Google 自定义搜索 api - 过滤图像版本


我在使用 google-api-PHP-client 进行图像搜索(下面的代码)时,从 Google 自定义搜索 API 返回的结果出现问题。结果返回同一图像的许多版本,而不是实际相同的图像(例如,相同大小,因此“过滤器”=>“1”不是此处的解决方案),而是由搜索网站托管的图像版本。例如,当不同类型的客户端(桌面、移动等)检索它们所在的页面时使用的不同大小的版本。

我不认为这会是一个重大问题,但在测试中似乎几乎 80% 的结果都属于这一类。我下面的示例检索了 50 个图像 - 只有 11 个唯一图像/非版本。 Google 上的图像结果将这些过滤掉了 - api 中没有任何内容可以做到这一点吗?


//require the google-api-PHP-client
require_once 'resources/google-api-PHP-client/src/Google/autoload.PHP';

//initiate google client,set name and developer key
$client = new Google_Client();

//create an empty result array
$resultsarray = [];

//start on page one
$startoffset = 1;

//initiate custom search
$service = new Google_Service_Customsearch($client);

//loop while startoffset is less than or equal to 10
for ($startoffset = 1; $startoffset <= 5; $startoffset++)
    //search parametres (cx: name of search engine ID,searchtype: what type of search to perform,//num: number of results to return,start: what page of results to return
    $params = array("cx" => "searchengineid","searchType" => "image","filter" => "1","start" => $startoffset);

    //send search query 
    $results = $service->cse->listCse("cat",$params);

    //to test
    //echo "<pre>"; var_dump($results); echo "</pre>";

    //only get result items and loop through them
    foreach($results->getItems() as $k=>$item)
        //retrieve title 
        $title = $item["htmlTitle"];

        //retrieve link to image (full size),image width,height,link to thumb,width and height
        $link = $item["link"];
        $fileformat = $item["fileFormat"];
        $width = $item["image"]["width"];
        $height = $item["image"]["height"];
        $thumblink = $item["image"]["thumbnailLink"];
        $thumbwidth = $item["image"]["thumbnailWidth"];
        $thumbheight = $item["image"]["thumbnailHeight"];

        //create temp array of search rusult details and add to results array
        $temparray = ["title" => $title,"link" => $link,"fileformat" => $fileformat,"width" => $width,"height" => $height,"thumblink" => $thumblink,"thumbwidth" => $thumbwidth,"thumbheight" => $thumbheight];
        $resultarray[] = $temparray;


//to test - print result array in formatted output
echo "<pre>";
echo "</pre>";





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