用于 Haxe4 的 js-kit


我正在尝试使用 hxnodejs 和 js-kit 来构建我的应用程序。但是 js-kit 在 haxe 升级到版本 4 之前似乎停止了维护。我解决了其中的一些问题,但卡在了最后一个

js-kit/git/npm/Package.hx:74:第 74-80 行:警告:外部非内联函数可能没有表达式

该应用程序在一周前可以运行,但上次 git 更新了 js-kit,然后不再运行。有人(可能擅长宏)可以帮我解决这个问题吗?

package npm;

#if macro
import haxe.Json;
import haxe.macro.Compiler;
import haxe.macro.Context;
import haxe.macro.Expr;
import haxe.macro.Expr.Field;
import sys.io.File;

private typedef Pack = {
    name : String,?version : String

#if !macro extern #end
class Package {

    static var dependencies : #if haxe3 Map<String,String> #else Hash<String> #end;

    #if macro
    public static function export( path : String = "package.json" ) : Void{
        Context.onGenerate( function(_){
            if( dependencies == null ) return;
            var data : Dynamic = {}

            if( sys.FileSystem.exists(path) ){
                data = Json.parse( File.getContent(path) );

            if( data.dependencies == null ){
                data.dependencies = {};
                    case TObject: // fine
                    default: data.dependencies = {};

            for( name in dependencies.keys() ){
                Reflect.setField( data.dependencies,name,dependencies.get(name) );

            var content =  haxe.Json.stringify( data,null,"\t" );
            sys.io.File.saveContent( path,content );


    #if haxe3 macro #else @:macro #end public static function require( name : String,?version : String = "*",?isNpm : Bool = true,?native : String = null ) {

        var nameExpr = Context.makeExpr( name,Context.currentPos() );

        if( isNpm )
            addDependency( name,version );

        var outp = macro __js__("require")( $nameExpr );

        if( native != null ){
            for( p in native.split(".") ){
                var pExpr = Context.makeExpr( p,Context.currentPos() );
                outp = macro $outp[$pExpr];


        return macro untyped $outp;


    public static function addDependency( name : String,version : String ) : Void {
        if( dependencies == null ){
            dependencies = new #if haxe3 Map #else Hash #end();
        dependencies.set( name,version );

    #if haxe3 macro #else @:macro #end public static function resolve( expr,path : String ) {
        for( p in path.split(".") ){
            var pExpr = Context.makeExpr( p,Context.currentPos() );
            expr = macro $expr[$pExpr];

        return macro $expr;


#if !macro extern #end class Include {

    #if macro
    static var requireId = 0;
    static inline var NPM_DONE_Meta = ':npm_done';
    static inline var USAGE = "Usage: 'implements npm.Require<\"module-name\",\"module-version\">'";
    static inline var NPM_REQUIRE = "npm.Package.Require";
    static inline var NPM_REQUIRE_NAMESPACE = "npm.Package.RequireNamespace";
    static inline var NPM_OPTION_FULL_PATH = "npm_full_path";
    static inline var JS_NODE_PACKAGE  = 'js.node';
    static inline var SEP = "__";
    static inline var INIT = "__init__";
    static inline var NO_JS_REQUIRE = "noJsRequire";

    #if haxe3 macro #else @:macro #end public static function build() : Array<Field>{

        var cl = Context.getLocalClass().get();
        var fields = Context.getBuildFields();
        var required : Pack = null;
        var requireNS = false;
        var pos = Context.currentPos();
        var isNpm = !( cl.pack.slice(0,2).join('.') == JS_NODE_PACKAGE );

        // see if the type has already been processed
        if( cl.Meta.has(NPM_DONE_Meta) )
            return fields;

        // mark the type as processed
        cl.Meta.add( NPM_DONE_Meta,[],pos );

        // extract infos from the implemented interfaces
        /*t.module == NPM_PACKAGE_MODULE
                && ( t.name == NPM_CLASS_REQUIRE || t.name == NPM_CLASS_REQUIRE_NAMESPACE ) */

        var requireParams = util.Macro.extractStringParams( cl,NPM_REQUIRE );
        if( requireParams.length == 0 ){
            requireParams = util.Macro.extractStringParams( cl,NPM_REQUIRE_NAMESPACE );
            requireNS = true;

        if( requireParams.length > 0 ){

            required = {
                name : requireParams[0][0],version : requireParams[0][1]

            // exclude local files
            isNpm = isNpm && !( StringTools.startsWith(required.name,'/') || StringTools.startsWith(required.name,'./') );

            // set the generated class name
            var clName = if( !Context.defined( NPM_OPTION_FULL_PATH ) )
                // if minified
                // if not,use the class' full path
                cl.pack.join(SEP) + SEP+cl.name;

            // initialization expressions
            var init = [];

            // use the type name by default
            var nativeClass = cl.name;

            if( requireNS ){
                // if the package is a namespace

                // check for :native class name
                var _nativeName = util.Macro.extractNative( cl );
                if( _nativeName != null ){
                    nativeClass = _nativeName;

            if( !Context.defined(NO_JS_REQUIRE) ) {

                var params = [macro $v{required.name}];
                if( requireNS ) {
                    params.push( macro $v{nativeClass} );

                if( isNpm ) 


                if( requireNS )
                    init.push( macro var $clName = untyped npm.Package.resolve( npm.Package.require( '${required.name}','${required.version}',$v{isNpm} ),'${nativeClass}' ) );
                    init.push( macro var $clName = untyped npm.Package.require( '${required.name}',$v{isNpm} ) );

                // change the class' native name
                var native = 'require("${required.name}")';
                if( requireNS ){
                    native = native + '.${nativeClass}';
                native = '($clName||' + native + ')';

                cl.Meta.add(":native",[macro $v{native}],pos);

                // inject the initiatization code in __init__
                var injected = false;

                // check that __init__ method already exists
                for( f in fields ){
                    if( f.name == INIT ){
                        switch( f.kind ){
                            case FFun( fun ) :
                                injected = true;
                                // add the existing __init__ body in the end of the generated init expression
                                init.push( { expr : fun.expr.expr,pos : fun.expr.pos } );
                                var newExpr = {
                                    pos : fun.expr.pos,expr : EBlock(init)
                                fun.expr = newExpr;
                            default :

                // if __init__ doesn't exist,just add the whole method
                if( !injected ){
                    var f = {
                        name : INIT,pos : pos,Meta : [],access : [AStatic],kind : FFun({
                            ret : TPath({
                                name : "Void",pack : [],params : [],sub : null
                            }),args : [],expr : {
                                pos : pos,expr : EBlock(init)


        return fields;


#if (haxe_ver >= 3.3)
extern interface Require<@:const P,@:const V> {}
extern interface Require<Const,Const> {}

#if (haxe_ver >= 3.3)
extern interface RequireNamespace<@:const P,@:const V> {}
extern interface RequireNamespace<Const,Const> {}





小编邮箱:dio#foxmail.com (将#修改为@)


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