用于每月清理日志的 Powershell 脚本


Powershell 新手再次提出另一个问题。

我们目前有一个日志文件夹,用于收集文本文件。我的主管希望我创建一个脚本,其中只有当月的日志可见。之前的所有月份都应移至存档文件夹。他希望我创建一个我们可以每月运行一次的 powershell 脚本来实现这一目标。

例如,我们的日志文件夹应该只包含 2021 年 1 月的日志。任何早于 2021 年 1 月的日志都应该存档。一旦命中 2021 年 2 月 1 日,则应将 2021 年 1 月的所有日志移至存档文件夹,依此类推。


更新:在这里找到了一个很棒的脚本:PowerShell: Sort and Move Files by Date to month and year 由 Thomas Maurer 提供(全部归功于他!)

# Get the files which should be moved,without folders
$files = Get-ChildItem 'C:\Users\testuser\Desktop\log' -Recurse | where {!$_.PsIsContainer}
# List Files which will be moved
# Target Filder where files should be moved to. The script will automatically create a folder for the year and month.
$targetPath = 'C:\Users\testuser\Desktop\log\archive'
foreach ($file in $files)
# Get year and Month of the file
# I used LastWriteTime since this are synced files and the creation day will be the date when it was synced
$year = $file.LastWriteTime.Year.ToString()
$month = $file.LastWriteTime.Month.ToString()
# Out FileName,year and month
# Set Directory Path
$Directory = $targetPath + "\" + $year + "\" + $month
# Create directory if it doesn't exsist
if (!(Test-Path $Directory))
New-Item $directory -type directory
# Move File to new location
$file | Move-Item -Destination $Directory




function Format-YearMonth ([datetime]$date) {
    # simply output a string like "2021\01"
    return '{0:yyyy\\MM}' -f $date

$sourcePath = 'C:\Users\testuser\Desktop\log'
$targetPath = 'C:\Users\testuser\Desktop\log\archive'
$thisMonth  = Format-YearMonth (Get-Date)

# Get the files which should be moved,without folders 
# this can be more efficient if all files have the same extension on which
# you can use -Filter '*.log' for instance.
Get-ChildItem -Path $sourcePath -File -Recurse | 
    # filter out the files that have a LastWriteTime for this year and month
    Where-Object {(Format-YearMonth $_.LastWriteTime) -ne $thisMonth } |
    ForEach-Object {
        # Set destination Path
        $Directory = Join-Path -Path $targetPath -ChildPath (Format-YearMonth $_.LastWriteTime)
        # Create directory if it doesn't exsist
        if (!(Test-Path $Directory)) {
            $null = New-Item $Directory -type Directory
        Write-Host "Moving file '$($_.FullName)' to '$Directory'"
        # Move File to new location
        $_ | Move-Item -Destination $Directory -Force