如何从文件中获取数据并通过 COM 端口传输?


我已经工作了一段时间的项目,我想将一个“代码”文件(文本文件)带到一个 com 端口,在那里它将对其进行解码... 我已经用 C++ 语言在 Windows 窗体中的 Visual Studio 中制作了代码。 我注意到 Windows 窗体的大部分编码都是用 C# 编写的,我试图切换到它,但我不明白如何... 这里的情况是我设法用 C++ 编写它,所以我可以打开文件做下一个

private: System::Void Load_Click(System::Object^ sender,System::EventArgs^ e) //this is the event when I open the file
        OpenFile->Title = "Open txt Files"; // Window title
        OpenFile->Filter = "TXT|*.txt"; // File type
        OpenFile->Multiselect = false; // prevent of multiselect
        if (OpenFile->ShowDialog() == System::Windows::Forms::DialogResult::OK) //selected file is open
            StreamReader^ sr = gcnew StreamReader(gcnew FileStream(OpenFile->FileName->ToString(),FileMode::Open),System::Text::Encoding::Unicode); // My variable is sr,it creates a stream with the name of the file which gets it from a specific location,the part of "System::Text::Encoding::Unicode" I recently added,but don't understand it quite well
            StrRdr = sr; //I made this in case I need it to use in other void
            while (sr->Peek() >= 0) //I don't understand this function,but without this,I can't read the file
                Flag = 2; //a flag of status
                this->SendButton->Enabled = false; //I'm preventing of send the file if it is not open... and get a visualization when file is ready
                DataString = gcnew array<DataStringer^>(30); //I made an array to store the lines into strings,"DataString" is a class that contains a string variable,I'd like to make this "30" into something that adapts to the lenght of the file,if you can help,please tell me how (I have an idea,but first i want to fix the main problem)
                for (i = 0; i < 30; i++) //a cycle to get the line and stores it
                    DataString[i] = gcnew DataStringer; //I don't get this but I get it from the microsoft site
                    //DataString[i] -> DataStringerier = sr->ReadLine(); //this is where I think the problem is,because I try to read the line and always give to me the "null error".
                    DataString[i]->DataStringerier = sr->ReadToEnd(); //this is the only way I can display the text from the file so I use it.

您可能已经注意到我不是很熟练所以我在理解上有很多问题,以前的代码有效,但我接下来想要做的却没有。在简历中,加载文件后,我想通过端口逐个字符发送,以便另一个端口获取信息并对其进行解码。 我为存储每个“读取的行”而编写的代码是在计时器事件中编码的。

private: System::Void ReadTimer_Tick(System::Object^ sender,System::EventArgs^ e) //this timer is set up at 100 ms or 400 ms making no change into the behaviour
        if (Flag == 2) //only after flag changes enters in this section
            while (StrRdr->Peek() >= 0) //again peek,trying to get something
                int i;
                DataString = gcnew array<DataStringer^>(30); //to create the string array variable
                for (i = 0; i < 30; i++)
                    DataString[i] = gcnew DataStringer;
                    DataString[i] -> DataStringerier = StrRdr->ReadLine(); //this should get the line and save it into the variable,but Nein
            Flag = 3; // changes flag
            this->SendButton->Enabled = true; //and makes available the send button


private: System::Void SendButton_Click(System::Object^ sender,System::EventArgs^ e) 
        if (Flag == 3)
            for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++)
                FileString = DataString[i]->DataStringerier;
                this->Loaded_File_Textbox->Text = DataString[i]->DataStringerier; //everycycle get the string and should show the info in the textbox





小编邮箱:dio#foxmail.com (将#修改为@)


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