格式 Chainlink AggregatorV3Interface 'answer' to USD?


从文档中,AggregatorV3Interface 返回..

Return Values
roundId: The round ID.
answer: The price.
startedAt: Timestamp of when the round started.
updatedAt: Timestamp of when the round was updated.
answeredInRound: The round ID of the round in which the answer
was computed.

还说明 answer一个 int256。

我正在取回值 120160203575


这个unit8怎么格式化成美元格式的数字? (例如 $1201.00)..用小数格式化并去掉不需要的小数位?


想通了。 Chainlink 可以返回 decimals 和答案。

 function getLatestPrice() public view returns (int,uint8) {
      uint80 roundID,int price,uint startedAt,uint timeStamp,uint80 answeredInRound
  ) = priceFeed.latestRoundData();

    uint8 decimals = priceFeed.decimals();
    return (price,decimals);