rx="40" ry="40"></ellipse>


但这有什么不好,是鼠标的位置。我希望光标总是在中间。但它会改变。 Here is the image of that.绿色圆圈是光标




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