在 Perl 中格式化 Outlook 电子邮件


我对 Perl 非常陌生,并尝试改编一个以前的同事编写的用于发送电子邮件的脚本。我已经一切正常,但我想让一些字符加粗,以便它们在电子邮件中脱颖而出。

我特别想加粗的词在@msgbody 中。

class AuthenticationWrapper extends ConsumerWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context,ScopedReader watch) {
    return watch(authStateChangeProvider).when(
      data: (user) => user == null ? SignInPage() : HomePage(),loading: () => CircularProgressIndicator(),error: (err,stack) => SignInPage(),);



为了包含粗体字符,您需要切换到以 HTML 格式发送电子邮件并添加 MIME 标头。这并不是特别困难,但如果我们更了解您发送这些电子邮件的方式,会更容易提供帮助。您使用哪些模块来格式化和发送消息?

我建议您查看 Email::Stuffer


请注意,您可以在 Perl 中创建多行字符串。您可以按照自己的意愿布置字符串并避免大量额外输入(尤其是在消息更改时):

my $msgbody = "Dear Stakeholders

Please be advised of the following upcoming works affecting all employer name applications.
Service Now Change Record: $string1 - $string2
Scheduled Period: $TStartTime $DStartDate and $TEndTime $DEndDate (AEST).
Expected Outage Period:
Affected Users: All users of Employer
Implementation: $string3
A S Escalation Manager: Generic Name
Kind regards

heredoc 使这更容易一些,因为您不必特殊对待第一行:

my $msgbody = <<"HERE";
Dear Stakeholders

Please be advised of the following upcoming works affecting all employer name applications.
Service Now Change Record: $string1 - $string2
Scheduled Period: $TStartTime $DStartDate and $TEndTime $DEndDate (AEST).
Expected Outage Period:
Affected Users: All users of Employer
Implementation: $string3
A S Escalation Manager: Generic Name
Kind regards

在 Perl v5.26 引入可以去除前导空格的 indented heredoc 后尤其如此:

use v5.26;
my $msgbody = <<~"HERE";
    Dear Stakeholders

    Please be advised of the following upcoming works affecting all employer name applications.
    Service Now Change Record: $string1 - $string2
    Scheduled Period: $TStartTime $DStartDate and $TEndTime $DEndDate (AEST).
    Expected Outage Period:
    Affected Users: All users of Employer
    Implementation: $string3
    A S Escalation Manager: Generic Name
    Kind regards


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