Latex- Lemma 在末尾显示黑色矩形




    \section{ Analysis}
    This section discusses essential proofs of some of the properties explained in the earlier,\\
        Lemma statement 1
        The body of the lemma.The body of the lemma. The body of the lemma. The body of the lemma.  The body of the lemma.The body of the lemma.The body of the lemma. The body of the lemma.   The body of the lemma.The body of the lemma.The body of the lemma. The body of the lemma.
        Lemma statement 2
        The body of the lemma. The body of the lemma. The body of the lemma. The body of the lemma. The body of the lemma. The body of the lemma. The body of the lemma. The body of the lemma. The body of the lemma.


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这个矩形标志着证明(q.e.d.)的结束,正如 IEEEproof 环境定义的那样。如果您不想使用这种校对格式,您可以将此部分设为常规段落并根据需要调整间距:

        Lemma statement 1
        The body of the lemma.The body of the lemma. The body of the lemma. The body of the lemma.  The body of the lemma.The body of the lemma.The body of the lemma. The body of the lemma.   The body of the lemma.The body of the lemma.The body of the lemma. The body of the lemma.


enter image description here


我正在阅读 IEEEtran 提供的软件包 this CTAN url 的 pdf 指南。

第 XII A 部分,证明,在第 15 页,明确指出:

Q.E.D.符号会自动放置在每个证明的末尾。 ... 封闭式(默认)和开放式表单分别以 \IEEEQEDclosed\IEEEQEDopen 形式提供。要将默认值从封闭更改为开放(某些期刊和/或作者更喜欢开放形式),只需根据需要重新定义 \IEEEQED





希望这会有所帮助,2021 年快乐!!